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Lack of Online 'Rights'


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I was playing in the Daily Virgin Freeroll and there was only 3 live players (7 Sit Outs) and a character called gayboy77 suggested we cheat by raising the pots so that the Sit Outs would lose, very quickly, all the blinds. As unethical as this sounds I wondered if it was a common occurrence?:nana When I got my hand I was looking at A-A and that confirmed to me that I wouldn't be partaking of the guys suggested, if I can call it that, cheat. :unsure I was then subjected to a torrent of foul and abusive language. Which culminated in a death threat! :loon When I contacted Virgin to ask for his removal from the tourny they point blank refused to do so. If I was in a 'real' casino do you think that my request would have been refused? I think not. In fact there would have been a real case to get the guy banned.:wall Why is it that online gambling sites do not offer us the same rights as a 'real' casino would? They seem eager enough to take our money (I wont mention the exchange rates lol) but in exchange do not offer us the rights that we are all entitled to. I have written to ask the Gambling Commission, and the Remote Gambling Association for their views on the subject and will post here if, and when they reply.:hope

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Re: Lack of Online 'Rights' Simply, the online world is completely different to the real one. Many people daily, all across the world type potentially libelous material on forums, blogs and in poker chat, everywhere, it's just part and parcel of the online world, but a death threat is till OTT and it's up to the individual how they take it, me personally would have said 'lol' and forget about it, but each to their own.

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Re: Lack of Online 'Rights' It's certainly not cheating....I would expect 3 players to be raising every hand as you're not going to let the sit-out win are you? :lol:lol If there's only 2 live players it's easy to do alternate hands and accumulate the chips....I've done that many times! :ok I wouldn't let the threats and abuse bother you...that's what the 'no chat' button is there for although I love it when they start ranting and raving as it's only a matter of time before you take them out! :nana:nana TQM

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Re: Lack of Online 'Rights'

It's certainly not cheating....I would expect 3 players to be raising every hand as you're not going to let the sit-out win are you? :lol:lol If there's only 2 live players it's easy to do alternate hands and accumulate the chips....I've done that many times! :ok
It's not cheating to pinch the blinds of the sitouts, of course. But if you come to an explicit agreement with the other live players that you're going to share out the blinds, then that's collusion. But anyway, I think the original poster was more concerned about the abuse. It's inexcusable, of course, but as Nade says, it is a bit different online. I've been abused many times playing poker online, though I don't think I've ever had a death threat. If I did, it would probably upset me, and I'd hope the poker room would take some action if I complained. But I wouldn't actually feel in any danger, whereas if it happened live then it would be a lot more worrying.
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Re: Lack of Online 'Rights'

I've seen plenty of occasions esp near the bubble where we have disconnected players, it's not spoken but we all agree to blind them out. Don't really have a prob with it. Dog eat dog business poker
exactly!! I did the stupid thing once in an STT I got into the HU situation and the other guy lost connection, so I slowplayed my hands letting the timer count down before raising, any way he had less than 2 BB left when he got back and he beat me :eyes just because I was being 'British' and fair play and all that bollocks...... so now I switch off show hand option and minraise every hand to get as many (all) of their chips as quickly as possible. It is even better if you are 3 handed and you have the big stack (say 5K to 3K to 2K with blinds are 150/300 200/400) all you do is shove every hands and if the other active player thinks about it, he can't call, he has to fold, he risks too much by calling your shove (of course if he shoves first then its more of a judgement decision to whether you call). There is no room for sentiment in poker, most of the 'cheating' with sit outs is understood by people who have played for a decent length of time and does not need to be discussed. Damian
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