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Plops II


Plops II  

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    • Tuesday 15th April 18:00 GMT
    • Tuesday 15th April 20:00 GMT
    • Thursday 17th April 19:00 GMT
    • Thursday 17th April 21:00 GMT
    • Friday 18th April 20:00 GMT
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    • Saturday 19th April 20:00 GMT
    • Saturday 19th April 22:00 GMT
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    • Sunday 20th April 22:00 GMT
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    • Tuesday 22nd April 18:00 GMT
    • Tuesday 22nd April 19:00 GMT
    • Tuesday 22nd April 20:00 GMT

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You ready to challenge for more PLOPS Bracelets? Are you ready to join Dave488 and the croc in the PL History Books?

plopsbraceletzn8.gifPLOPS Punters Lounge Online Poker Series Bracelet Members who received this award: 2 Dave488, the croc(BPP)
We're getting pretty close to being ready to set up the second series - we've revamped it a little, in an effort to keep improving on what we did last time - below is the proposed structure, for comment - we'll be looking to finalise it over the weekend - any thoughts/suggestions? Remember, this is a draft and nothing is finalised yet. Main Event Bracelet Only one bracelet this time - it will be NLHE. The buy in has been reduced to €50+€5 The time and date of the final will be decided by YOU through this poll. (between 15th and 22nd April inclusive) The structure will be 5000 starting chips with 20 minute blinds (the last one was 5000 starting chips with 12 minute blinds and took 3 hours - with the lower buy in, expect more runners as well) We are expecting some added value this time around, but I'll keep details under my hat for the moment There will be a little more flexibility - you will be free to unregister this time if you cannot play (or do not want to play) in the final - if you unregister, you will receive tournament credits (not cash) Satellites These will occur on a rotating 6 day calendar (except Wednesdays - to leave ourselves space in the calendar for other recurring promotions) at 8pm GMT. Buy In will be €5+50c. 1 in 11 will qualify for the NLHE final Structure will be pretty standard (so resonably fast) - 1500 starting chips and 12 minute blinds Dates for sats: Thursday 10th April Friday 4th April Saturday 29th March Sunday 23rd March Monday 17th March Tuesday 11th March Thursday 6th March Friday 29th February Saturday 23rd February Sunday 17th February Monday 11th February Tuesday 5th February Any thoughts? Once set up we largely want it to be "set in stone" to avoid issues with events needing to be resetup....
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Re: Plops II Would probably like to see the game at a fixed date possibly Fridays, mainly there never seems much going on Tourney wise on a Friday plus the majority (not all :sad dont work weekends). Can understand the reasoning behind the rotation, but feel it may lead to confusion also probably has more chance of actually clashing with another value added tournament.

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Re: Plops II I've been away for a few days, so only just seen this. The idea, I love. I agree, however with fenner here and should we not have alternate events. A €50 main event with qualifiers to is a great idea, should get a good crowd. A PLO/Horse etc or Limit events with a lower buy-in would attract greater participants.

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Re: Plops II First problem is that Boss only do NLHE tourneys. Of the sites that are technically capable of doing a HORSE tourney, I couldn't even get a reply from any of them (for PLOPS I)!!!! Of all the sites I contacted regarding PLOPS I, Joe and Virgin were the only ones prepared to even host a series for us.... To be honest though, this time I didn't even look beyond Virgin - for the main event, I think it's great to host with them - they're the site who are regularly there for us when we need them.... But, the first PLOPS wasnt particularly well supported (my fault - I made some pretty basic errors in the set up) - I hope I've got it better with this structure, but dont feel that the series can be expanded until we "get it right" with the main event - in this it's very much back to basics..... I would love to expand it as we go on to include other events, but for the moment, we need to prove the concept can work with one event....

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Re: Plops II

struggle to get a good turn out for $10 buy in
Not totally sure what you're saying :unsure but I think it's that €5 buy in is still too high? To have a final that attracts the higher stakes players on PL I really dont feel we can go any lower :unsure The buy in is half what the last one was, so I think we need to try it and see....
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Re: Plops II

Would probably like to see the game at a fixed date possibly Fridays' date=' mainly there never seems much going on Tourney wise on a Friday plus the majority (not all :sad dont work weekends). Can understand the reasoning behind the rotation, but feel it may lead to confusion also probably has more chance of actually clashing with another value added tournament.[/quote'] Likewise, we had a fixed date last time and it had some criticism - I think we need to try the rotation...if it doesn't work, we can go back next time....
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Re: Plops II

not having a go gaf but we only seem to play for 1 seat a week not mutiples
I asked for feedback - giving me that is in no way interpreted as "having a go" :ok With a €10 buy in we were getting about 16 entrants typically.... I hope that with €5 buy in we will beat the 22 entrants needed most weeks to have 2 seats available (the added "flexibility" should boost numbers a bit too I hope) - especially when we can announce the added prize for the final ;)
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Re: Plops II Yes come on PLe'rs lets give this our full support this time, noticed the freeroll tonight had over 40 entrants and 5 euros isn't gonna break the bank now is it. This forum provides so much the least we can do is give it our full support.(is that an oxymoron)

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Re: Plops II Aye i expect a higher turn out with a €5 buy in. €10 was too high really for me as i barely play MTT, don't have a BR set up to play €10 satellites!. Though i hate satellites i feel more comfortable paying €5,

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