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eSport UK Pro Poker League - Results


eSport UK Pro Poker League - Results  

  1. 1.

    • I have qualified through the PL team and wish to remain there
    • I have qualified through another team, but would like to be transferred to a PL team if possible
    • I have qualified through another team, but am happy to remain where I am
    • I played tonight but did not manage to qualify
    • I was not able to make it tonight

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Re: eSport UK Pro Poker League - Results

The Ones I finished in Top Ten in - Calling Utd - 3rd Kings Poker - 6th Suited Bluffers - 8th How on earth people mulititable cash games with 10+ Tables I have no idea.
It all depends if the tables pop up.....i only figured out towards the end that these tables were re-sizable!!
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Re: eSport UL Pro Poker League - Results 4th in no-limits 4th in suited connectors (don't even remember playing that one .... maybe I got an all-in at the start??????) Totally happy for someone to tell me what team I'm in when all the shuffling is done with :gimme. Gawd that was confusing when all them tables popped up.......

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Re: eSport UK Pro Poker League - Results Calling United

1topcat4 Real $0.00 and ISL Freeroll Winner
2morlspin Real $0.00 and ISL Freeroll Winner
3voiceofjoe Real $0.00 and ISL Freeroll Winner
4Dave488 Real $0.00 and ISL Freeroll Winner
5itsMikeS Real $0.00 and ISL Freeroll Winner
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Re: eSport UL Pro Poker League - Results

4th in no-limits 4th in suited connectors (don't even remember playing that one .... maybe I got an all-in at the start??????) Totally happy for someone to tell me what team I'm in when all the shuffling is done with :gimme. Gawd that was confusing when all them tables popped up.......
My poor laptop gave up and crashed :\
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Re: eSport UK Pro Poker League - Results Poker Champions

1SPSlick Mick Real $0.00 and ISL Freeroll Winner
2itsMikeS Real $0.00 and ISL Freeroll Winner
3YanZihao Real $0.00 and ISL Freeroll Winner
4PenelopeysPL Real $0.00 and ISL Freeroll Winner
5THECROCPL Real $0.00 and ISL Freeroll Winner
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Re: eSport UK Pro Poker League - Results No Limit tourney:

1 PLwarbirds Real $0.00 and ISL Freeroll Winner
2 dilipalai Real $0.00 and ISL Freeroll Winner
3 PenelopeysPL Real $0.00 and ISL Freeroll Winner
4 PLphilossify Real $0.00 and ISL Freeroll Winner
5 morlspin Real $0.00 and ISL Freeroll Winner
I believe all PL + 9th in the PL All-In tourney :nana Fred
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Re: eSport UK Pro Poker League - Results

so what happens now ? a massive transfer window ? also who are these forums that we've just lent our talent too
I dont know - need to speak with esport. All those that got a top 10 place are guaranteed a Pro League spot though. Obviously they're still short of numbers, so are going to need extra players somehow - so still hope for those that didnt get in....
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