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Virgin WSOP Sats - Free seats for PL'rs - Extended - Monday 10th-Thursday 14th March


Virgin WSOP Sats - Free seats for PL'rs - Extended - Monday 10th-Thursday 14th March  

  1. 1.

    • Yes, I will be playing the Wednesday Game
    • Yes, I will be playing the Thursday Game

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Virgin have launched their WSOP Sats. They are daily and have 1 seat guaranteed - they already have an overlay. Virgin have offered to give the PL'r who finishes highest tonight and tomorrow, without winning a seat, a free buy in to the next days event. (2 seats, one each day) :ok Buy in is $25 + $2.50 - it's called "Virgin WSOP Sat" and is at 20:30 GMT. Just one word of caution - it is possible that EMS and AWOP will be running this too - you cannot win the extra seat through multiple forums. If you vote in this poll, you are saying that you are playing for the PL seat - you will therefore not be eligble to play for the EMS or AWOP seat as well. The poll in this thread will be closed whilst the game is in progress.

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Re: Virgin WSOP Sats - Free seats for PL'rs There's only one seat isn't there? The buy in tomorrow goes to the highest placed finisher not getting a seat, so if there are 2 left, you cannot win it.... (I know 2nd will get cash as well)

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Re: Virgin WSOP Sats - Free seats for PL'rs

woohoo won a seat:nana:nana:nanagg dave ul mate:ok
Well played m8.:clap:clap:clap All the best in the final:hope So have i won free entry to play in this again tomorrow i take it? That guy in 3rd was a bit of a sour loser, didn't realise he was from about 5 miles from me the mecca of poker that is known as newton aycliffe.:tongue2
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Re: Virgin WSOP Sats - Free seats for PL'rs

Well played m8.:clap:clap:clap All the best in the final:hope So have i won free entry to play in this again tomorrow i take it? That guy in 3rd was a bit of a sour loser, didn't realise he was from about 5 miles from me the mecca of poker that is known as newton aycliffe.:tongue2
cheers mate:ok yeah he was a bit of a moaner ,im not gonna fold aj with 3 left am i:tongue2
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Re: Virgin WSOP Sats - Free seats for PL'rs Have to be honest, I wasn't sure, till I reread post 1,

the PL'r who finishes highest tonight and tomorrow, without winning a seat
Sorry BJ - I don't think there's any ambiguity.....Dave didnt win a seat
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Re: Virgin WSOP Sats - Free seats for PL'rs Got an email from Joe Legge saying that he had credited my account instead of automatically registering me as it being the weekend i may have something on and i could just reg for which ever one i preferred, cheers joe.:ok So decided to play in Poker Kings League as it was focus game, got knocked out just after 8.30, so too late to reg, but thought i would have a look to see how many runners there were, only 3!!!! With a 275 euro seat guaranteed, i'm kicking myself know.:sad

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