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Terminator Xtreme STTs


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I guess this belongs under "poker strategy", at least if you use a fairly loose definition of "poker". Has anybody played the Terminator Xtreme STTs on PKR.com? 10 players. Based on a $10+$1 buy-in, everybody starts with a $10 bounty on their head. If you eliminate a player, you bank 75% of their bounty (i.e., you win this whatever happens), and the other 25% is added to your bounty. The eventual winner keeps the bounty on his head, but otherwise, unlike most tournaments with bounties, there is no prize for your finishing position: if you come second without eliminating anybody then you win nothing. I don't think I've really sussed the right strategy yet, but I'm pretty sure that it should be very different from a normal STT. But I'm pretty sure that many of the players I've come across have done things that are clearly wrong given the rules (though I've only played three of them at $10+$1, won $70 in one and nothing in the other two), so this could be potentially lucrative for somebody prepared to put some thought into how to play. I think these are available at $5, $10 and $20, and of course the big downside is that you have to suffer the PKR software.

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Re: Terminator Xtreme STTs Haven't seen them, but sounds interesting ...... My Instinct is that you need to play Loose and aggressive against shorter stacks and tight and passive against larger stacks :unsure and that stack size is a more critical factor than usual....

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Re: Terminator Xtreme STTs

Haven't seen them, but sounds interesting ...... My Instinct is that you need to play Loose and aggressive against shorter stacks and tight and passive against larger stacks :unsure and that stack size is a more critical factor than usual....
Also knocking somebody out early is extremely valuable: not only do you win most of your buyin back immediately, but you're also in a good position to take on any other player. I suspect you ought to gamble very loosely early on with all-ins and calling all-ins. Another thing is that just a few chips here and there can make a big difference if it means you have another player covered. I saw a big stack (I don't remember exactly, but I think he had about 7000 chips) fold when a player on around 900 chips went all-in and got called by a 1200 chip stack. That must be wrong whatever two cards he had, surely?
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Re: Terminator Xtreme STTs

My Instinct is that you need to play Loose and aggressive against shorter stacks and tight and passive against larger stacks :unsure and that stack size is a more critical factor than usual....
Not so convinced that's the best strategy any more :unsure It seems that the majority of players are over aggressive - very early on we had 4 players all in with mediocre hands - if you do the same, then where's your edge? Am thinking that, initially at least, you may need to play pretty standard for an STT - aiming to maximise your ev :unsure Probably a passive game - you cant get rid of players by betting - so you need to see plenty of flkops if you can, and then bet hard when you hit.....
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Re: Terminator Xtreme STTs

Don't think making a smallish bluff on the river is likely to work in this game.
It did work on the player after me - remember putting 60 into a 360 pot on the river with nothing, and he folded ...... didn't work on the player before me though.....
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Re: Terminator Xtreme STTs

Going again after this game - this structure has me intruiged now.....
Bugger! Went to your table when it was just you and a couple of others sat down ... and didn't realize I'd forgotten to take a seat until the game started. Good luck!
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Re: Terminator Xtreme STTs OK, here are my thoughts: Obviously I was a bit :loon lucky in that game, but I think the significant difference, at least in the early stages, between this and a standard STT is that in a standard STT, if two (or more) players have an all-in encounter, then in general it's the players not involved who benefit. But here, I suspect that it's the players involved who get the advantage, because whoever wins not only gets the bounty of the other player, but also has the huge advantage of having the biggest stack. Once I'd doubled up in that game, I was basically staying in any pot where a player might be eliminated. As soon as it was down to me and one other player, I was happy to fold ... nobody else could take his bounty.

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