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Variant Focus Games


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Re: Variant Focus Games I'm sure most of you realise that my remarks last night were in defence of the 'little guy' on Punterslounge.......I've always remembered how difficult it was for the first few months and that was just at Hold'em. I appreciate that many of you want to play larger buy ins but I don't think we should forget that we all started somewhere.......I can remember being terrified paying $5.50 for a normal HE Torrney and would certainly never have paid that for a variant that I was unfamiliar with. TQM

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Re: Variant Focus Games Pineapple poker is almost identical to Hold'em so first make sure you know the rules to Texas Hold'em, because this game starts out different... but ends up the same. How to Play Just as in Hold'em, the two players to the left post blinds before the deal. Now, the changes begin. In Pineapple Poker, instead of being dealt 2 hole cards as in Texas Hold'em, each player gets 3 hole cards to begin. After the 3 hole cards are dealt, there's a round of betting. After the betting is complete, the flop is dealt, and another round of betting begins Here's where it gets "Crazy" -- after the second round of betting is done, all players remaining in the hand choose 1 card from their 3 hole cards to discard. So everyone now only has the regular 2 hole cards just like in Texas Hold'em again. From here, the game is identical to Texas Hold'em. The turn is dealt, a round of betting happens, the river is dealt, another betting round, and then there's the showdown. Players can use any combination of the 2 hole cards in their hands and the 5 board or community cards on the table to make the best hand, and the best hand wins the pot. Wonder if it'll ever catch on ???

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Re: Variant Focus Games how about $1 5 card draw on stars 7.30 gmt or $1 omaha on stars at 9.30 gmt both should have a pretty big field with a nice low buy in:ok or maybe another option is stars sngs:nana they have loads of 45/40 seat sngs for $1 with pretty much every game and limit catered for. should be easy enough to get us all in the same one with a little planning .also it will add a few more players but still be small enough for a you to see some friendly faces:ok

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