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Flopped Straight. Flush On Board.


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Early stages of an MTT. Only read I have is of S Spiercey (typical PUPP) :ok

- DonCalavera sitting in seat 1 with 1470.00 - SSpiersey sitting in seat 2 with 1660.00 - tijaal sitting in seat 3 with 1580.00 - Valiant23 sitting in seat 4 with 1300.00 - nitjakan sitting in seat 5 with 1580.00 - MattAKQJ10 sitting in seat 6 with 1750.00 - ingentingen sitting in seat 7 with 1222.50 [Dealer] - _laisvis_ sitting in seat 8 with 1637.50 - beat_you_ sitting in seat 9 with 1350.00 - HIT69 sitting in seat 10 with 1520.00 _laisvis_ posted the small blind - 10.00 beat_you_ posted the big blind - 20.00 ** Dealing card to Valiant23: Ace of Spades, King of Hearts HIT69 called - 20.00 DonCalavera folded SSpiersey folded tijaal folded Valiant23 raised - 100.00 nitjakan called - 100.00 MattAKQJ10 called - 100.00 ingentingen folded _laisvis_ called - 100.00 beat_you_ folded HIT69 called - 100.00 ** Dealing the flop: Queen of Spades, 7 of Clubs, Jack of Spades {pot at this point 520} _laisvis_ checked HIT69 checked Valiant23 bet - 250.00 {=pot 770} nitjakan folded MattAKQJ10 called - 250.00 {=pot 1020} _laisvis_ folded HIT69 called - 250.00 {=pot 1270} ** Dealing the turn: 10 of Spades HIT69 checked
What I've done. Picking up AKos in mid position I decide to raise it up to 100 (5 x BB) and I'm horrified at the number of callers so I decide that whetever the flop I'll be betting out if I'm first in. The flop is bad for me but not terrible. picking up a straight draw and back door flush draw, but of course the chances are I'm behind anyway and will drop to a raise, I bet a third of the pot. Anyway, on the turn I hit my straight but now there are 3 spades. Your move. (and ALL comments welcome) :ok
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Re: Flopped Straight. Flush On Board.

Early stages of an MTT. I'm horrified at the number of callers so I decide that whetever the flop I'll be betting out if I'm first in. The flop is bad for me
Putting these 3 comments together suggests check flop to me. But anyways I would check raise all in on turn. Guessing this could be a low buyin tourney by the amount of callers? For this reason, just make it 4bb preflop and on a flop you more or less completely missed be prepared to check fold with so many callers imo.
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Re: Flopped Straight. Flush On Board. I definitely check the flop.. Turn is really nasty.. Matt probably called you with a PP or broadway cards(two of them already on the board) so I think his chances of having a flush are less than UTG who already checked. I would check at first and hope to see the last spade since you are not afraid of much cards.. If Matt bets I'm re-raising all-in and hoping for a two pair.. this hand depends on the buy-in too IMO...

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Re: Flopped Straight. Flush On Board. Well I appreciate your comments and it makes me feel that I didn't play it like a complete muppet. I do have a problem playing confrontational poker where I'm passive when should be aggressive and vice versa. Just to explain. I played the AKos in the hope of hitting a monster hand but I also thought I should have the best hand and keep control of the betting. When I got called on the flop there was only a ten that was going to keep me aggressive. I did push on the turn for my chips, figuring as you (mostly did) that I had a good enough hand (and draw to improve) to do so and got called by Matt who was holding 97spades. The river didn't improve me and I was out. However, had I been less aggressive I could maybe have got away cheaper (as his flush wasn't the best available), although I doubt it.

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Re: Flopped Straight. Flush On Board. Not another bad beat thread!!!:tongue2:tongue2:tongue2 In all honesty he called a 5xBB raise and call with medium suited connectors, and then a half pot bet (from an aggressor) with bottom pair and a flush draw (not the nut flush). It's my belief that he did not last long in the tournament.

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Re: Flopped Straight. Flush On Board. :ok

Not another bad beat thread!!!:tongue2:tongue2:tongue2 In all honesty he called a 5xBB raise and call with medium suited connectors, and then a half pot bet (from an aggressor) with bottom pair and a flush draw (not the nut flush). It's my belief that he did not last long in the tournament.
Excellent post! :ok Great thread! Normally with this type of question I like to reply before reading any of the other replies. With this question I had no idea, as I have often wondered how best to play this type of hand. So thought I'd read what others had to say and try and learn something. :) Lots of very good responses as ever :ok
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Re: Flopped Straight. Flush On Board.

Not another bad beat thread!!!:tongue2:tongue2:tongue2
Oh no! :eek :D Not even an excuse. I was behind when the money went in and no complaints about any body's play at all. I was interested in whether my 'aggression' was too much at the wrong times, and not enough at others. Even if I played it wrongly the responses in here suggest I wasn't too far away. And TQM - how could you see me on your table - in your state you probably thought you were playing Omaha. ;)
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