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eSport League Structure - Any Questions?


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Re: eSport League Structure - Any Questions? I cannot say at this stage what time it will be on Wednesday - hopefully they can change it to 8pm, but I dont know how flexible their software is.... Go here, make sure you're logged in, and you can put the teams in now for Wednesday :ok Make sure you click on "save" ;) You can make changes up until at least 90 mins before the start on Wednesday (If you dont put a team in, it randomises)..... http://www.pokerroom.com/poker/team/events/event-information/?eventID=255

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Re: eSport League Structure - Any Questions? Hello guys, Yes, the time will be definitely changed to 4:00 PM ET, which is 8:00PM UK time. Once more sorry for the inconveniences. This wont happen again (the timechange in Europe is not a problem at all). Kind regards, Jo Edit: BillHicks - You just go to the event subpage (UK league is: http://www.pokerroom.com/de/poker/team/events/event-information/?eventID=255 ) when you are logged in on the pokerroom page, you can select the player who plays for your team on every table. Besides that: HERE you find a complete introduction on the teamplay @ pokerroom.com and esport-poker.com. Especially downwards from the point "Positioning".

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