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PL'rs colluding?


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rofl at this post on a different forum

And it seemed pretty clear tonight, that Punters` Lounge players, despite being in different teams, are making damn sure that only PL players win a pot.Every hand, I was up against 4-5 PL players, all either trying to raise me off the pot, or staying in to see which 1 would hit their flush/gutshot. No chance playing against those odds.
Clearly someone who has absolutely no idea how competitive we are amongst ourselves - not surprisingly, he posted no hand histories to back up his claims!! :lol :lol :lol :lol
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Re: PL'rs colluding? :zzz :zzz :zzz :zzz :zzz :eyes Time after time, inferior players (or complexes?) complain about PLers soft playing each other. I thought I was a bad loser... I'll always have other forums comments like this to remind me that, in fact, I'm just bad. Anyway, I can't type any more cos I've got a blister on my thumb and first finger..from playing the worlds smallest violin.

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Re: PL'rs colluding? I feel really bad now but I must share my shame....

But then, the next non PL guy, who had sat fairly quiet, suddenly raises up in early pos, again, he gets 4 PL callers. He goes all in after flop, and all fold, except the mug with Q 10 o/s, who has manged to flop 2 pair. Again, why was he even in the hand with that? Sadly, the pocket Aces fail to improve.
Hand T4-62840925-13, Started at 12/03/2008 16:10 (EDT) Table 'Novi Sad': 20-20 No Limit HE (TournamentChips) Seat 0: kinparker (1,470 in chips) Seat 1: F-TipperPL (1,410 in chips) Seat 2: AmonDuul (1,390 in chips) Seat 3: PListon (1,050 in chips) Seat 4: PLWashy1 (2,000 in chips) Seat 5: StylaKuen (1,470 in chips) Seat 6: furiouspoka (1,460 in chips) Seat 7: Bonetoplay (1,890 in chips) (on the button) Seat 8: teaulcPL (1,040 in chips) Seat 9: runadrum (1,820 in chips) *** Blind Bet Round *** : teaulcPL : Post Blind (10) runadrum : Post Blind (20) Dealt to F-TipperPL: Qd Dealt to F-TipperPL: 10d *** Pre-Flop *** : kinparker : Fold F-TipperPL : Bet (40) AmonDuul : Fold PListon : Fold PLWashy1 : Fold StylaKuen : Fold furiouspoka : Fold Bonetoplay : Fold teaulcPL : Fold runadrum : Raise (100) F-TipperPL : Call (80) *** Flop *** : 2s Qh 10s Dealt to F-TipperPL: Qd Dealt to F-TipperPL: 10d Dealt to runadrum: Jd Dealt to runadrum: Jc runadrum : Bet (200) F-TipperPL : Raise (600) runadrum : Raise (1,500) runadrum : All In (1,700) F-TipperPL : Call (690) F-TipperPL : All In (1,290) *** Turn *** : [ 2s Qh 10s ] 7s *** River *** : [ 2s Qh 10s 7s ] 4h Dealt to F-TipperPL: Qd Dealt to F-TipperPL: 10d Dealt to runadrum: Jd Dealt to runadrum: Jc runadrum : Show Cards F-TipperPL : Show Cards *** SUMMARY *** Pot: 3,240 | Rake: 0 Board: [ 2s Qh 10s 7s 4h ] kinparker lost 0 F-TipperPL bet 1,410, collected 2,830, net 1,420 Shows [ Qd 10d ] (two pairs, Queens and tens) AmonDuul lost 0 PListon lost 0 PLWashy1 lost 0 StylaKuen lost 0 furiouspoka lost 0 Bonetoplay lost 0 teaulcPL lost 10 runadrum bet 1,820, collected 410, net -1,410 Shows [ Jd Jc ] (a pair of Jacks)
Then, it was my turn. Any hand I was involved in, immediately saw all 5 calling. So I waited for a clear cut winner, as the odds were way against me. During this time, 1 of them was fairly short stacked, yet he got soft played, unlike when the others had been involved. Bizarrely, despite our table now being 8, and the other table 10, no load balancing occurred. Finally, I look down at AK sooted, and raise up. 4 callers instantly. Flop comes rainbow, Ace rag rag. I push all in, 1 caller, with 10 8 sooted, no pair, needs runner runner flush, which duly comes up. So, now they have the table to themselves, with 2 sitouts being blinded away.
I dont want to post the next hand coz as he said it looks bad on my behalf catching runner runner to hit the flush.....OK here goes...Remember 4 callers aswell (you guys are shocking bullying like this) :sad Hand T4-62840925-34, Started at 12/03/2008 16:24 (EDT) Table 'Novi Sad': 30-30 No Limit HE (TournamentChips) Seat 0: kinparker (1,350 in chips) (on the button) Seat 1: F-TipperPL (2,495 in chips) Seat 2: AmonDuul (1,010 in chips) Seat 3: PListon (1,505 in chips) Seat 4: PLWashy1 (2,720 in chips) Seat 5: StylaKuen (1,455 in chips) Seat 6: furiouspoka (1,370 in chips) Seat 7: Bonetoplay (2,590 in chips) Seat 8: teaulcPL (505 in chips) *** Blind Bet Round *** : F-TipperPL : Post Blind (15) AmonDuul : Post Blind (30) Dealt to F-TipperPL: 9d Dealt to F-TipperPL: 9c *** Pre-Flop *** : Dealt to F-TipperPL: 9d Dealt to F-TipperPL: 9c Dealt to AmonDuul: As Dealt to AmonDuul: 9s PListon : Fold PLWashy1 : Fold StylaKuen : Fold furiouspoka : Fold Bonetoplay : Fold teaulcPL : Fold kinparker : Fold F-TipperPL : Bet (90) AmonDuul : Raise (980) AmonDuul : All In (1,010) F-TipperPL : Call (905) *** Flop *** : Qd 5c Qh *** Turn *** : [ Qd 5c Qh ] 4s *** River *** : [ Qd 5c Qh 4s ] 3c Dealt to F-TipperPL: 9d Dealt to F-TipperPL: 9c Dealt to F-TipperPL: 9d Dealt to F-TipperPL: 9c Dealt to AmonDuul: As Dealt to AmonDuul: 9s AmonDuul : Show Cards F-TipperPL : Show Cards *** SUMMARY *** Pot: 2,020 | Rake: 0 Board: [ Qd 5c Qh 4s 3c ] kinparker lost 0 F-TipperPL bet 1,010, collected 2,020, net 1,010 Shows [ 9d 9c ] (two pairs, Queens and nines) AmonDuul lost 1,010 Shows [ As 9s ] (a pair of Queens) PListon lost 0 PLWashy1 lost 0 StylaKuen lost 0 furiouspoka lost 0 Bonetoplay lost 0 teaulcPL lost 0 Well I dont know what to say im guilty as charged and I hope the other PL's who bullied and ganged up can sleep tonight :sad
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Re: PL'rs colluding?

Seat 1: F-TipperPL (2,495 in chips) Seat 2: AmonDuul (1,010 in chips) *** Blind Bet Round *** : F-TipperPL : Post Blind (15) AmonDuul : Post Blind (30) Dealt to F-TipperPL: 9d Dealt to F-TipperPL: 9c *** Pre-Flop *** : Dealt to F-TipperPL: 9d Dealt to F-TipperPL: 9c Dealt to AmonDuul: As Dealt to AmonDuul: 9s PListon : Fold PLWashy1 : Fold StylaKuen : Fold furiouspoka : Fold Bonetoplay : Fold teaulcPL : Fold kinparker : Fold F-TipperPL : Bet (90) AmonDuul : Raise (980) *** Flop *** : Qd 5c Qh *** Turn *** : [ Qd 5c Qh ] 4s *** River *** : [ Qd 5c Qh 4s ] 3c Dealt to F-TipperPL: 9d Dealt to F-TipperPL: 9c Dealt to F-TipperPL: 9d Dealt to F-TipperPL: 9c Dealt to AmonDuul: As Dealt to AmonDuul: 9s AmonDuul : Show Cards F-TipperPL : Show Cards
Oh wow - what a fish!! This guy wouldn't recognise proper collusion in a million years - no wonder he thinks the whole world is against him :lol :lol :lol Where are the multiple calling soft playing PL'rs? :lol :lol :lol No wonder he never posted any hand histories with his original acusations :lol :lol
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Re: PL'rs colluding? Trouble (more of a feature really) with league games structured like this is that "good" team play is often slightly different to what you'd play in a tourney where the only one who gains/loses is you. It important to get team points via surviving to the last 5 therefore there are occasions when you suspect you are ahead but can't be certain and go for the check or even a fold rather than the bet - although there re also other occasions when you put in "asking but possibly real" bets if its safe to do so. Also, when playing against PLrs - whose play I know better than some stranger - they get the benefit of the doubt in some situations and I check/fold or they occasionally get (if I suspect they are trying to buy me out) get raised/called (a lot obviously depends on who it is and stack sizes). Also PLrs are above average aware of how to bully the small stack without taking too much undue risk and equally PLrs are more aware of stuff like pot odds, EV and small stack play. As far as I can see theres no collusion just sensible teamplay tactics that you'd expect (the fact that most PLrs are "experienced" and appreciate the finer strategic points involved is good for PLrs and bad for lesser players). Its just like one of those champions league football games where the final game has both teams who are playing getting through to the next stage with a draw . they don't collude but they play vary carefully trying to avoid any undue risks.....

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Re: PL'rs colluding? I'm not sure there were even examples of "sensible teamplay tactics" - Football Tipper has engaged him and posted dozens and dozens of hands (I confess I havent worked through them all, but think I've got the gist of it) - which frankly, seem to just show atrotious play by the accuser - the accuser hasn't posted one single hand to back up his claims, it's just vague wishy washy "I was cheated" kind of rubbish.... He's new on that forum, so I get the impression he just wants to join the "I Hate PL" brigade (though so far as I know, there's no special tension between PL and that forum - just one or two of the members on there) so he can be one of the club - so he made these allegations with absolutely zero substance or evidence - now he's been confronted about it, he doesn't seem to want to talk about it any more... In general those who moan most about collusion, rigged sites, bad beats etc are the worst players - they're the ones who look for excuses elsewhere - faults in others, rather than objectively looking at faults in their own game (and EVERYONE has faults in their own game!!) - so they dont improve. I reckon he probably falls into this category....

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Re: PL'rs colluding? he has obviously seen ft play before and couldn't believe he actually had a hand when he raised:lol:lol:loli know i'd feel cheated. there's no way that this is collusion of any form and to suggest it is just stupid:tongue2 i would say in a pure team game like this ,anything but actually showing each other your cards is ok. in a way all good players collude with each other in some way if it is going to help them. for instance if you were in a stt with 4 left and it pays 3 ,the short stack goes all in utg ,player on the button has a good hand and calls.now the sb and the bb know that if they call everyone will check the pot down unless they have a very good hand,its like a unwritten law;)surely this is collusion? no this is just everybody using the odds to their advantage,and surely in a team game you would be doing the same ,and right to:ok gaf is so right about moany players they are usually the worst. they either dont understand the basic maths behind the game ,or strategy. and they dont ever improve because they never did anything wrong, they wuz robbed:lol

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Re: PL'rs colluding? Hand T4-64480260-33, Started at 02/04/2008 15:13 (EDT) Table 'Palermo': 30-30 No Limit HE (TournamentChips) Seat 0: AmonDuul (1,790 in chips) Seat 1: happyhornet1 (1,215 in chips) Seat 2: LogMower (1,385 in chips) Seat 3: F-TipperPL (1,945 in chips) (on the button) Seat 4: bourneident1 (1,380 in chips) Seat 5: joejoejones (1,410 in chips) Seat 6: PLWashy1 (1,555 in chips) Seat 7: laumid123 (1,440 in chips) Seat 8: CasparBull (1,440 in chips) Seat 9: Exhibitz (1,440 in chips) *** Blind Bet Round *** : bourneident1 : Post Blind (15) joejoejones : Post Blind (30) Dealt to F-TipperPL: As Dealt to F-TipperPL: Ac *** Pre-Flop *** : Dealt to AmonDuul: Qd Dealt to AmonDuul: Qs Dealt to F-TipperPL: As Dealt to F-TipperPL: Ac PLWashy1 : Fold laumid123 : Fold CasparBull : Fold Exhibitz : Fold AmonDuul : Bet (100) happyhornet1 : Fold LogMower : Fold F-TipperPL : Raise (300) bourneident1 : Fold joejoejones : Fold AmonDuul : Raise (1,690) AmonDuul : All In (1,790) F-TipperPL : Call (1,490) *** Flop *** : 9h 3c 10h *** Turn *** : [ 9h 3c 10h ] 9c *** River *** : [ 9h 3c 10h 9c ] 6c Dealt to AmonDuul: Qd Dealt to AmonDuul: Qs Dealt to F-TipperPL: As Dealt to F-TipperPL: Ac Dealt to F-TipperPL: As Dealt to F-TipperPL: Ac AmonDuul : Show Cards F-TipperPL : Show Cards *** SUMMARY *** Pot: 3,625 | Rake: 0 Board: [ 9h 3c 10h 9c 6c ] AmonDuul lost 1,790 Shows [ Qd Qs ] (two pairs, Queens and nines) happyhornet1 lost 0 LogMower lost 0 F-TipperPL bet 1,790, collected 3,625, net 1,835 Shows [ As Ac ] (two pairs, Aces and nines) bourneident1 lost 15 joejoejones lost 30 PLWashy1 lost 0 laumid123 lost 0 CasparBull lost 0 Exhibitz lost 0 Out he goes 20th ;)

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