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Prague Poker Palooza Live Update!


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Re: Prague Poker Palooza Live Update! A brilliant performance by Joe. And his money is safely in my safe in my hotel room, so aint no way he can get mugged. Also nice to see a British winner in Adrian from Wales (not Welsh though). A few good performances (two final tables in a row for me, and the second while never having more than 27000 in chips). A super performance by all. BTW. Really Sorry Jon!!!!

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Re: Prague Poker Palooza Live Update! OK, onto tonights €500 tourney. From my point of view a good performance, following on from last night. OK so no cash, but good poker from what was always a very tight stack position, against some very strong opposition. It has been a great experience, and has made me feel a lot more confident in my poker skills. OK, so a moronic all in against Jon was rewarded by a flush (sorry Jon), but apart from that solid poker was rewarded with a final table finish. that wasn't the only good move though, a slow played AA also worked wonders for my stack, and a couple of other moves kept me going. Joe laid down 5s when I was all in (and would have hit quad 5s), but with only 19k left, I had to push with any reasonable hand, and A 10 suited was the best I had seen for ages!. AA won it, but Joe pulled through and put that behind him to take a very well earned (and also a very well oiled) 4th.:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap Take into account the fact he finished 3rd in the leaderboard and all in all it has been a great performance from PLers. Roll on the next one!!!

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Re: Prague Poker Palooza Live Update!

woooooooooooooooo I deffo know anothe happy geordie boy!!!! Well done fella sounds like youve had great time. Shows the importance of playing in forum games I suppose!
Spot on mate If the 7 of us hadnt have come out with Joe i doubt he would have been here himself. So yeah, the forum helped a lot! 10 shares at £27 a pop wasnt it? Ill get the cash off him and give you it next week or you can sort it out directly with Joe. Thats if we see him again haha, hes on the piss alone in wenceslas square !! dont worry tho, Spurman has the money in his safe :ok
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Re: Prague Poker Palooza Live Update! Missed this thread until this morning...shame, I like to follow PLers when they are playing big games. Well done Burnley Joe :clap:clap:clap Looks like you all had a great time over there...and seems Burnley Joe still is. :eek

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