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CLOP final sharing percentage????


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Re: CLOP final sharing percentage???? I think multiple players exchanging percentages in themselves for a tourney they're still in raises some dodgy ethical questions :unsure Though the pro's do it in large events don't they :unsure (not criticising the post - I'm undecided if I think it's a good idea/should be done or not...)

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Re: CLOP final sharing percentage???? get what you mean however they do it at the wsop . i know a 20 man wsop syndicate...yes bigger field but same principle. Got no takers anyway. Was just looking at it as 10k between 5 spots, shame hey didnt make it a special 20 payout tournie where you would need to win 5 hands to cash lol, anyway gl to all still in 35 to go :)

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Re: CLOP final sharing percentage???? Its something I'm suprised more people havent complined about in big tourneys. Saw it once in a live event when a father and son squeezed me out of a pot preflop. Fair enough one had queens the other had A/K. Queen on the flop checked 10 on turn checked Jack on river checked. Was two away from the bubble and needless to say I was next out in a fit of rage. You could probably do it in a big field but I dont think its right if you are likely to bump into the players you have dealt with

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Re: CLOP final sharing percentage????

Does anyone want to split their final position percentage in this tournament. yes i am still in' date=' with 5 winnig spots it would be a prudent thing to do imo. and no im not pants player looking to scrounge lol.[/quote'] Just seen your 99 beat QQ - with luck like that you won't need a percentage split :ok
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Re: CLOP final sharing percentage????

Its something I'm suprised more people havent complined about in big tourneys. Saw it once in a live event when a father and son squeezed me out of a pot preflop.
Julian Gardner and his fiance (Kerry? :unsure) played in the same semi final in the 2005 UK Open (6 seat shootout) - no suggestion they soft played one another or anything (all cards were visible) but I was surprised they allowed that....
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