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The Chinese Internet Poker Invasion!


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Re: The Chinese Internet Poker Invasion! Most of the sites are currently blocked by "the great firewall of china" which strangely I'm not making up. Internet access in and out of china is heavily filtered for reasons of political control. Not going to happen until we see a change of goverment there

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Re: The Chinese Internet Poker Invasion! i saw some chinese craziness in vegas at xmas:loon the game in question was the $130 sat for the $540 2pm mtt in the bellagio. very first hand one of the locals got in a pot with a chinese guy,the chinese guy plays the hand awfully(think he had k5 on the bb and called a few bets:unsure) losses about 700 chips leaving him with about 800. the chinese guy then just gets up and walks off never to return:loon.cue loads of jokes about him having a plane to catch and the dealer saying he was gonna play his cards and beat us all:lol:lol i dunno about you lot but if i'd paid 130bucks im not gonna be walking out after 2 minutes with half my chips left ,crazy:tongue2 i much prefer bubbling and just losing out on a seat:eyes

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