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$20080 added at mansion poker


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Re: $20080 added at mansion poker Like this:

TEXAS_HOLDEM, NO_LIMIT, T4-57403802-65
played at "Tuscaloosa" for USD TC from 2008-01-02 14:53 until 2008-01-02 14:54
Seat 1: MTThero ($2,590 in chips)
Seat 2: Hurtan ($6,415 in chips)
Seat 3: Sleekshot23 ($9,755 in chips)
Seat 4: DunnoWho ($4,998 in chips)
Seat 5: voin_bg ($3,585 in chips)
Seat 6: NKings ($13,070 in chips)
Seat 7: sadieaces9 ($2,495 in chips)
Seat 8: Endymion1977 ($2,895 in chips)
Seat 9: falseteeth1 ($1,415 in chips)
Seat 10: darknight898 ($2,595 in chips)
ANTES/BLINDS Endymion1977 posts blind ($50), falseteeth1 posts blind ($100). PRE-FLOP darknight898 folds, MTThero folds, Hurtan bets $300, Sleekshot23 bets $600, DunnoWho folds, voin_bg folds, NKings calls $600, sadieaces9 folds, Endymion1977 folds, falseteeth1 folds, Hurtan calls $300. FLOP [board cards: QC,JC,4D ] Hurtan checks, Sleekshot23 bets $900, NKings calls $900, Hurtan folds. TURN [board cards: QC,JC,4D,TS ] Sleekshot23 bets $2,000, NKings calls $2,000. RIVER [board cards: QC,JC,4D,TS,9C ] Sleekshot23 bets $3,000, NKings calls $3,000. SHOWDOWN Sleekshot23 shows [ AD,KS ] NKings mucks cards [ QS,AC ] Sleekshot23 wins $13,750.
SUMMARY Dealer: sadieaces9 Pot: $13,750 MTThero, loses $0 Hurtan, loses $600 Sleekshot23, bets $6,500, collects $13,750, net $7,250 DunnoWho, loses $0 voin_bg, loses $0 NKings, loses $6,500 sadieaces9, loses $0 Endymion1977, loses $50 falseteeth1, loses $100 darknight898, loses $0
17k - puts me 9th. :D
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Re: $20080 added at mansion poker Out 2568th. Had doubled up with AA when I got dealt QQ. Facing one limper and a raiser I pushed all-in with my 5,000 stack in the hope of ending it there and then (I hate QQ, I really do! :@). The raiser calls my all-in and shows 88 so I'm well ahead... until the flop brings down the remaining 8's in the pack! :puke Can't believe he flopped 4 of a kind but I suppose that's poker. Don't think I'd have got away from it either 'coz I would have never put him on that pocket pair. :loon

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Re: $20080 added at mansion poker Thats me out, started really well was at 7000 when I raised in early position with jacks, bb went all in for about 4500, thought i was behind and nearly folded but called and ran into aces, was a bit demoralized after that and ended up pushing with a 10 and ran into aq. Knew i was behind with the jj, just before that I had raised to 350 with aq and some guy had pushed for 2500 and i folded, so i wondered if the guy had made a move, disappointed- good luck to all still involved.

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Re: $20080 added at mansion poker :wall:wall:wall

TEXAS_HOLDEM, NO_LIMIT, T4-57403782-142
played at "Omsk" for USD TC from 2008-01-02 15:51 until 2008-01-02 15:52
Seat 1: Jacquiew ($2,180 in chips)
Seat 2: sdlhy2008 ($9,044 in chips)
Seat 3: ColU_FC6 ($6,235 in chips)
Seat 4: saco. ($4,650 in chips)
Seat 5: kowixx ($13,551 in chips)
Seat 6: MrAzing1 ($705 in chips)
Seat 7: neckelkoob ($10,170 in chips)
Seat 8: cakr010090 ($16,015 in chips)
Seat 9: M98501138115 ($255 in chips)
Seat 10: NiohpmA ($855 in chips)
ANTES/BLINDS NiohpmA posts blind ($150), Jacquiew posts blind ($300). PRE-FLOP sdlhy2008 folds, ColU_FC6 bets $800, saco. calls $800, kowixx folds, MrAzing1 folds, neckelkoob folds, cakr010090 folds, M98501138115 folds, NiohpmA folds, Jacquiew folds. FLOP [board cards: 9H,KS,TS ] ColU_FC6 bets $1,000, saco. calls $1,000. TURN [board cards: 9H,KS,TS,7D ] ColU_FC6 checks, saco. bets $2,850 and is all-in, ColU_FC6 calls $2,850. RIVER [board cards: 9H,KS,TS,7D,QS ] SHOWDOWN saco. shows [ JD,AC ] ColU_FC6 shows [ AD,KD ] saco. wins $9,750.
SUMMARY Dealer: M98501138115 Pot: $9,750 Jacquiew, loses $300 sdlhy2008, loses $0 ColU_FC6, loses $4,650 saco., bets $4,650, collects $9,750, net $5,100 kowixx, loses $0 MrAzing1, loses $0 neckelkoob, loses $0 cakr010090, loses $0 M98501138115, loses $0 NiohpmA, loses $150
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Re: $20080 added at mansion poker The wrong way to play aces: :(

TEXAS_HOLDEM, NO_LIMIT, T4-57403969-142
played at "Pyuthan" for USD TC from 2008-01-02 15:59 until 2008-01-02 16:00
Seat 1: sorenj3 ($4,257 in chips)
Seat 2: Ashlie_007 ($16,293 in chips)
Seat 3: xeddy42x ($1,775 in chips)
Seat 4: holeborer123 ($12,480 in chips)
Seat 5: MrMahood ($535 in chips)
Seat 6: smurph307 ($9,520 in chips)
Seat 7: Sleekshot23 ($16,380 in chips)
Seat 8: Marto21 ($8,280 in chips)
Seat 9: LoLeak ($11,565 in chips)
Seat 10: Thrane-10 ($5,755 in chips)
ANTES/BLINDS holeborer123 posts blind ($200), MrMahood posts blind ($400). PRE-FLOP smurph307 folds, Sleekshot23 calls $400, Marto21 folds, LoLeak folds, Thrane-10 folds, sorenj3 folds, Ashlie_007 folds, xeddy42x folds, holeborer123 calls $200, MrMahood checks. FLOP [board cards: KD,2H,KH ] holeborer123 checks, MrMahood checks, Sleekshot23 bets $400, holeborer123 calls $400, MrMahood folds. TURN [board cards: KD,2H,KH,TC ] holeborer123 checks, Sleekshot23 bets $400, holeborer123 calls $400. RIVER [board cards: KD,2H,KH,TC,2C ] holeborer123 checks, Sleekshot23 checks. SHOWDOWN holeborer123 shows [ 7H,KS ] Sleekshot23 mucks cards [ AH,AD ] holeborer123 wins $2,800.
SUMMARY Dealer: xeddy42x Pot: $2,800 sorenj3, loses $0 Ashlie_007, loses $0 xeddy42x, loses $0 holeborer123, bets $1,200, collects $2,800, net $1,600 MrMahood, loses $400 smurph307, loses $0 Sleekshot23, loses $1,200 Marto21, loses $0 LoLeak, loses $0 Thrane-10, loses $0
And then 2 hands later, the right way to play aces: :D
TEXAS_HOLDEM, NO_LIMIT, T4-57403969-144
played at "Pyuthan" for USD TC from 2008-01-02 16:00 until 2008-01-02 16:01
Seat 1: sorenj3 ($4,257 in chips)
Seat 2: Ashlie_007 ($16,293 in chips)
Seat 3: xeddy42x ($1,775 in chips)
Seat 4: holeborer123 ($14,080 in chips)
Seat 6: smurph307 ($8,120 in chips)
Seat 7: Sleekshot23 ($15,180 in chips)
Seat 8: Marto21 ($8,280 in chips)
Seat 9: LoLeak ($11,565 in chips)
Seat 10: Thrane-10 ($7,290 in chips)
ANTES/BLINDS smurph307 posts blind ($200), Sleekshot23 posts blind ($400). PRE-FLOP Marto21 folds, LoLeak bets $1,000, Thrane-10 folds, sorenj3 folds, Ashlie_007 folds, xeddy42x folds, holeborer123 folds, smurph307 bets $7,920 and is all-in, Sleekshot23 bets $14,780 and is all-in, LoLeak folds. FLOP [board cards: 4C,TD,6S ] TURN [board cards: 4C,TD,6S,8H ] RIVER [board cards: 4C,TD,6S,8H,5S ] SHOWDOWN Sleekshot23 shows [ AH,AS ] smurph307 shows [ JS,JH ] Sleekshot23 wins $7,060, Sleekshot23 wins $17,240.
SUMMARY Dealer: Pot: $24,300 sorenj3, loses $0 Ashlie_007, loses $0 xeddy42x, loses $0 holeborer123, loses $0 smurph307, loses $8,120 Sleekshot23, bets $15,180, collects $24,300, net $9,120 Marto21, loses $0 LoLeak, loses $1,000 Thrane-10, loses $0
And then fook me 2 hands later I got KK :eek but no takers. :(
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Re: $20080 added at mansion poker that lasted long, had aq hearts. guy calls from first position I raise it to 2k, he calls. j 10 3 with 2 hearts. He checks I move all in he calls with q 10 off. I dunno how he can call for 2k preflop with that junk but I guess u need to expect that in a $1 mtt. Out in 800ish, gutted. Gd luck to all who are still in, please dont let one of these fish take down such a massive tourney.

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