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SnG challenges


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it is good to see more of these challenges cropping up and am thinking of doing one myself,the only thing is i dont know what. what structures are most people playing? there was an article a few months ago about building up a decent bankroll from playing i believe 200 $1 10 man sng`s and then moving up to the next level etc. i must admit to preferring 6 man games to the 10 man and i seem to do better at turbo`s. i have $100 to play with so any advice or suggestions would be well received also i only have pokerdominator to keep track of my stats as i find trying to create a spreadsheet with excel is a nightmare.

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Re: SnG challenges

it is good to see more of these challenges cropping up and am thinking of doing one myself,the only thing is i dont know what. what structures are most people playing? there was an article a few months ago about building up a decent bankroll from playing i believe 200 $1 10 man sng`s and then moving up to the next level etc. i must admit to preferring 6 man games to the 10 man and i seem to do better at turbo`s. i have $100 to play with so any advice or suggestions would be well received also i only have pokerdominator to keep track of my stats as i find trying to create a spreadsheet with excel is a nightmare.
On my SNG challenge GAF suggested that my bank should be 20x the buy-in... so why not do that also and start at $5 and drop down if you go below $100. It looks like you have already decided that you will be playing 6 seats, turbo... so go with that and if it isn't working out then review it.
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Re: SnG challenges If you are beating a level, then I am of the opinion that playing a fixed percentage of your bankroll (moving up and down as you fit into the bands) maximises you chances of staying afloat long enough to grow your bankroll.... Playing STT's the usual figure is to put a MAXIMUM of 5% of your bankroll on the table ..... if you want to be aggressive (increasing chances of going bust, but allowing you to move up the levels quicker) then you can go to 10% of your bankroll. If you want to be ultra cutious, then go below 5%.... So for example, on Virgin, they have €3, €5, €10, €20, €30, €50 tables .... (I'm ignoring the rake)... At 5%, with a bankroll up to €100 you should only play €3 tables. With a bankroll between €100 and €200 you can play €5 tables Between €200 and €400 go onto the €10 tables €400 to €600 allows €20 Tables €600 to €1000 allows €30 tables and finally (so far as I'm demonstrating) over €1000 means that you are bankrolled to play on the €50 tables... You need to evaluate which band you are currently in before EVERY game.... for example if you have €102 and play and lose a €5 game, then your next game MUST be a €3 game - if you dont move down, then you are breaching your bankroll rules (and increasing your chances of going bust) Where will this take you? It will allow you to build a bankroll for as long as you are beating the level you are playing at - when you get to a level you are not beating, then, given enough games, you will find your bankroll will not increase - basically you will eventually find yourself at a level where you break even (if you go bust, then the probability is you are not beating the €3 games and need to review your approach) SO this is good for trying to build a bankroll - if you get to the stage where your bankroll is not growing (for a prolonged period) and you are essentially breaking even, then to continue building a roll, or making a profit, you need to play at a lower level - hopefully by this stage though, you will have enbough data to know at what level you are maximising your hourly profits (which will NOT necessarily be the highest stakes at which you make a profit - e.g. 40% ROI at €10 is more profitable than 15% ROI at €20).....

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Re: SnG challenges have decided to play the $5.50 6 man 2 paid, 1st game hit the wrong table and did a limit:eyes finished 4th,not a good start, 2nd game got it right and won so $10 profit so far.will play a couple more tomorrow.. trev,at what stage do you think it would be prudent to think about up or down levels??

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