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Tonights Xmas PL Freeroll Bad Beat thread


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Re: Tonights Xmas PL Freeroll Bad Beat thread Not a bad beat, just a story of woe. Out to TQM. I have 87h on the button, raise to steal the blinds, TQM reraises in SB to about 3x my raise, I call. Flop 5h 9h Ax. TQM makes it about 330 to go. I think he's pulling my plonker plus I have flush, running flush and gutshot straight draws. I push all in. TQM calls instantly with AA. :eek My draws don't come in and I'm on the bench. :sad

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Re: Tonights Xmas PL Freeroll Bad Beat thread Lost all my stack to mowgli. First hand had J3, two pair on the turn, bet decent size i think, mow caught 6 on river with J6. Second hand reraised him pre-flop with AK, fish:lol called with AJ, flop AJT didn't hit. Played crap throughout I thought, never really got going. Good luck everyone:ok

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