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GaFs Prop Bet 1: GaF 942-396 Morl (28/28 Days)


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Prop Bets - I'll give anyone on PL even money against me!!! Bet Size: $50 each Escrow: None - We're going to try and be adult about it :tongue2 Prop Bet: As defined in thread above - a BPP challenge to see who is higher after 28 days Start Date: Monday 14th January (assuming confirmation from morl in this thread BEFORE the start of tonights focus game) Will track progress here - good luck morls :ok
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Re: GaFs Prop Bet 1: GaF 624-197 Morl (16/28 Days)

So who's actually got the guts to state they want to lay GaF ? :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol
I might if the stakes are big enough :tongue2 Lot of PL Exclusive (double point) games coming up I think, so it's not over..... Can I take Teaulc on heads up for my next bet? :tongue2
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