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When do you "spring the trap"?


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€3 5 seat Turbo (3 min blinds) I left it too late here I think....when should I have sprung the trap? Turn? Or should I have just fast played it from the off (probably!!) ***** Hand 872151606 ***** 50.00/100.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - Tuesday, December 18, 2007 7:07:12 PM Holdem Turbo (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: blackjack5 (1795.00) Seat 2: frenchgab06 (1735.00) Seat 3: LIMA_FC (1165.00) Seat 4: Schwabe-HN (1255.00) Seat 5: Telepe (1550.00) frenchgab06 post SB 50.00 LIMA_FC post BB 100.00 ** Deal ** blackjack5 [N/A, N/A] frenchgab06 [N/A, N/A] LIMA_FC [N/A, N/A] Schwabe-HN [N/A, N/A] Telepe [As, Ah] *** Bet Round 1 *** Schwabe-HN Fold Telepe Raise to 400.00 blackjack5 Fold frenchgab06 Call 400.00 LIMA_FC Call 400.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [6d, 4h, Ac] *** Bet Round 2 *** frenchgab06 Bet 100.00 LIMA_FC Call 100.00 Telepe Call 100.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [6d, 4h, Ac, 7s] *** Bet Round 3 *** frenchgab06 Bet 100.00 LIMA_FC Call 100.00 Telepe Call 100.00 *** River(Board): *** : [6d, 4h, Ac, 7s, Ad] *** Bet Round 4 *** frenchgab06 Bet 100.00 LIMA_FC Call 100.00 Telepe Raise to 300.00 frenchgab06 Call 300.00 LIMA_FC Call 300.00 *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 2700.00 blackjack5 Fold Win: 0.00 frenchgab06 Fold Win: 0.00 LIMA_FC Fold Win: 0.00 Schwabe-HN Fold Win: 0.00 Telepe [As, Ah] Four of a kind, aces Win: 2700.00

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Re: When do you "spring the trap"? You've raised 4 x BB from the cut-off and got 2 callers. SB bets 100 into 1200 pot, BB calls. Personally, I'd put in a big raise here (up to about 600) hoping they think its a continuation bet. At worst you win 500 from each player, rather than the 900 you got, but the potential for much more is there.

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Re: When do you "spring the trap"? I agree - I would be raising on the flop as you have 2 callers. You've given 2 players 2 cards for 100 each - way to cheap. Raise the flop to a half pot bet for me and hope to keep maybe just one of them and take all their chips. If they both fold then so be it at least you're not risking being outdrawn on the cheap.

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Re: When do you "spring the trap"?

If they both fold then so be it at least you're not risking being outdrawn on the cheap.
Not disagreeing with you - with hindsight, I think I should have bet it hard from the flop - I usually would - dont know why I didn't here :unsure However, I'm not that worried about draws - it's a rainbow board - and having raised pre flop I'm confident that there aren't any straight draws out there (low one gap connectors...) - sure someone can hit two pair or trips.....but flushes and straights aren't a concern....
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Re: When do you "spring the trap"?

Not disagreeing with you - with hindsight, I think I should have bet it hard from the flop - I usually would - dont know why I didn't here :unsure However, I'm not that worried about draws - it's a rainbow board - and having raised pre flop I'm confident that there aren't any straight draws out there (low one gap connectors...) - sure someone can hit two pair or trips.....but flushes and straights aren't a concern....
A fair point mate in that the board cards are low. :) However is it possible that in a shorthanded turbo STT people are more likely to call raises with a wider range of hands? :unsure
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Re: When do you "spring the trap"? Don't usually trap, might be a part of my game that I'm missing. Usually I just bet a good chunk at the flop, if I hit. But in that specific situation I think you're pretty safe trying to trap, seeing as both of them called a min. bet I would most probably have raised it to 5-600 maybe more.

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Re: When do you "spring the trap"? The more I think about this the more I wonder just what they did call with! :loon They can't have hit trips else they'd be raising, if not the flop, then at least on the river when they would have a full house? I'd probably guess at 55 or maybe QQ/KK or worse. Or maybe they were just poor players in which case you played it right and got the maximum possible cos they'd have probably folded to a raise on the flop.

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