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Played QQ too passive?


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Not sure if I dropped a bollock in the Blue Sq game tonight. No reads on any players to inform a decision. At 100/200 I raised to 600 in EP with QQ. Got a RR to put me all-in from a big stack and then a call all-in from a 1800 stack. I folded [thinking it was marginal] and they flipped over AK and AT. I don't need to say that the QQ would have held up. Was this marginal or too passive for a freeroll? Play any different if you are in a buy-in game? Any thoughts? FBF

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Re: Played QQ too passive? Cheers GaF. I think you might be right, I think you might be wrong, but then I htink there is probably no right answer here without any reads. For me I think it is one of those where I will fold sometimes and call other times. If it had been a heads-up call though I am doing it every time. It was the all-in call by the other stack that spooked me. However, nice to know that there are players out there who will call a R and a RR with ATo for all their stack. FBF

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Re: Played QQ too passive?

Not sure if I dropped a bollock in the Blue Sq game tonight. No reads on any players to inform a decision. At 100/200 I raised to 600 in EP with QQ. Got a RR to put me all-in from a big stack and then a call all-in from a 1800 stack. I folded [thinking it was marginal] and they flipped over AK and AT. I don't need to say that the QQ would have held up. Was this marginal or too passive for a freeroll? Play any different if you are in a buy-in game? Any thoughts? FBF
What was your stack size, if you are both miles ahead of the 1800 stack, then you can lose to him, but win a perhaps larger side pot. In a decent game, with less than 40% of my chips comitted to the pot, you have room to fold, with more than 40% of my chips in the pot, or a buy-in of less than $20 I'm pushing with my QQ. Only times I may lay it down is a bubble situation
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Re: Played QQ too passive?

What was your stack size, if you are both miles ahead of the 1800 stack, then you can lose to him, but win a perhaps larger side pot. In a decent game, with less than 40% of my chips comitted to the pot, you have room to fold, with more than 40% of my chips in the pot, or a buy-in of less than $20 I'm pushing with my QQ. Only times I may lay it down is a bubble situation
Cheers AJ. I think I had just over 1700, so the 600 raise was about 35% of my stack. Now i think about it I probably should have pushed given that the tourny only played 10 places. FBF
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Guest gazza271

Re: Played QQ too passive?

Cheers AJ. I think I had just over 1700, so the 600 raise was about 35% of my stack. Now i think about it I probably should have pushed given that the tourny only played 10 places. FBF
I think with a stack of 1700 I would have pushed tbh :ok I would find it very hard to lay down with blinds/my stack at that size.
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Re: Played QQ too passive? You can't lay this hand down with blinds the size they are, you have the third best possible starting hand if either has aa or kk so be it. Automatic call, can't believe you folded to be honest you're now left with 1100 and probably won't come across a better position in the game again. Had you pushed allin which you should have, the decision would have been taken away from you and you would have trebled up. Hope this makes you feel better:ok.

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Re: Played QQ too passive? These freerolls with 700 runners and only 10 prizes creates a different dynamic to other tourneys. You have to call in this situation. Ironically, in the same tournament last night holding AQs in the BB with about 2000 chips, a relatively loose player went all-in for 4000, was called by a shortie all-in for his last 1000, and I folded:wall. I knew damn well I had to call because of the dynamic of the tournament, yet still saw AQs as probably behind one of the all-in's. They turned over AT and JJ and I would have won.

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