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SnG Challenge - 80% update 24.8% ROI $109 profit


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Decided as it's a new year, I'd start a little project for myself. I intend to play 50 $10 + 1 SnGs on pokerstars with the aim of proving to myself that these games are beatable, and a consistant profit can be made from them, I've been reading harrington recently, and I think I've final mastered inflection points. Going to devote about 1 hour a day to this, playing no more than 2 at a time. Should take about a month. I'll post results and interesting hands for feedback, and we'll see where we get to. I'm starting this with a $300 bankroll, so I need to get some wins to complete it

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Re: SnG Challenge Just finished my first game, in 2nd place, decent enough start, but again I fail to win heads up it's a weakness I must work on. Rather liked my play on this hand, my little min bet on the flop after I'd hit, sucked him into pot

PokerStars Game #14171656703: Tournament #71935964, $10+$1 Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2007/12/29 - 03:01:06 (ET) Table '71935964 1' 9-max Seat #6 is the button Seat 1: asjohnstone (1565 in chips) Seat 2: smar7745 (1275 in chips) Seat 3: robertR88 (1250 in chips) Seat 4: LooneyPlayer (1370 in chips) Seat 5: wescarter86 (1585 in chips) Seat 6: CaptAmerAir (1470 in chips) Seat 7: BlindMute (1590 in chips) Seat 8: danlefebvre (1965 in chips) Seat 9: Isuck101 (1430 in chips) BlindMute: posts small blind 25 danlefebvre: posts big blind 50 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to asjohnstone [As Js] Isuck101: folds asjohnstone: raises 100 to 150 smar7745: folds robertR88: raises 100 to 250 LooneyPlayer: folds wescarter86: folds CaptAmerAir: folds BlindMute: folds danlefebvre: folds asjohnstone: calls 100 *** FLOP *** [2s Ad Jh] asjohnstone: bets 50 robertR88: raises 200 to 250 asjohnstone: raises 1065 to 1315 and is all-in robertR88: calls 750 and is all-in *** TURN *** [2s Ad Jh] [Qc] *** RIVER *** [2s Ad Jh Qc] [Kh] *** SHOW DOWN *** asjohnstone: shows [As Js] (two pair, Aces and Jacks) robertR88: shows [8c 8s] (a pair of Eights) asjohnstone collected 2575 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 2575 | Rake 0 Board [2s Ad Jh Qc Kh] Seat 1: asjohnstone showed [As Js] and won (2575) with two pair, Aces and Jacks Seat 2: smar7745 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: robertR88 showed [8c 8s] and lost with a pair of Eights Seat 4: LooneyPlayer folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: wescarter86 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: CaptAmerAir (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: BlindMute (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 8: danlefebvre (big blind) folded before Flop Seat 9: Isuck101 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
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Re: SnG Challenge I think Stars is over-rated by many on here, you and most can beat the $10 level, that's the highest i've played on there after building my roll and it really isn't too different from the $5, upping the aggression factor is key imo. GL:ok

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Re: SnG Challenge

Best of luck AJ :ok:ok One point I found was that after about 50 of these - I tend to get bored and take my eye off the ball. I would start well enough but Id just lose my focus and start playing silly hands when there was no need.. Conquer that and you are half way there!!
100% agree, I suffer really badly from this, I tend to multitask too much when playing poker, I'll have a poker screen and a web page on one screen and a divx of a TV show or Porn on my other monitor, or be playing Hearts of Iron or whatever. I lose my disipline and play crap hands out of position. I read an article about the other day by Shirley Rosario that was very helpful, for this challenge, I'll do nothing other than play the game, set aside 90 mins and give it my best shot.
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Re: SnG Challenge played 3 more and never made it past 7th, Just a shocking runs of hands, this gem sums it up best.

PokerStars Game #14194798719: Tournament #72048480, $10+$1 Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (50/100) - 2007/12/30 - 02:31:49 (ET) Table '72048480 1' 9-max Seat #9 is the button Seat 1: phnom (2255 in chips) Seat 2: Yugless (1090 in chips) Seat 3: steel144 (2995 in chips) Seat 4: ROMEO2525 (445 in chips) Seat 5: Bamboleo99 (1480 in chips) Seat 6: Kid1822 (1320 in chips) Seat 7: Cimonak (1950 in chips) Seat 9: asjohnstone (1965 in chips) phnom: posts small blind 50 Yugless: posts big blind 100 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to asjohnstone [Kc Kd] steel144: folds ROMEO2525: raises 345 to 445 and is all-in Bamboleo99: raises 1035 to 1480 and is all-in Kid1822: folds Cimonak: folds asjohnstone: raises 485 to 1965 and is all-in phnom: folds Yugless: folds *** FLOP *** [6s 9s 4s] *** TURN *** [6s 9s 4s] [Jc] *** RIVER *** [6s 9s 4s Jc] [Ad] *** SHOW DOWN *** Bamboleo99: shows [Qh As] (a pair of Aces) asjohnstone: shows [Kc Kd] (a pair of Kings) Bamboleo99 collected 2070 from side pot ROMEO2525: shows [Ks Ts] (a flush, King high) ROMEO2525 collected 1485 from main pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 3555 Main pot 1485. Side pot 2070. | Rake 0 Board [6s 9s 4s Jc Ad] Seat 1: phnom (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 2: Yugless (big blind) folded before Flop Seat 3: steel144 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: ROMEO2525 showed [Ks Ts] and won (1485) with a flush, King high Seat 5: Bamboleo99 showed [Qh As] and won (2070) with a pair of Aces Seat 6: Kid1822 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: Cimonak folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: asjohnstone (button) showed [Kc Kd] and lost with a pair of Kings
Onwards and forwards I guess
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Re: SnG Challenge

this gem sums it up best.
Boooooooooooooooooooring :tongue2 You were 60% when the money went in - hardly turnover of the century ;) You were a slight favourite, not far from flipping... EDIT 71% against the large stack - probably the more important consideration.....
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Re: SnG Challenge Wasn't really meant as a whinge, despite it being clearly a plus EV call, I'm actually wondering if it was the right move in a tourney as opposed to a cash game ? When the short stack pushed, I was delighted and certain to call him, I figure he's desperate and pushs on a wide range of hands, it's an easy call for me; win or lose. But then the big stack pushes, should I stay out of it at this point and let him have it ? He's lilkely to have live cards against me, I read this as an isolation bet, trying to push other callers out the pot, indicating a marginal hand (rightly I think). Was there any need to put my game on the line here though ? High pocket pairs quickly lose value in multiway pots, there is already two people in the pot, and two still to act after me, they are getting value for their draws, There was a chance my KK would be in a five way pot where I don't fancy it's chances one bit. We're at the 4th level, blinds are getting bigger, but I'm in decent shape, should I have waited for another more made hand where I'd hit a flop hard before trying to double up ?

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Re: SnG Challenge

Good luck AJ :ok Frisky - I think "Challenges" like this can help keep your eye on the ball - it's not infinite - there's an end to it and a definite target, it keeps you focused....
100% agree, I suffer really badly from this, I tend to multitask too much when playing poker, I'll have a poker screen and a web page on one screen and a divx of a TV show or Porn on my other monitor, or be playing Hearts of Iron or whatever. I lose my disipline and play crap hands out of position.
Im afraid that Im definately on AJ's side with this one. I know that I should concentrate a lot more but I dont... Perhaps I dont have a patient side when it comes to Poker ?? I am all too guilty of Multi-tasking too and I have another huge problem of not prioritising tourneys. My example of the PP re-buy is one where I was playing 3 tables at once and on for decent money at PP. However I was playing better in a $50 3,000 player freeroll and lost concentration and actually went all - in by accident while trying to close my HH with a crap hand thus costing me 5th place and I was only a few places away from the bubble. The $50 freeroll netted me $0.80c :$, The all-in cost me a minimum of $16.60..Even now as I type this, Im not playing poker but have 7 pages open... From PL to Racing Post to Banking to Odds-comparison, Betfair.
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Re: SnG Challenge

Wasn't really meant as a whinge, despite it being clearly a plus EV call, I'm actually wondering if it was the right move in a tourney as opposed to a cash game ? When the short stack pushed, I was delighted and certain to call him, I figure he's desperate and pushs on a wide range of hands, it's an easy call for me; win or lose. But then the big stack pushes, should I stay out of it at this point and let him have it ?
He's not exactly the big stack AJ. You still have him covered. Even if you didn't have him covered I think you need to disregard the small stack and look at it as a 2 horse race - you and bambi. And in a race like that I'm not folding KK. I think you played it fine and just got unlucky this time round. If you win that hand, you're in a strong position and you're not even thinking of "did I play that correctly." :ok
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Re: SnG Challenge Blindsteal gone wrong, was this as bad as I think it was ?? He'd checked which I took as weakness, so i pushed a C bet out to try and take the pot. Seemed reasonable at the time ? PokerStars Game #14263100129: Tournament #72385205, $10+$1 Hold'em No Limit - Level II (15/30) - 2008/01/02 - 02:31:18 (ET) Table '72385205 1' 9-max Seat #8 is the button Seat 1: feastmonger (2085 in chips) Seat 3: a1steaks (1745 in chips) Seat 4: wilrobert (1220 in chips) Seat 5: sundogg13 (1470 in chips) Seat 6: Cold-Pac (2825 in chips) Seat 7: yanyarker (1225 in chips) is sitting out Seat 8: asjohnstone (1445 in chips) Seat 9: Lau1978 (1485 in chips) Lau1978: posts small blind 15 feastmonger: posts big blind 30 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to asjohnstone [Qd 8s] a1steaks: folds wilrobert: folds sundogg13: folds yanyarker has returned Cold-Pac: folds yanyarker: folds asjohnstone: raises 120 to 150 Lau1978: folds feastmonger: calls 120 *** FLOP *** [Th 5d As] feastmonger: checks asjohnstone: bets 240 feastmonger: raises 240 to 480 asjohnstone: folds feastmonger collected 795 from pot feastmonger: doesn't show hand *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 795 | Rake 0 Board [Th 5d As] Seat 1: feastmonger (big blind) collected (795) Seat 3: a1steaks folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: wilrobert folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: sundogg13 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: Cold-Pac folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: yanyarker folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: asjohnstone (button) folded on the Flop Seat 9: Lau1978 (small blind) folded before Flop

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Re: SnG Challenge

Personally I don't bother trying to steal until at least level 3
Me neither. It's just not worth it that early on. In your example AJ - you are risking 150 to win 45. Those 45 chips aren't gonna help you this early but the loss of 150 (or worse 390 when he re-raises you in this example) do more damage than they're worth. Also, folding on the button can help you build a tight table image and thus help you steal later on. :ok
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Re: SnG Challenge Was a bit unsure about this call tbh, it all worked out ok but the more I think about it, I could have been miles behind. Against a single all I call, but was it right against two ?? PokerStars Game #14382973066: Tournament #72969517, $10+$1 Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2008/01/07 - 01:50:14 (ET) Table '72969517 1' 9-max Seat #8 is the button Seat 1: kidclass (1095 in chips) Seat 3: RidMyDebts (2200 in chips) Seat 6: asjohnstone (1530 in chips) Seat 7: tko828 (2050 in chips) Seat 8: amerrickan (5045 in chips) Seat 9: inevilhour (1580 in chips) inevilhour: posts small blind 25 kidclass: posts big blind 50 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to asjohnstone [3d 3c] RidMyDebts: calls 50 asjohnstone: calls 50 tko828: folds amerrickan: calls 50 inevilhour: calls 25 kidclass: checks *** FLOP *** [8s 7d 3s] inevilhour: checks kidclass: checks RidMyDebts: checks asjohnstone: checks amerrickan: bets 4995 and is all-in inevilhour: calls 1530 and is all-in kidclass: folds RidMyDebts: folds asjohnstone: calls 1480 and is all-in *** TURN *** [8s 7d 3s] [Jd] *** RIVER *** [8s 7d 3s Jd] [Js] *** SHOW DOWN *** inevilhour: shows [2s As] (a flush, Ace high) amerrickan: shows [7h 8h] (two pair, Jacks and Eights) inevilhour collected 100 from side pot asjohnstone: shows [3d 3c] (a full house, Threes full of Jacks) asjohnstone collected 4690 from main pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 4790 Main pot 4690. Side pot 100. | Rake 0 Board [8s 7d 3s Jd Js] Seat 1: kidclass (big blind) folded on the Flop Seat 3: RidMyDebts folded on the Flop Seat 6: asjohnstone showed [3d 3c] and won (4690) with a full house, Threes full of Jacks Seat 7: tko828 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: amerrickan (button) showed [7h 8h] and lost with two pair, Jacks and Eights Seat 9: inevilhour (small blind) showed [2s As] and won (100) with a flush, Ace high

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Re: SnG Challenge I don't think so.. You weren't behind amerrickan that's for sure or else he wouldn't have pushed it.. Not sure about the other call though but he's connecting lots of hands from SB so at this level that call could mean A8,K8,T9,98,87,56,FD,77,88 and maybe 99..I think you made a right call..

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