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$10,000K freeroll .Free to enter -no requirements !!!


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This Monday in 6 hours some min! Reg opens in 3 hours. Free to Enter no requirements to enter ! Nordic will have 10k freeroll. They changed it from 1 raked hand to enter .To no requirements to enter !!! My guess it's only for this monday only to celebrate 6 th year Anniversary !!! Max 10,000 players .Shouldn't be that many cause not to many people knows about it . I didn't start this trend saying Nordic has 10k freeroll case you would assume that you already know about it ,and you need a raked hand to enter . GL.

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Re: $10,000K freeroll .Free to enter -no requirements !!!

Must say its a daft move on nordicbet to drop the 1 rake hand requirement for the $10000 freerolls........I bet there will be over 5k playing now:sad
Over 4000 with 15 mins to go - got my raked hand last night :wall
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Re: $10,000K freeroll .Free to enter -no requirements !!!

I went out early in this... Decided to build up a big stack or nothing and went all in with AQ suited.. Met QQ - Goodnite.. :lol:lol
Just before 1st break (around 10 min) i was down twice to 300some and 400 some in chips . Made it all back 641 left 112 th. Nick: vitaly GL.
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Re: $10,000K freeroll .Free to enter -no requirements !!!

Despite my Aces being cracked early on, and being down to 165 chips, I got 334th for $6. GL all left in:ok
I am still hanging short on chips. 300 left.Just had QQ as i was typing .Doubled UP.I am OK now,for a while:D
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Re: $10,000K freeroll .Free to enter -no requirements !!! happyhornet and Burnley Joe .Hang on to your winnings .Use them wise for next monday 1 raked hand entry .The # of complains Nordic is gonna get ,will force them to go back to 1RH requirement. My 2 cents . GL.

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