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Tonights Highest finishing PL Loser will win €275 WSOP SuperSat seat


Tonights Highest finishing PL Loser will win €275 WSOP SuperSat seat  

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    • Yes I am playing and wish to compete for the PL seat
    • No, I am playing, but am competing for another forums seat
    • No I am unable to play this tonight

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Tomorrow (Wednesday) sees the first Monthly Virgin WSOP Final. Buy in is €250+€25. "Your chance to win a €8500 package to the WSOP plus every winner gets a €2000 BONUS from Virgin!! One Package Guaranteed." Just 17 entrants so far, likely to be a huge overlay. Tonight is the final sat, at 20:30 GMT, with a buy in of €25+€2.50 (with one seat guaranteed). The highest PL'r not to win a seat will be awarded a seat to tomorrows final, worth €250+€25. If you wish to be considered for this excellent prize, then please vote your inclusion in this thread - the poll will be closed at (or shortly after) 20:30 GMT - once the poll is closed, it is closed - no "hours grace" as with BPP. Please also be aware - other forums are probably running this as well. You can only play for the seat from one forum. You may not chose after (or during) the event which forums seat you want to play for. You may only play for one forums seat. By voting in this poll for inclusion in the PL seat, you exclude yourself from being eligible for other forums seats (and vice versia - if you indicate on other forums that you are playing for their seat, you are not eligible to play for the PL seat) For clarity too: "loser" as referred to in the title includes everyone who doesn't win a seat to tomorrows final. We're just finalising some details, and as such, you should expect this post to be edited up to the start - if you are playing, please make sure you reread this thread from 20:30 GMT if you wish to be sure of all the "small print" (nothing too dramatic - just want to cover what happens in a few specific scenarios) Thanks to Virgin for this excellent opportunity. Good luck everyone :ok Ok - I haven't managed to get ahold of Joe, so I'm going to add some rules to this that I believe will add some clarity for us, but also protect the interests (and spirit) of the promotion for Virgin. By playing your the PL seat, you are indicating your acceptance of these additional PL specific rules.... 1) Players may not win cash prizes on top of the seat - that would mean you win more for bubbling than qualifying directly. If you win a cash prize and qualify for the seat, then you take the seat instead of the cash prize. All cash prizes will be "bumped down" one place for PL'rs. 2) If you win a seat tonight for tomorrows final, it is non redemable for cash or tournament credits. This promo is being run to increase participation tomorrow, if you cash your seats in, it would defeat the purpose of the promo (and be against the spirit of what we have been offered)

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Guest gazza271

Re: Tonights Highest finishing PL Loser will win €275 WSOP SuperSat seat Nice one mate :ok It's above my normal buy in but I suppose its good to stretch yourself every so often, I've registered and will be playing for the PL :ok

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Re: Tonights Highest finishing PL Loser will win €275 WSOP SuperSat seat

think i can play today if you can count me in ;)
:ok Just dont get yourself banned beforehand by asking for passwords on the forum ;)
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Re: Tonights Highest finishing PL Loser will win €275 WSOP SuperSat seat

Ok - I haven't managed to get ahold of Joe, so I'm going to add some rules to this that I believe will add some clarity for us, but also protect the interests (and spirit) of the promotion for Virgin. By playing your the PL seat, you are indicating your acceptance of these additional PL specific rules.... 1) Players may not win cash prizes on top of the seat - that would mean you win more for bubbling than qualifying directly. If you win a cash prize and qualify for the seat, then you take the seat instead of the cash prize. All cash prizes will be "bumped down" one place for PL'rs. 2) If you win a seat tonight for tomorrows final, it is non redemable for cash or tournament credits. This promo is being run to increase participation tomorrow, if you cash your seats in, it would defeat the purpose of the promo (and be against the spirit of what we have been offered)
Added to post 1 :ok
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Guest gazza271

Re: Tonights Highest finishing PL Loser will win €275 WSOP SuperSat seat

nice one gazza:ok
Thanks mate :ok, nice as Dave gets a seat as well :ok:ok:ok
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Re: Tonights Highest finishing PL Loser will win €275 WSOP SuperSat seat

Thanks mate :ok' date=' nice as Dave gets a seat as well :ok:ok:ok[/quote'] Dave misses out because Chess got eliminated in 5th - was a strange call at that stage - you got the HH gazza?
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Guest gazza271

Re: Tonights Highest finishing PL Loser will win €275 WSOP SuperSat seat

Dave misses out because Chess got eliminated in 5th - was a strange call at that stage - you got the HH gazza?
yeah will have the HH mate, give us a few minutes :ok Thought it was the highest losing PL'er ? Chess won 200 euro's ??
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Guest gazza271

Re: Tonights Highest finishing PL Loser will win €275 WSOP SuperSat seat

No Chess gets the seat' date=' and the EUR200 gets moved from Chess to Dave[/quote'] ah right :ok Hang on, will dig out HH
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Guest gazza271

Re: Tonights Highest finishing PL Loser will win €275 WSOP SuperSat seat GaF can you grab a screenshot for me for monthly winnings, my print screen does'nt seem to be working :unsure, cheers mate :ok HH as requested....... ***** Hand 1002025794 ***** 1000.00/2000.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 18 March 2008 22:43:22 Virgin WSOP Sat (Real /Tournament ) Seat 2: chess- (26189.00) Seat 3: cwigham (22210.00) Seat 7: Jedisi (26368.00) Seat 8: PLgazza (13404.00) Seat 9: Marinio (14829.00) Jedisi post SB 1000.00 PLgazza post BB 2000.00 ** Deal ** chess- [N/A, N/A] cwigham [N/A, N/A] Jedisi [N/A, N/A] PLgazza [2c, 9h] Marinio [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** Marinio Fold chess- Raise to 6000.00 cwigham Fold Jedisi All-in 26368.00 PLgazza Fold chess- All-in 26189.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [4s, Qh, 10s] *** Turn(Board): *** : [4s, Qh, 10s, Ks] *** River(Board): *** : [4s, Qh, 10s, Ks, 4d] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 55378.00 chess- [9c, Kc] Two pair kings and fours Win: 0.00 cwigham Fold Win: 0.00 Jedisi [As, 6s] Ace high flush Win: 55378.00 PLgazza Fold Win: 0.00 Marinio Fold Win: 0.00

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Guest gazza271

Re: Tonights Highest finishing PL Loser will win €275 WSOP SuperSat seat Been looking at that HH actually and would like to ask Chess a question...... I rate you as a very good poker player and you were almost certain to win a seat there with top 4 getting seats and nothing to be gained between 1st and 4th. Why the all in with K9 at that stage mate ? surely your getting called from at least the lower stacks with any A. Playing for 1st was'nt an option as 1st - 4th got seats. Shame really as with you almost certain of seat and me also qualifying we could also have had Dave in the final. You've almost certainly made more FT's than me and won more than me so would appreciate your thoughts........ K9 an all in hand at that stage ?

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Re: Tonights Highest finishing PL Loser will win €275 WSOP SuperSat seat

Been looking at that HH actually and would like to ask Chess a question...... I rate you as a very good poker player and you were almost certain to win a seat there with top 4 getting seats and nothing to be gained between 1st and 4th. Why the all in with K9 at that stage mate ? surely your getting called from at least the lower stacks with any A. Playing for 1st was'nt an option as 1st - 4th got seats. Shame really as with you almost certain of seat and me also qualifying we could also have had Dave in the final. You've almost certainly made more FT's than me and won more than me so would appreciate your thoughts........ K9 an all in hand at that stage ?
Because he paid his money and that gave him the right to play any two cards as he sees fit.
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Re: Tonights Highest finishing PL Loser will win €275 WSOP SuperSat seat

It was calling all in - not going all in - most bizarre :unsure
Whats the problem does he have to soft play to allow another Pler as seat? didn't he have a seat anyway?
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Re: Tonights Highest finishing PL Loser will win €275 WSOP SuperSat seat

Been looking at that HH actually and would like to ask Chess a question...... I rate you as a very good poker player and you were almost certain to win a seat there with top 4 getting seats and nothing to be gained between 1st and 4th. Why the all in with K9 at that stage mate ? surely your getting called from at least the lower stacks with any A. Playing for 1st was'nt an option as 1st - 4th got seats. Shame really as with you almost certain of seat and me also qualifying we could also have had Dave in the final. You've almost certainly made more FT's than me and won more than me so would appreciate your thoughts........ K9 an all in hand at that stage ?
The truth of the matter is that i had not read Gaf's modification to the first post in this thread (T&C) and was playing for the cash and the seat, selfish i know but i have spent a lot of time and more importantly money over the last two weeks (playing most days) trying to qualify and i wanted to recuperate my buy in costs. Had the T&C been add to the bottom of the thread i would of picked up on it and seen my actions would of been pointless, at the end of the day 200 euros is 200 euros. Anyway, a big sorry to Dave for my fcuk up, at least you get the 200 euros and you cashed in a final seat and must still have a bit of cash to add to it if you want to play the final. Good luck tonight to all who made the final, hope to see you their dave and once again sorry mate
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Re: Tonights Highest finishing PL Loser will win €275 WSOP SuperSat seat

The truth of the matter is that i had not read Gaf's modification to the first post in this thread (T&C) and was playing for the cash and the seat, selfish i know but i have spent a lot of time and more importantly money over the last two weeks (playing most days) trying to qualify and i wanted to recuperate my buy in costs. Had the T&C been add to the bottom of the thread i would of picked up on it and seen my actions would of been pointless, at the end of the day 200 euros is 200 euros. Anyway, a big sorry to Dave for my fcuk up, at least you get the 200 euros and you cashed in a final seat and must still have a bit of cash to add to it if you want to play the final. Good luck tonight to all who made the final, hope to see you their dave and once again sorry mate
No problem to me mate as you say got 200 euros more than i would have got if it wasn't for PL and virgin offering seat, so well happy with that, also cashed in freeroll for 60 euros on virgin last night, so theres my buy in virtually anyway. :ok Haven't decided whether I'm going to buy in or not yet, but best of luck to you chess and the rest of the PL ers playing tonight.:hope
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