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Prague Poker Palooza Live Update!


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Re: Prague Poker Palooza Day 2. No update today, save to say I went out 25th, and Joe finished 17th (but he won his buy in back on the Roulette table) I mean who calls an all in bet with 10 8 off suit?. Feckin muppet. Not that it was me that got KO'd in that fashion (Rosco) Also, who calls a massive all in with A8 suited, when the bloke who has been raising has shown big hands each time. (Morls) Morl had AJ, and the muppet hit a flush. Morl 10th Rosco 9th!!!:wall:wall:wall Needless to say we are all just a little miffed! (even if it is only for our friends misfortune. :gimme:gimme:gimme:gimme Ah well. Donk fest tomorrow as it is the $25,000 freeroll with about 40 students. Only me in it, so reports will be late as tonight.

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Re: Prague Poker Palooza Live Update! Day 3 Gutted. Totally gutted. I was the only PLer in it, and far from a donk fest it was the best poker so far from a competition point of view. But a bloody queen did for me. Final table, a little short stacked, but find AK in the hole, and push all in (blind by this time were 2k and 4k, so had to make a move. Get called by AQ, and lo and behold, the flop gives the oppo the Q, and I'm out. On the fcuking bubble. Only fcuking tourney where they pay 6 (all the rest pay 7) and I finish 7th.:cry:cry:cry:cry:cry:cry:wall:wall:wall On the plus side, I played perfectly all night, even that last hand (as Phil Gordon says, all you can do is get your money in the middle with the best hand).:\

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Re: Prague Poker Palooza Live Update!

But a bloody queen did for me. Final table' date=' a little short stacked, but find AK in the hole, and push all in (blind by this time were 2k and 4k, so had to make a move. Get called by AQ, and lo and behold, the flop gives the oppo the Q, and I'm out. On the fcuking bubble. Only fcuking tourney where they pay 6 (all the rest pay 7) and I finish 7th.:cry:cry:cry:cry:cry:cry:wall:wall:wall[/quote'] :hope for better luck for the games that are left
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Re: Prague Poker Palooza Live Update! Just arrived back home after being in Prague with the guys since Monday!

I had a fantastic time and again met a great bunch of people and wish I could have stayed longer, but hey, that’s life!

Anyways, as there was no live updates for Day 2 (yesterday) I thought I would just give a quick summary of what happened to the PLers…

Geordigaz – well the less said about me the better!! I played crap basically! Found myself down to 1k (7k starting stack) and then got lucky when pushing in with A 9, only to get called by 9 9, then spiking an Ace on the flop! My demise came when blinds were 100/200 (I had a stack of 2200), one limper and I pushed with 7 7, the original limper calls (leaving her with 400) with 10J suited, a jack on the flop and I’m gone…(40th out of 54) shit happens!! :wall

Spurman – Well he was going really well at the first break with around 18k, but then a major hand shortly after the break left him with around 4k! Spurman had AK against KK, all in pre flop, a King on the turn leaving Spurman drawing dead! Unfortunately he was out about half an hour after that finishing in 25th!

Burnley Joe – Was sat next to Morlspin throughout this tournament! As always he acquired some chips early on, he had 9k after 30 mins, he was then steady on around 10k until the first break! A big hand shortly after the break (blinds 200/400) seen him limp in early position, Morls limped and then another limper, small blind called and then big blind raised all in (I think it was about 4k), Joe then re-raised all in after slow playing 10 10! He found himself up against A 6 and his 10 10 held up to put him in a nice postion! However, Joe was knocked out around an hour later when his A K went up against Q Q, no help from the board and he finished a very respectable 19th! :ok

Morlspin – Played excellently! Found himself a little short early on but managed to get back to around average stack. The later stages seen him have only 5x the blinds which basically gave him two options…Push or Fold! He played it really well… chose the right spots and just kept niggling away at the blinds! He also kept showing his hands, which were generally strong hands, to try and gain respect! Shortly after the 2nd break, he doubled up after his 10 10 held up against A 9! His stack was now around 20k, however the blinds were 1k/2k and still didn’t have much option but to push or fold! His demise came with 10 people left, when in the small blind, he pushes his 16.5k stack in and gets called by his opponent in the big blind who had roughly the same amount of chips! Morls had A J, his oppo had A 8 clubs, his opponent hit the flush on the turn and it was the end for Morls finishing in 10th! :clap

Rosco – Another great effort! Played aggressively and got his rewards and got up to around 20k! However a lack of cards in the latter stages seen the blinds niggle away at his stack. He then pushed his 12k stack in (blinds 1.5k/3k) only to get called by the big blind who had roughly the same stack! Rosco held 2 2, the big blind held the mighty 8 10 o/s! WHAT?! :eek Horrendous call! Anyways an 8 on the flop and it was a devastating blow for Rosco,leaving him with 1k! He finished shortly after in 9th place! A good effort by all the boys and lets hope for better luck in the 3rd and final event tomorrow, which is a 550 euro event with 54 runners!

Good Luck guys!! :hope

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Re: Prague Poker Palooza Live Update!

Hi Aimee,wish the guys the best of luck from everyone.:hope Hope you have had a great time too and if his lordship cashes tonight don't let him fob you off with "love only a burger joint is open at this time of night";)
lol i have a bottle of champers on ice just incase......:eyes been great fun though! Burnley Joe is nuts :rollin
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Re: Prague Poker Palooza Live Update! Ok no bad beat story tonight, was it bad play or just bad luck.......you decide. Blinds 150/300 in level 3, i have 9700 in chips Im on the Small Blind with JJ and fire out a raise to 600 2 callers leaving a pot of 1950 pre flop flop comes 10 6 3 rainbow Im 1st to act and i bet out a pot raise of 2000 BB folds and other player flat calls, he was a loose player and the hand before i watched him face a raise, reraise and then he called with A high and lost 4000 The turn comes 7, small strait draw out there but no flush draws so i try and take the pot down with again a big bet of 4500 He thinks for around 3 mins and says all in..........i couldnt fold and called showing my JJ He turns over Q Q and the river brings a King and im out Sorry to everyone who put their money and faith in me, ive been on form all week and this could have been my 1 bad hand.......any comments or suggestions? should i have checked the turn perhaps?

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Re: Prague Poker Palooza Live Update!

Ok no bad beat story tonight, was it bad play or just bad luck.......you decide. Blinds 150/300 in level 3, i have 9700 in chips Im on the Small Blind with JJ and fire out a raise to 600 2 callers leaving a pot of 1950 pre flop flop comes 10 6 3 rainbow Im 1st to act and i bet out a pot raise of 2000 BB folds and other player flat calls, he was a loose player and the hand before i watched him face a raise, reraise and then he called with A high and lost 4000 The turn comes 7, small strait draw out there but no flush draws so i try and take the pot down with again a big bet of 4500 He thinks for around 3 mins and says all in..........i couldnt fold and called showing my JJ He turns over Q Q and the river brings a King and im out Sorry to everyone who put their money and faith in me, ive been on form all week and this could have been my 1 bad hand.......any comments or suggestions? should i have checked the turn perhaps?
the dreaded jacks morls, how many times have we said we hate this fcukin hand lol.... i think u should av just folded pre-flop lol! No, seriously, the flop is a good one for you.... you can't really put him on QQ as he hasn't raised pre flop and hasn't re-raised on flop, i think that's bad play by him personally as he is giving you free cards! However, he did extract the maximum so maybe he played it well! Unlucky but well played.... don't feel too down!! Just get mortal instead.... me nd my dad are off to aspers 2nite!!
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Re: Prague Poker Palooza Live Update!

Ok no bad beat story tonight, was it bad play or just bad luck.......you decide. Blinds 150/300 in level 3, i have 9700 in chips Im on the Small Blind with JJ and fire out a raise to 600 2 callers leaving a pot of 1950 pre flop flop comes 10 6 3 rainbow Im 1st to act and i bet out a pot raise of 2000 BB folds and other player flat calls, he was a loose player and the hand before i watched him face a raise, reraise and then he called with A high and lost 4000 The turn comes 7, small strait draw out there but no flush draws so i try and take the pot down with again a big bet of 4500 He thinks for around 3 mins and says all in..........i couldnt fold and called showing my JJ He turns over Q Q and the river brings a King and im out Sorry to everyone who put their money and faith in me, ive been on form all week and this could have been my 1 bad hand.......any comments or suggestions? should i have checked the turn perhaps?
Very unlucky mate. :(
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