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Win a set of Seven Strategy Books with Poker Player Mag


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Re: Win a set of Seven Strategy Books with Poker Player Mag FWIW I've just started reading Mike Caro's "Most Profitable Hold 'Em Advice", which is published by Cardoza. I was intending to start a seperate thread about the book and ask whether any other PLers had read it and what they thought of it? I'm only about a quarter of the way through and it seems to be a kind of Harrington On Hold 'Em for cash game players. I'm not expecting it to teach me a set of strict rules on how to play, but I'm hoping it will create an internal dialogue and open me up to new ideas and concepts. The book does seem to be aimed at live games, rather than internet players, as one whole chapter is devoted to your image at the table and includes advice such as be friendly and chatty and people will gladly keep giving you their money. It also includes some advice aimed especially at limit players, but Caro often attempts to explain how this advice can equally apply to no-limit players. A couple of interesting ideas of his that I've read already: If you're prepared to call a bet on the flop with nothing more than a couple of over cards, then you should be prepared to call the same bet with one overcard and a gutshot straight draw, as the latter gives you seven outs against the over cards' six outs. He also suggests to some extent to ignore the traditional advice of "not betting the river with a marginal hand as you'll only get called by a better hand" and to make more value bets in this situation. He argues that your opponents want to call you and in the long run you're giving away a lot of money by not doing so - to the extent that it can make the difference between a break even and a winning player. He does stress that you should only do this if your opponent is checking to you. There's a very interesting, but somewhat confusing chart of all 169 pre-flop hands. I say its a bit confusing because he includes details of how the hands hold up against many players, few players and how they hold up in the main. I haven't had a chance to study it in depth yet, but whilst I can understand how some hands rank differently against many players vs a few players (or heads up) but I'm not sure I understand the 'Main' column yet. For instance hand rank number 6 is


How To Win At Omaha High-Low Poker", and Jeff Hwang's "Pot Limit Omaha Poker" but haven't had a chance to give them more than a cursory glance. Has anyone else read either of these?
Although I haven't finished it, I'd already reccomed the book to anyone who is looking to improve their cash game. I'd love the chance to discuss some of the concepts in the book with anyone else who has read it. I also bought Mike Capelletti's "
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