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VOJ's Variants Cash Thread


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After seeing everyone else succeed in varying NLHE Cash Game challenges especially Croc,GaF,Hodgey. I thought that maybe putting my challenge into a thread may help me concentrate my mind a little more. I've tried NLHE cash before, and to be quite blunt - I was crap. :$ So following on from an idea I ventured to Gaf when he was asking for a fresh challenge I've decided to see if I can make profit from cash games on the other Variants of Poker.:hope I had already been playing some HORSE cash over the last month and doing OK - but this is a fresh start and will be recorded for prosperity, and criticism I'll start with a bank of $50, playing 50c/$1 on STARS and give myself a stop win/loss of $10 per session* (maybe a winning a little more, maybe losing a bit more depending on the outcome of the hand that tips the scale) My first target is $200 to step up to the $1/$2 level. I'll also endeavour to record the profit loss/hands on each variant - because as you get further up the levels there seem to be less HORSE games going, so I may have to branch out a concentrate solely on tables of 1 variant. Anyway here goes, and anyone wanting to have a crack at this also feel free to use this thread to record your efforts ...... :ok * or 10 BB as the levels hopefully get higher

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Re: VOJ's Variants Cash Thread i play a lot of om hilo cash here there and everywhere so i should have some bits to post up on here:ok at the moment i am trying to build up my tilt and stars accounts so i may see you around. saw joe beevers on the $1/$2 pl hilo tables on tilt yesterday . i think he may be playing a little more on the conservative side ,bankroll wise:)

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Re: VOJ's Variants Cash Thread

$50 bankroll for 0.50/1.00, even at FL that makes me look prudent.
Yes but you have to remember Martyn is the only bookie I know to have gone out of business :lol I remember playing tons of stud hilo on stars and tilt last year before my non event at the WSOP I know I was up but I have just checked my stats on PO and I was up 12 buy ins :eek. I also remember it being full of fish so I may return and give it a bash. Nice scoop btw and GL :clap
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Re: VOJ's Variants Cash Thread

Is it deliberate that you always start on Stud (and leave by Stud Hi/Lo) ? Also, are you manually recording performance in each discipline? :loon (good idea btw)
Not deliberate - just how the 2 tables have fell .... I make a note of my openeing balance in each discipline and then my closing(although tbh with sessions of just 6 hands and 9 hands its not been to difficult to keep track up to yet :)) As soon as I hit 10BB profit (or loss) I'll up and leave ... I find if I dont set a target of some sort, i can just play and play until I lose it all ... and at Limit I think 10 BB a session is fair enough target.
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Re: VOJ's Variants Cash Thread J-7-2 I would not recommend for razz unless only your 2 is showing and you think you can take down the pot. Otherwise bin it ! omaha hi-lo is such a loose game at lower limits because hands like QQ23 look half decent. truth is, what are you playing for with a starting hand like this ? maybe if you're only against one player (and or you limp in from the blind) this is playable, but you're hoping for the perfect flop both ways in a multi pot otherwise you cant be confident of taking down either end - basically you'r not drawing to the nuts if the flop isnt perfect. Id avoid starting hands like this and save your blinds for better opportunities, especially in limit. Are there other sites who offer horse or just stars and full tilt ?

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Re: VOJ's Variants Cash Thread Would be good if Boss did it, I have full tilt but do not play that as often. They do have $1 stt though on HORSE, 7stud, 7stud hilo and Omaha (high and hi lo) which is my level for now. Gives me a cheap way to practice different games every now and then. How is easter going for you VoJ ?

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Re: VOJ's Variants Cash Thread Stars was full, so just had a lower buy in session on Full Tilt - and hit my 10*BB target - nice to get some form of win back on the board. My two best variants where Razz and Omaha Hi-Lo which is also a positive :) Special mention to Ubermonkey - after reading his little post on Hi-Lo for Newbies - followed his advice of starting with 4 cards less than eight (even tho no ace with them) and hit the low and strait for a scoop.:clap I would probably have folded that starting hand prior to reading his post :ok

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Re: VOJ's Variants Cash Thread hit a great hand last night that illustrates why playing the 4 cards below a 7 even with no ace:D it was on a 25c/50c full ring table on boss(poker.co)which unfortunately will only give me a limited hand history,but it might be better to go thru my thinking at each point anyway:ok i have played all the players involved in the pot very regularly and all are pretty decent players that know what they are doing. i was acting 1 seat before the button and was dealt 3s 3c 4s 5h 4 callers + me pre flop and the button folded so i have position:ok flop comes down 3h 6c 7c so i have the nut straight + a set and a 4 5 low as well. first to act bets the pot. this is usually a sign of the nuts one way + possible hand the other,if you had a made hand both ways you steadily build the pot and keep players in the hand for more value. so my read was he probably had ac ,2 +another club:unsure. one other player called all the rest folded and i flat called . i have the nuts one way and at worst i am quartering the pot at the moment probably splitting. the next card is 5c again player one pushes the pot so my a2+flush read still looks pretty good .other player folds i call again ,at this point i'm pretty sure that at worst its a 50/50 pot but if a ace or 2 hits on the river i could well scoop. by now the pot was about 39 euros and we both had around 30 euros left so i it was not worth a raise from me then .it would have just cost me rake on the split and i knew the pot was big enough for an all in if i wanted . next card is a 2:nana:nana:nana he checks ,a pretty sure sign that the 2 just busted one side of his hand at least. i push all in as i am pretty sure he will call:hope. he may have lost his nut low ,but i was pretty sure he still had a very good hand for the high and still has a good low as well so chances are he will call. he does and i scoop:cow:cow:cow not sure exactly what he had as he mucked ,but he cant have had a straight as we would be splitting the lo ,so i guess my club flush read was probably correct. just goes to show how you can scoop a really big pot vs a opponent that has placed too much faith on a 2 with no backup cards . it also shows how dangerous it can be playing out of position ,he never had any info on my hand which made it hard to fold on the river,but he gave me loads of info with his bets:dude

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Re: VOJ's Variants Cash Thread Hei Uber - I will go and read your thread now I think, I play some HiLo but trying to improve .... one thing I do know is that a lot of players do not understand the scoop value ..... Playing the HORSE sessions this is where I find it easiest to build my stack. Most guys are better with the straigh high games, so the split games (and even razz to some extent) give me my biggest edge ...... if you can call it that !!!

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