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Video Analysis: GaF at PokerTrillion - 25c/50c NLHE - 5 Handed


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As I mentioned elsewhere - I've finally delved into Cash with everyone else - I recorded session 4 with audio commentary of what I was thinking. Interested in feedback: What's important and missing from my thought process? What could I have done better? What do you think my leaks are? Any hands of specific interest? Quality of the vid isn't great - they've reduced the quality - will upload to a file sharing site and put a link here if anyone wants to download a higher quality version...
Online Videos by Veoh.com

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Re: Video Analysis: GaF at PokerTrillion - 25c/50c NLHE - 5 Handed Oops - looks like you can only get the first 5 mins without downloading more software - if you want the whole thing, probably best to wait for the rapidshare link....

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Re: Video Analysis: GaF at PokerTrillion - 25c/50c NLHE - 5 Handed Firstly i have to say how really annoying the sound affects are ;) Onto the action ... First hand that intrigued me was when you had K3s on the button and thought about calling the big re-raise. The only reason i can think of calling there would be for implied odds as it was against the big stack but you say "If it was against any of the others id have peeled off the flop" The others have about the same stack size as you so i can't see the logic in calling that amount to see the flop on a tight table with that hand. Having very little experience of short handed games i'm not sure if that would be standard play or not but from what i know of the 25/50 full ring games you just have to stay out of making tough decisions by staying tight and if you call here and flop comes rainbow K high you could be taken right down to value town by KQ or whatever. Simply for me K3s easy fold to re-raise unless you're insisting on the implied odds. Next one is A9o -Not sure on this as it's easy fold in full ring but short handed i expect people will say be aggressive, which is what you were implying too on the tape. 94o - Hit full house - Would have played it all the same as you, not a lot more you can do to extract money out there. Something that i picked up on when you had 99 on the button was your raise to $2 (4BB) Pretty much every other raise you'd done from late position was 3BB now you're going to 4BB which i think gives an indicator to the rest of the table that a) 4BB = strong and b)your 3BB can be given less respect. I'm guilty of this but ideally i think you should keep the bets the same for 'bluffs/steals' and when you do actually have a hand as it shows no patterns so keeps the table guessing. The AJo with flop 55J and won the pot i would have folded pre flop to the $6 re-raise as i put him on a hand, but you might have been right in the end that they had nothing. Like the min raise on the flop- gets information with chance of winning the hand. With the KK you say your standard raise is 3 1/2 times the BB but i'm pretty sure it's mainly been 3x and sometimes 4x. Same thoughts as above paragraph on pre flop bets. The J9o hand called by 2nd pair was a bit messy TBH no need to try and take that pot it was too small, then the check on the turn reeks weakness especially with half pot bet on river rightly called by 2nd pair. This is a very common play to make in a losing session - many times i've looked back on a loosing session's HH and seen me get involved in stupid little pots like these leaking money everywhere in pots worth their salt but have ended up losing maybe only a couple of $ but it can add up. Definitely a leak in your game there IMO (and mine) but was just once (thus far ;)). K10o pre flop call in BB - Don't like this play - You knew he was a tight player so playing a marginal hand in this situation i feel is a long term money leaker. The 810o hand where the BB let his clock run down before calling - this could be an indicator he is starting to disrespect this 3xBB raise which is what i thought could happen earlier - But it seems the guy hasn't got the bottle to carry his actions through. Be wary. That's my two cents anyway :unsure Nice profit as well "Yum yum" ;)

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Re: Video Analysis: GaF at PokerTrillion - 25c/50c NLHE - 5 Handed

First hand that intrigued me was when you had K3s on the button and thought about calling the big re-raise. The only reason i can think of calling there would be for implied odds as it was against the big stack but you say "If it was against any of the others id have peeled off the flop" The others have about the same stack size as you so i can't see the logic in calling that amount to see the flop on a tight table with that hand. Having very little experience of short handed games i'm not sure if that would be standard play or not but from what i know of the 25/50 full ring games you just have to stay out of making tough decisions by staying tight and if you call here and flop comes rainbow K high you could be taken right down to value town by KQ or whatever. Simply for me K3s easy fold to re-raise unless you're insisting on the implied odds.
This is 7 minutes in to the video :ok I'm getting 2-1 and I have position - if I think if it's against someone who will defend their blind, is capable of doing it with any two, then I can see a flop? I agree I cant see a flop as liberally as I suggest, at the spur of the moment :tongue2, in the video. I'm raising from the button. I'm weak. The guy on the button knows I can be weak ..... he can make that move with quite a wide range :unsure Having said that, I think you're right and I should fold the huge majority of the time....
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Re: Video Analysis: GaF at PokerTrillion - 25c/50c NLHE - 5 Handed

Next one is A9o -Not sure on this as it's easy fold in full ring but short handed i expect people will say be aggressive, which is what you were implying too on the tape.
This is about 8 minutes into the video :ok I'll be interested in others views on this too - 5 handed, UTG, dealt A9o - what do you do? I folded on the tape (but expressed my desire to get involved)
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Re: Video Analysis: GaF at PokerTrillion - 25c/50c NLHE - 5 Handed

Something that i picked up on when you had 99 on the button was your raise to $2 (4BB) Pretty much every other raise you'd done from late position was 3BB now you're going to 4BB which i think gives an indicator to the rest of the table that a) 4BB = strong and b)your 3BB can be given less respect. I'm guilty of this but ideally i think you should keep the bets the same for 'bluffs/steals' and when you do actually have a hand as it shows no patterns so keeps the table guessing.
Well spotted :ok Agree that my bets should pretty much always be the same size (or varied by position/stack, but not my cards) - am trying to get into the habit of using the pot button on Boss pre flop - which gives me a 3.5xBB or 3.5xBB + 1xBB for every limper, which I think is reasonable enough :ok
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Re: Video Analysis: GaF at PokerTrillion - 25c/50c NLHE - 5 Handed

The AJo with flop 55J and won the pot i would have folded pre flop to the $6 re-raise as i put him on a hand, but you might have been right in the end that they had nothing. Like the min raise on the flop- gets information with chance of winning the hand.
This is on about 21 minutes :ok We're 3 handed (I'm on the button and everyone folded to me) I have great cards (3 handed) - AJo Aggressive pre flop player reraises me from the SB I think I stand by playing it :unsure against that opponent especially.... I think the min reraise commits me to the hand for my entire stack - I think I'm happy to play for my stack there.....
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Re: Video Analysis: GaF at PokerTrillion - 25c/50c NLHE - 5 Handed

The J9o hand called by 2nd pair was a bit messy TBH no need to try and take that pot it was too small, then the check on the turn reeks weakness especially with half pot bet on river rightly called by 2nd pair. This is a very common play to make in a losing session - many times i've looked back on a loosing session's HH and seen me get involved in stupid little pots like these leaking money everywhere in pots worth their salt but have ended up losing maybe only a couple of $ but it can add up. Definitely a leak in your game there IMO (and mine) but was just once (thus far ;)).
THis was on 22 minutes :ok I really like the way I played that hand :cry:cry:cry:cry Think that's one I need to go back and look at in real depth..... Here's the hand history for anyone who cannot be bothered to watch the video....
BossMedia Game #968705265: Table Table TH 393 - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em - 12:58:41 - 2008/02/24 Seat 1: PL Telepee ($68.76) Seat 2: steerpikee ($37.00) Seat 3: ROHH666 ($48.20) Seat 4: link_gaetz ($50.00) Seat 5: !Fredizy! ($48.25) ROHH666 posts the small blind of $0.25 link_gaetz posts the big blind of $0.50 steerpikee is the button *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to PL Telepee [Jd 9h] !Fredizy! folds PL Telepee raises $1.50 steerpikee folds ROHH666 calls $1.50 link_gaetz folds *** FLOP *** [Ts 2c Jc] ROHH666 checks PL Telepee bets $2.62 ROHH666 calls $2.62 *** TURN *** [Ts 2c Jc] [Kd] ROHH666 checks PL Telepee bets $4.37 ROHH666 folds *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $8.34 | Rake $0.40 Board: [Ts 2c Jc Kd] PL Telepee won ($8.34), mucks steerpikee won ($0.00), mucks ROHH666 won ($0.00), mucks link_gaetz won ($0.00), mucks !Fredizy! won ($0.00), mucks
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Re: Video Analysis: GaF at PokerTrillion - 25c/50c NLHE - 5 Handed

The J9o hand called by 2nd pair was a bit messy TBH no need to try and take that pot it was too small, then the check on the turn reeks weakness especially with half pot bet on river rightly called by 2nd pair. This is a very common play to make in a losing session - many times i've looked back on a loosing session's HH and seen me get involved in stupid little pots like these leaking money everywhere in pots worth their salt but have ended up losing maybe only a couple of $ but it can add up. Definitely a leak in your game there IMO (and mine) but was just once (thus far ;)).
AH - think you're talking about the hand on 28 minutes - not the one from earlier - agree - that was horrible :$
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Re: Video Analysis: GaF at PokerTrillion - 25c/50c NLHE - 5 Handed

K10o pre flop call in BB - Don't like this play - You knew he was a tight player so playing a marginal hand in this situation i feel is a long term money leaker.
This was on 33 minutes Not sure I agree - yes he's a tight player - but he's in the small blind and everyone has folded to him - even a tight player has a fairly big range there :unsure It's hard to respect a open raise from the SB :unsure I view a "blackjack hand" as plenty strong enough to call - I have position post flop.... What I dont like, is my failure to bet my draw on the flop - I think I left my bet one street too late ......
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Re: Video Analysis: GaF at PokerTrillion - 25c/50c NLHE - 5 Handed

The 810o hand where the BB let his clock run down before calling - this could be an indicator he is starting to disrespect this 3xBB raise which is what i thought could happen earlier - But it seems the guy hasn't got the bottle to carry his actions through. Be wary.
I think you're right :ok Cheers for the feednack Nade - appreciate it :)
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Re: Video Analysis: GaF at PokerTrillion - 25c/50c NLHE - 5 Handed After you click on the rapidshare link, then click on the "free" button. It will then put you in a download queue - mine just now was 90 seconds - it will count down on screen. When you are at the front of the queue, you will need to type in the "image verification", then click the "download" button. You should then have the dialogue box to Open or Save - probably best to save it to your hard drive.

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Re: Video Analysis: GaF at PokerTrillion - 25c/50c NLHE - 5 Handed

This is about 8 minutes into the video :ok I'll be interested in others views on this too - 5 handed, UTG, dealt A9o - what do you do? I folded on the tape (but expressed my desire to get involved)
I've been playing quite a bit of 0.25 / 0.50 6 max. UTG and UTG+1 should still, I feel, be played tight therefore A9o is for me a definate fold as it A10 and probably AJ as well. Go wild in the CO + Button though! I haven't watched the video yet but will do in the next few days.:ok
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Re: Video Analysis: GaF at PokerTrillion - 25c/50c NLHE - 5 Handed Gaf I was wondering if you noticed a difference in play on boss media between the 10NL (when you were playing it for one of your challenges) and the 50NL. Also interested what the others think with regards to glen100 views on playing those sort of hands UTG in 5/6 max games? hands like AJ A10 I,m very rarley folding these hands UTG at 5max, could well be a leak in my game. Good thread by the way very interesting :ok

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Re: Video Analysis: GaF at PokerTrillion - 25c/50c NLHE - 5 Handed

I've been playing quite a bit of 0.25 / 0.50 6 max. UTG and UTG+1 should still, I feel, be played tight therefore A9o is for me a definate fold as it A10 and probably AJ as well. Go wild in the CO + Button though! I haven't watched the video yet but will do in the next few days.:ok
Can't agree here AT, AJ are very big hands in ANY position in a 5 handed cash game. But its not all about the cards, there are so many other factors. I still dont have the media player ( what are mirrors and which 1 should i pick)
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Re: Video Analysis: GaF at PokerTrillion - 25c/50c NLHE - 5 Handed

I still dont have the media player ( what are mirrors and which 1 should i pick)
Mirrors are alternative sites that have that provide the same files from you to download if the alternative doesn't work..... you can choose any of them, but in general it's best to choose one geographically close to you... Assuming you're running windows, this link should take you straight to the download - http://www.videolan.org/mirror.html?mirror=http://downloads.videolan.org/pub/videolan/&file=vlc/0.8.6d/win32/vlc-0.8.6d-win32.exe
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Re: Video Analysis: GaF at PokerTrillion - 25c/50c NLHE - 5 Handed Ha ha the first thing that I noticed - you accusing the guy on the button of "attacking your blind" by flat calling pre :tongue2 Next thing like Nade said, I don't like your 3bbs raises, although I've never played this Poker Trillion network - I'm with the 4bb + 1 per limper rule. Next with no info the K3s always folding to the 3 bet pre and A9o I would fold UTG at a table with no info too. The KJo on 12 mins should always be open raised in SB. Also some of the things you say, like about Tyoton being so tight, indicate that you are reading too much into 25 hands worth of stats. The full house I check turn or river to hopefully induce a push, although perhaps this won't work, with the opposition being very passive. With the 68s on about 17mins, I really don't like your line. Why not c-bet? Or bet the scare A on the turn? Most players aren't checking down then folding to the river there, he's obviously very weak player. Q8s folded to you in SB at about 19.30mins I always raise there particularly when you have folded a few SB's to him. Didn't like this fold. And again discussing your vpip/pfr/af based on 48 hands, don't sweat the stats just yet! Bet with J9o at 28mins seemed pretty pointless on flop and river but i think you recognised that. I really hate that line: the bet flop, check turn, bet river line. This is a line I use when exerting pot control with a top pair in a raised pot but never as a bluff in a limped potas any pair will call river. I also dislike your 1/2 pot river bluffs, ok they need to work 1 in 3, but if you bet larger you have more fold equity and if you bet the same with a genuine hand you get paid off more handsomely too and your opponent doesn't know what to make of it. Finally I bet the flop with the K10o on 33mins against that player. You have open end straight draw, one of them to the absolute nuts, if you get called and hit you win bigger pot, if you get a fold from him great, if he raises, you can safely fold, so no reason for not betting. As for the timing thing with ROHH666 when you button raised, I don't read to much into it, could be anything he might on Facebook or something at the same time ha ha.

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Re: Video Analysis: GaF at PokerTrillion - 25c/50c NLHE - 5 Handed I have watched this, but want to see it again. I dont agree with the above as they seem to be playing the cards... I am trying to get the correct words to explain what i think but it aint easy.

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Re: Video Analysis: GaF at PokerTrillion - 25c/50c NLHE - 5 Handed

I have watched this' date=' but want to see it again. I dont agree with the above as they seem to be playing the cards... I am trying to get the correct words to explain what i think but it aint easy.[/quote'] Cheers Steph - I'm sure I'm not the only one looking forward to your comments :ok Havent watched the video back with Rob's comments yet - but intend to soon :ok
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Re: Video Analysis: GaF at PokerTrillion - 25c/50c NLHE - 5 Handed Felt I had to post a comment here. Although I am not a cash table player, except when having to get raked hands in (then it's minimum stakes fixed), so I can't comment on any of the plays really. However it was fascinating to hear the thought processes of somebody who we come up against regularly. Also great to see the poker tracker in action...I always thought there was a bloody great box sitting beside each table, but it's not like that at all...it's quite inobtrusive really isn't it? May have to sign up for one and take a shot myself at some of the cash tables then. So thanks GaF for posting it up...wonder if it will prompt anybody else to follow suit? :clap:clap:clap

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