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I feel stupid!


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I was playing in a satellite tournament on Pokerstars earlier with 98 to qualify. It was getting very close to 98 remaining and I calculated that I had enough to pay the antes until the blinds got around to me, and I didn't get any cards, so ... .... anyway, that's just to justify why I found myself in the big blind without a full blind to put in. In fact, I had less than half a small blind left: about two antes. It was folded round to the small blind, so it was just him and me. I thought "Even if I double up, the small blind next hand will put me all-in again." But I won the hand and seemed to have an awful lot more chips than I'd started with. The bubble burst about then, and I didn't really think about it any more at the time, but it's just occurred to me. I don't just double up, do I? I win everybody's antes as well. That had really never occurred to me before! :$ I'm sure I must have been playing ridiculously tight for ages as a small stack in tournaments with antes. :(

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Re: I feel stupid!

Qualify for anything good?
Not really. It was a $5 rebuy turbo satellite for a $50 tournament, that I was really only playing to kill time. I cashed it in for tournament dollars. I seem to do quite well in satellites on Pokerstars, but never do well in the tournaments I qualify for. :sad
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Re: I feel stupid!

Not really. It was a $5 rebuy turbo satellite for a $50 tournament, that I was really only playing to kill time. I cashed it in for tournament dollars. I seem to do quite well in satellites on Pokerstars, but never do well in the tournaments I qualify for. :sad
In fact, with my new-found understanding of antes, I think I'll play another one! I'll aim to be the first tournament dollar millionaire ...
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