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Bluff Magazine Virgin Festival Freeroll


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Re: Bluff Magazine Virgin Festival Freeroll i found it here yesterday LINK REMOVED (PLease only link to the official source of the password :ok) Didnt think i should post the link. Not really due to the rules on posting passwords but more the fact that it is then available to every cnut and his cousin. i would have gladly shared the link with any other PL member had there been somewhere exclusive to post it

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Re: Bluff Magazine Virgin Festival Freeroll

OY - haven't you already got a seat, you greedy chuffer :spank Just reg'd, and that takes the number up to 140 :ok
hi guys this i know was only a wind up but ive just read the terms and conditions and it says you can only win one seat,and if you win two you cant transfer them,so guess what i,m trying to say is you guys who already have a seat theres no point winning another as its worth no value what so ever :ok:ok:ok
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Re: Bluff Magazine Virgin Festival Freeroll unbelievable....A/Q raise the pot leaving BB to call if he does for 4k ,,,he does with 3/3 ......i am now pot committed with only 1k left and as he has the chips puts me all in....i hit my Q on the turn and he gets his 3 on the river..........cant believe he called my raise with 3/3...............:unsure:unsure

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