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Variant Focus Games


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Re: Regards BPP Think you would need to set a side more than one a week for it to make much impact on the final scores. How about a whole 28 day period without any NL tourneys , no Freerolls and no PL exclusve games. Would be mentaly stimulating if nothing else.

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Re: Regards BPP Not really intended to alter the scores out of proportion just to add a bit of variety to the bpp games whilst scoring bpp points after all it is best poker player and not best NLHE player.;)

Think you would need to set a side more than one a week for it to make much impact on the final scores. How about a whole 28 day period without any NL tourneys , no Freerolls and no PL exclusve games. Would be mentaly stimulating if nothing else.
Agreed but whilst this may be fun NL is the main game played by many and although variety is a good thing it would be excluding a lot of players rather than making a more rounded table:ok
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Re: Regards BPP We have done it before - and it started off great with a lot of participation, but people quickly lost interest and we were well into single figure participants..... happy to try again, but as soon as numbers drop like they did before, I'm dumping it :tongue2 (subject to agreement by Jaded - he's the only BPP prop bet I have running at the moment - but he likes deviance :tongue2 so I'm sure he'll be up for it :ok) - how about Fridays? (if theres a great value NLHE game, or a PL exclusive game, then I'll shift it by a day to Thursday or Saturday)

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Re: Variant Focus Games There were a few comments in the daily thread today about choice of site and buy in. Please feel free to continue the discussion in here..... I'll start..... :lol Couldn't play tonight's anyway as knew I wouldn't be home in time. However, I've no money on Full Tilt so could not have. There seemed to be a suggestion that others may be in same boat? Did choice of site stop anyone playing who otherwise would have? Obviously sites who host suitable tournaments are limited so I've no problem with F/T if that's the best place for us to play and I'll have a look at depositing if we are going to use it regularly. Buy in - I'd probably not play every week at $5 for something I've very little knowledge of, but willing to give it a few goes. Did buy in actually put anyone off tonight (irrespective of whether you had money in F/T)? Does strider need more practice at organising a game and should we let him pick again next week? :lol Or is someone else going to volunteer to choose/set up.

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Re: Variant Focus Games Other comment I'd make is that it may be best to focus on individual variants for a while, rather than mixed variant games? That will allow us to focus more on what we're doing.... Also - we had regular focus games on Full Tilt - the Hendon Mob League (and the private HORSE games morls sorted out before) - we've never had a regular Pokerstars focus game - from that perspective, FT should be more popular than PokerStars for PL'rs? (not that I believe it is :lol) Ok - I'll open the bidding for next week..... How about:

Friday14:305-card DrawFL$1.00 $0.101NO
14:30 is 19:30 GMT
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Re: Variant Focus Games

There were a few comments in the daily thread today about choice of site and buy in. Please feel free to continue the discussion in here..... I'll start..... :lol Couldn't play tonight's anyway as knew I wouldn't be home in time. However, I've no money on Full Tilt so could not have. There seemed to be a suggestion that others may be in same boat? Did choice of site stop anyone playing who otherwise would have? There is a way around this if not going to be regular games on f/t for a certain amount of players anyway as long as they have a stars acc. Does strider need more practice at organising a game and should we let him pick again next week? :lol You can go off people you know:moon Or is someone else going to volunteer to choose/set up. God I hope so:hope:hope:hope:hope:hope
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Re: Variant Focus Games

Other comment I'd make is that it may be best to focus on individual variants for a while, rather than mixed variant games? That will allow us to focus more on what we're doing.... Also - we had regular focus games on Full Tilt - the Hendon Mob League (and the private HORSE games morls sorted out before) - we've never had a regular Pokerstars focus game - from that perspective, FT should be more popular than PokerStars for PL'rs? (not that I believe it is :lol) Ok - I'll open the bidding for next week..... How about:
Friday14:305-card DrawFL$1.00 $0.101NO
14:30 is 19:30 GMT
Whatever is decided i'm game:ok want to play a broad a base as possible and preferably amongst others who haven't a clue lol
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Re: Variant Focus Games OK...last night was dire for me. 12 players in a flat limit game does tend to make things drag and also I hate Stud so that didn't help at all. If numbers are going to be low then maybe we should not be setting up a PL exclusive game (I know it was open to all...but it was in the private section and only got one outsider I believe). Far better to join in an already established game and at least we then have a proper MTT to play in and decent cash to be won besides the BPPs. PokerStars and Full Tilt offer plenty of low stakes regular ''variant'' games that we could pick from without the need to set up private games.

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Re: Variant Focus Games It would always be PLO if we did that - if the object is some variety, we're better off nominating some games..... if people keep giving feedback about what they want we should get it about right within a few weeks (hopefully sooner :tongue2).... we've identified a lot of things that were wrong last night - so long as we keep doing that, welections will get better and better :ok

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Re: Variant Focus Games

Did choice of site stop anyone playing who otherwise would have? Buy in - I'd probably not play every week at $5 for something I've very little knowledge of, but willing to give it a few goes. Did buy in actually put anyone off tonight (irrespective of whether you had money in F/T)?
I can play on prima sites and crypto as I have funds there - $5 is a bit steep for me for a variant game so would be happier with $2. I am constantly on the 5 card stud on Boss (cash) and the free HORSE/STUD hi/lo/Razz on pokerstars to practise- ;)
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