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Gameday March 19 - Technical Problems!!!

ISL- Joachim

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Hello guys, we just got the information from pokerroom that there are technical problems with tonights tournaments. It might very well happen, that the tournament tonight get cancelledautomatically, instead of running. Please check the pokerroom software, if players are seated. We are looking into a solution to replace the gameday or something else. A BIG sorry for the inconvenience. Kind Regards, Jo

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Re: Gameday March 19 - Technical Problems!!! Hello, we are currently checking with pokerroom what exactly the problems were. The league definitely goes on. Next matchday is as scheduled. There will be a side event for the leaguemembers to give some compensation of the wasted time you guys had. We will get to you with info about that later. Cheers, Jo

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Re: Gameday March 19 - Technical Problems!!! OK, just a short notice: We will bring up a clear news on the webpage tomorrow about what happened. BUT: As a compensation Pokerroom is offering a $7700 Freeroll to all players who were scheduled to play yesterday. That includes germans and UK based teamplayers. Detailed info will follow tomorrow in the news then. Cheers, Jo

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Re: Gameday March 19 - Technical Problems!!! very generous Jo :clap:clap

Hello, we are currently checking with pokerroom what exactly the problems were. The league definitely goes on. Next matchday is as scheduled. There will be a side event for the leaguemembers to give some compensation of the wasted time you guys had. We will get to you with info about that later. Cheers, Jo
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Re: Gameday March 19 - Technical Problems!!! Ah quite possible :ok Open leagues have no limit on numbers - dont imagine there are many in the UK Open leagues, but the German one is more established and could be more numerous....

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Re: Gameday March 19 - Technical Problems!!! If just the players scheduled cap im happy to split with the rest of the team if i cash anyways mate

was it for players and their team members? of just those scheduled to actually play that leg?
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Re: Gameday March 19 - Technical Problems!!! AS one who was scheduled to lay then it should obviously ony be just us :lol Nah .... my vote goes for all the players whether scheduled to play or not ... our team had everyone signed up as available and it was just luck of the draw who was selected ...... But very nice of eSport to do this :cow:cow:cow - happy to pool winnings and split with team if its only subset of players.

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