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Re: Question... this is awesome dude.. check this out i was in a sit and go just like a minute a go, i dont know its just full tilt poker.. or am i just shit On flop i had 90% chance of winning lol (41229719), Table 1 - 15/30 - No Limit Hold'em - 7:35:32 ET - 2008/02/27 Seat 1: gimnastaa (1,500) Seat 2: joesy whales (1,500) Seat 3: fabiannorbi (1,500) Seat 4: Annettelee88 (1,500) Seat 5: grubberdog (1,500) Seat 6: Sets 4 Steve (1,500) Seat 7: Ph4n (1,500) Seat 8: almightybullet (1,500) Seat 9: gsicupira (1,500) gimnastaa posts the small blind of 15 joesy whales posts the big blind of 30 grubberdog is feeling angry The button is in seat #9 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to Annettelee88 [Kd Ks] fabiannorbi calls 30 Annettelee88 calls 30 grubberdog folds Sets 4 Steve calls 30 Ph4n folds almightybullet calls 30 gsicupira raises to 60 gimnastaa has 15 seconds left to act gimnastaa has 90 seconds to reconnect almightybullet: zzzzzzzzz fabiannorbi: %##$ gimnastaa is sitting out gimnastaa has timed out gimnastaa folds joesy whales folds fabiannorbi calls 30 Annettelee88 raises to 210 Sets 4 Steve folds almightybullet calls 180 gsicupira calls 150 fabiannorbi folds *** FLOP *** [6s Td 6d] Annettelee88 has 15 seconds left to act Annettelee88 bets 480 almightybullet folds gsicupira raises to 1,290, and is all in Annettelee88 calls 810, and is all in gsicupira shows [7h 7d] Annettelee88 shows [Kd Ks] *** TURN *** [6s Td 6d] [9h] *** RIVER *** [6s Td 6d 9h] [8c] gsicupira shows a straight, Ten high Annettelee88 shows two pair, Kings and Sixes gsicupira wins the pot (3,345) with a straight, Ten high Annettelee88: wtf Annettelee88 stands up The blinds are now 20/40 *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 3,345 | Rake 0 Board: [6s Td 6d 9h 8c] Seat 1: gimnastaa (small blind) folded before the Flop Seat 2: joesy whales (big blind) folded before the Flop Seat 3: fabiannorbi folded before the Flop Seat 4: Annettelee88 showed [Kd Ks] and lost with two pair, Kings and Sixes Seat 5: grubberdog didn't bet (folded) Seat 6: Sets 4 Steve folded before the Flop Seat 7: Ph4n didn't bet (folded) Seat 8: almightybullet folded on the Flop Seat 9: gsicupira (button) showed [7h 7d] and won (3,345) with a straight, Ten high

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Re: Question... Out of curiosity how many hands would the "knockers" suggest are needed to give a representitive sample of a sites "randomness" And out of futher curiosity why did no poker tracker users post how many times they had been dealt pkt aces when I mentioned it in another thread? Played 12000 hands at a new site for me with 69 pkt aces=178/1 I think every single one of you is in on the conspiracy to defraud me of my hard earned

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Re: Question...

Out of curiosity how many hands would the "knockers" suggest are needed to give a representitive sample of a sites "randomness" And out of futher curiosity why did no poker tracker users post how many times they had been dealt pkt aces when I mentioned it in another thread? Played 12000 hands at a new site for me with 69 pkt aces=178/1 I think every single one of you is in on the conspiracy to defraud me of my hard earned
You 'should' be getting AA 1/221 hands so you've been pretty lucky:ok As for how many hands to check a sites randomness....massive number!!
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Re: Question...

Out of curiosity how many hands would the "knockers" suggest are needed to give a representitive sample of a sites "randomness"
I looked at a sites audit fairly recently and posted that I thought that it was fixed because over the audit period (I forget how long) each hand had been dealt statistically correctly, and I was saying that I thought it was unrepresentative of a 'real' deal, even if it was statistically correct. I argued that the fact that it was statistically perfect proved that the RNG was flawed. I mean surely a statistically perfect Random Number Generator is a paradox?
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Re: Question...

I looked at a sites audit fairly recently and posted that I thought that it was fixed because over the audit period (I forget how long) each hand had been dealt statistically correctly, and I was saying that I thought it was unrepresentative of a 'real' deal, even if it was statistically correct. I argued that the fact that it was statistically perfect proved that the RNG was flawed. I mean surely a statistically perfect Random Number Generator is a paradox?
Was it really perfect? Or was it perfect to say 2 decimal places in a probability? :unsure
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Re: Question...

You 'should' be getting AA 1/221 hands so you've been pretty lucky:ok
Pretty lucky at another site too 25000 hands aces 142 times odds 175/1 What do you think? those odds about right for 5 aces in the pack? Although to be perfectly honest I've never had suited aces. perhaps they take out all the low cards every 5th hand that might give odds of about 170/1 or maybe black twos or one eyed jacks are floating. That would also explain the 4/5 shot that when you get pkt kings someone else has pkt aces:cry One thing wrong with audit periods is that the sites kow they are being audited, indeed request the auditing. Easy enough to slip the extra ace out for a few 100,000 hands.
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Re: Question...

Pretty lucky at another site too 25000 hands aces 142 times odds 175/1 What do you think? those odds about right for 5 aces in the pack? Although to be perfectly honest I've never had suited aces. perhaps they take out all the low cards every 5th hand that might give odds of about 170/1 or maybe black twos or one eyed jacks are floating. That would also explain the 4/5 shot that when you get pkt kings someone else has pkt aces:cry One thing wrong with audit periods is that the sites kow they are being audited, indeed request the auditing. Easy enough to slip the extra ace out for a few 100,000 hands.
I'd say you're a lucky sod:lol:lol The size of the sample is still very small for looking at something as rare as being dealt AA i.e. you could play another 1000 hands, not be dealt AA and it wouldn't be statistically improbable at all.
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Re: Question... 1000 hands without AA? dont think many people would play there, not really in the sites best interests is it. Could of course be that they just give pkt aces more often to crap players like me to keep us interested. Notice I'm not naming any sites, however if anything suspicious happens to me for uncovering this grand scam the names of the sites concerned are in a sealed envelope with my mother, shit Ive just dropped her in it too.

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Re: Question... Radomness is a very difficult subject to study and it's impossible to get build a perfect RNG. All the sites are fcuking rigged I tell ya;)! I'd be more worried playing at the very hight stakes games than the lower ones in fact if I had a huge bankroll I wouldn't risk it online, I would only play live.

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Re: Question...

I'd be more worried playing at the very hight stakes games than the lower ones in fact if I had a huge bankroll I wouldn't risk it online, I would only play live.
This is the sort of comment i hear from mates and others i know who know nothing about poker and internet poker so to hear from someone who plays a lot is concerning. Not concerning for me my mind is 100% clear, just concerned that you even play low stakes if you have any doubts :unsure Meh, i'm so tempted to go on a long rant about noobs that try and convince me i'm playing against computers when they have literally no idea about poker, barely go on the net nevermind combining the two - they just say "How can you play against something you can't see - you don't know they're real, they must be computers etc etc." I mean wtf - these people watch too many films like the matrix or whatever.
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Re: Question... My personal opinion Nade which I'm perfectly entitled to. If I had a huge roll obviously first and foremost playing live is far more enjoyable and secondly I haven't said online poker is rigged I just believe that some people may have an edge with certain RNG's. It's like believing in God you can can't prove or disprove it, or maybe you can:ok.

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Re: Question... I dont believe online poker (in general) is rigged. However, even if it is, I dont care from the perspective that my Online poker is profitable - so even if I knew online poker was rigged - whilst I continue making a profit, I wouldn't stop playing. My opinion, which I'm perfectly entitled to :tongue2, is that the only players who think that online poker is rigged are those who are losing players and unable to beat the game ;) Look at "The Mole" - if online poker was rigged, he wouldn't have a hope in hell of making what he makes - or is he part of the online conspiracy against the entire world? :loon

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Re: Question...

I dont believe online poker (in general) is rigged. However, even if it is, I dont care from the perspective that my Online poker is profitable - so even if I knew online poker was rigged - whilst I continue making a profit, I wouldn't stop playing. My opinion, which I'm perfectly entitled to :tongue2, is that the only players who think that online poker is rigged are those who are losing players and unable to beat the game ;) Look at "The Mole" - if online poker was rigged, he wouldn't have a hope in hell of making what he makes - or is he part of the online conspiracy against the entire world? :loon
Same old responce, but you still wont post your pkt Aces to hands ratio. What are you afraid of the poker mafia?
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