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Arresting a slump


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Hi guys,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

I’m going through the biggest barren spell of my ‘career’ and could do with some advice on how to fix it.

Now, to be clear, I’m not a pro player but typically I’ve made a couple of thousand pounds a year for the past two years and have generally not had many swings – probably due to the type of games I play.

Typically I will make my money playing 2/4 limit and $11 NL heads-up games. After a good start to the year (a little better than average) I have just crashed and burned. In limit, everyone seems to be making crazy draws on the river and I miss all of mine. Heads up, I just can’t kill my opponents off and it seems that every time I get my money in good I get outdrawn.

This is not a bad beat thread, as I know that these things happen. Generally I am a very rational person and this means I don’t suffer from tilt often. I’ve already taken a week off and dropped my limits, but in three weeks I’ve lost about as much as I made in the whole of last year and even at lower limits I can’t seem to buy a break.

Any ideas on how to turn things around. I tried avoid multi-tabling, play my A game and ride out the slump, but it isn’t working and is starting to affect my game.

Any ideas on how I can stop the slide? I know that if I keep playing properly then I’ll get through the other side, I’d just like to have some bankroll left by the time I get there…

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Re: Arresting a slump

I know that if I keep playing properly then I’ll get through the other side, I’d just like to have some bankroll left by the time I get there…
An excellent comment and one that the defenders of variance struggle to answer. I'm in one too so I can't really help. What I'm doing instead is playing freerolls and the other games such as HORSE, Razz, Stud and hi/lo. I'm still struggling to get my head around Omaha though. I guess what I'm saying is that I'm playing more for fun now than cash, trying to build another 'roll from nothing.
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Re: Arresting a slump

Hi guys' date=

I know that if I keep playing properly then I’ll get through the other side, I’d just like to have some bankroll left by the time I get there…

Sounds like you already know what to do.;) But in the time I've been playing (only a year or so :$),whenever I find that I cant "buy" a win, I try another site for a while. May be all in my mind, but it seems to work for me!:) I haven't tried Valiant's idea about trying different formats, but sounds fine also, "A change is as good as a rest" as they say. GL for the future.:ok
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Re: Arresting a slump

Any ideas on how I can stop the slide? I know that if I keep playing properly then I’ll get through the other side, I’d just like to have some bankroll left by the time I get there… My advice mate would be to pack it all in and find a "healthier" hobby.

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Re: Arresting a slump

Any ideas on how I can stop the slide? I know that if I keep playing properly then I’ll get through the other side, I’d just like to have some bankroll left by the time I get there… My advice mate would be to pack it all in and find a "healthier" hobby.

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Did you seriously write that or are you quoting me from elsewere:loon I dont think droping down levels at FL is a good idea, and your results seem to be showing that. Its very easy to lose respect for your own money in the belief that you should be winning as you are better than the opps. I play a lot of high value low buy in MTT's in the backgound to my cash tables and the occasional win there helps ride out the bad periods in cash games.
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Re: Arresting a slump its a hard one to sort,poker is so easy when we are winning when the swing comes we always question our game.if you have made £2000 profits your game is ok,and having played you many times i know you can play.stick with it mate obviously you will have to drop levels according to your current b/roll.dont lose faith in your game and the good times will return.:ok

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