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Virgin WSOP Sats - Free seats for PL'rs - Extended - Monday 10th-Thursday 14th March


Virgin WSOP Sats - Free seats for PL'rs - Extended - Monday 10th-Thursday 14th March  

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    • Yes, I will be playing the Wednesday Game
    • Yes, I will be playing the Thursday Game

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Re: Virgin WSOP Sats - Free seats for PL'rs

I have too but have unregistered and taken the 275 euros and will try for another seat. will this be ok with virgin ?. nothing in T&C to say i cant.
Was that after you badbeat me :lol Wd Gaz I forgot about it again :eyes
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Re: Virgin WSOP Sats - Free seats for PL'rs - Extended - Monday 10th-Thursday 14th Ma Good news - Joe is repeating this offer for PL from Monday to Thursday this week :) If you wish to be included please make sure you vote in the poll in the daily thread, or make a post that you are playing, in the daily thread - all before the start of the tournament!! Cheers Joe :clap :clap :clap

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Re: Virgin WSOP Sats - Free seats for PL'rs - Extended - Monday 10th-Thursday 14th Ma I came 5th tonight, so i believe thats buy in for me, Gaf I wonder if you could ask joe just to put money in my account like last week as going to the PL meet in Newcastle tomorrow night so won't be able to play.:ok

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