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PokerTrillion exclusive PL MTT with €500 added


PokerTrillion exclusive PL MTT with €500 added  

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pokert.gif 30% Rakeback at PokerTrillion! Start: 1930 on 25th March Buyin: €10 + €1 Added: €500 by Poker Trillion Entry Criteria: This tournament is restricted to established members of PL only. "Established" will be solely as defined by the PL team of moderators but means that they judge you to make a valued, and current contribution to PL. Vote in the poll to receive the password :ok
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Re: PokerTrillion exclusive PL MTT with €500 added

I am really looking forward to play against you guyz' date=' but strangely, I haven't received the password yet.[/quote'] Strange that eh ? Would you call 2 posts established ? Stick around and contributre and play in the next one :ok
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Re: PokerTrillion exclusive PL MTT with €500 added

The tournament sounded fun so I just tried to register. To bad I can't play yet. Guess I will have to wait to get my chance on beating you guyz :)
:welcome to PL mate, stick around and contribute a bit. These things come up on a regular basis so it wont be long till the next one.
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Re: PokerTrillion exclusive PL MTT with €500 added Really enjoyed tonights game - not only for my lucky 4th place :tongue2. The whole game had a great PL spirit about it and the final table was a real ding-dong battle with (I think) great play from all ... I was almost sorry that it was only playing 5 places (especially sorry when I was 8th out of 9 :D) as I felt everyone was playing at the top of their game. Wish I didn't have a family event over the Newcastle weekend as with so many PLrs involved its gonna be a blast:beer:cheers:beer:cheers:gimme:drums:drums:moon:moon:moon - hey howz about a photo of the PLrs mooning outside the casino :rollin - in fact with a felt tip pen you could even get "Punters Lounge - best poker forum in the known universe" and still have a few spare cheeks.

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Re: PokerTrillion exclusive PL MTT with €500 added Congrats to all who took part, especially the winners. Here's to next months game. Just a reminder that tonight is our now infamous 'Trillion Treat' with €5000 added and it is also the final of our Las Vegas Mini's where one package is guaranteed. There are currently only 6 players registered and if there are less than 10, then once again PT will be adding more money! Best Col

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Re: PokerTrillion exclusive PL MTT with €500 added

with €5000 added
Having cashed in this last week, I'm deffo in :nana :cow :nana :cow :nana :cow Washy won it first week too .... so PL'rs have a great record in it so far :)
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