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Why is Online Poker so popular?


Why is Online Poker so popular?  

  1. 1.

    • Love to gamble but don't like to/can't play at the casino.
    • Love to gamble and love the internet
    • It's the new thing to do
    • I don't like to use online poker sites

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Hey, I just started playing some online poker and find it really fun. Throughout my travels I've found that it's vastly played all over the world. Just wondering what exactly it is that would make it so popular? What do you think? I enjoy playing card games, and having the 'gambling' aspect behind playing a card game makes it really entertaining.

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Re: Why is Online Poker so popular? The 24 hour convenience has to be the main reason for its popularity in general. For me personally, I came to it from a gambling background and if I wanted to I could now bet on horses 24 hours a day, but hardly bet at all these days. So being pretty much in control of your own destiny playing poker as opposed to a lot of other gambling, online or otherwise, is another big factor. :ok

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Re: Why is Online Poker so popular? It's largely the dream - you can suddenly find yourself sat in Australia between Phil Ivey and Andy Black, with a shot at millions, and instant fame, for example - not many Sunday League footballers can realistically have the same dream.....

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Re: Why is Online Poker so popular?

It's largely the dream - you can suddenly find yourself sat in Australia between Phil Ivey and Andy Black' date=' with a shot at millions, and instant fame, for example - not many Sunday League footballers can realistically have the same dream.....[/quote'] If they play poker, they can. :tongue2
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Re: Why is Online Poker so popular? i vote none of the above as well:ok i never really gambled before starting to play poker apart from maybe a small flutter on the grand national or superbowl so it wasn't the need to gamble that got me started. i just had more free time because i had to give up football and the 24 hour nature of online poker appealed as i'm a bit of a insomnic. luckily enough i found that i picked it up pretty quickly and the extra money that i was winning sealed the deal really, not many people have a hobby that actually makes you money without the need to even leave the house:) mind you i would still rather play live than online but with the nearest casino being about 30 miles away and the lack of decent regular games the internet comes in really handy. after all you can find any game/limit/buyin that takes your fancy whenever you want:nana:nana

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