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6 Seat MicroLimit NLHE Tutorial Videos and Strategy Articles


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Though this would be quite interesting for some of us focusing on Cash at the moment - again from 2plus2.... http://forums.twoplustwo.com/showthread.php?t=391

A much better sticky than I can or ever will create, read this first! ZOMG WTFBBQ11ELEVENTYONE11!!!1....An amazing anthology of 2p2 posts. READ THIS FIRST PLS. The Basics Lingo and abbreviations uNL Posting Guidlines SSNL Master Sticky How to use PokerTracker FAQ uNL IRC channel GET YOUR n00b out Moving Up When to move up from 25nl Evolving Biggest Mistake You can Make when moving up When to move up from 50nl Moving from Limit to NL Moving from Limit to NL Limit Concepts that are teh sux0rz at NL General Theory A Framework for Poker Study Opening up your eyes and your game 25NL observations Baluga Theorem Optimal 25nl Strategy Optimal SSNL Strategy threads WAIT!! 6 Max tips for beginners Basic Theory: Expected Value 4_2_its 25NL General Observations ama's Pooh Bah CONNECT theory post Ama unleashes war on whining Bayes Theorem and Hand Reading:Bozzer walks through Bayes Theorem Downswings Dealing with a Downswing Short stacking what! Continuation Betting Continuation Betting- Part One Why am I c-betting? AJs should I cbet quiz Notes and Reads Reads Notes Hand reading and bet sizing PAHUD stuff Name that LINE! Pokey....just Pokey Raising PF 4xbb+1xbb for every limper...why? Extraction How to Extract in general Betting the turn versus betting the river Pokey takes us all to valuetown Implied Odds Overestimating Implied Odds
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Re: 6 Seat MicroLimit NLHE Tutorial Videos and Strategy Articles you deserve a medal many thanks for the cross post - have been playing a lot of micro cash as my STT game has completely gone to pot and I need lots of help to adjust to the cash environment Thanks for all your work - a true gent and excellent MOD:clap:clap:clap Damo

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Re: 6 Seat MicroLimit NLHE Tutorial Videos and Strategy Articles

Just been watching I Strong play 25nl on stars' date=' being new to the low level cash games listening to what he says makes so much sense. [/quote'] I've just been watching that - doesn't it look easy? :tongue2
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Re: 6 Seat MicroLimit NLHE Tutorial Videos and Strategy Articles

just been reading some of pokeys stuff and its excellent:nana would be a great read for anybody thinking of going on the cash tables:ok
This is taken from a sticky for Micro Limit NLHE Cash - every section on 2Plus2 has stickies I think with equivalents - STT's, MTT's Low stakes, High Stakes, Limit, No Limit, Holdem, Omaha, Stud etc.... Only posted this one because it looks the current "fad" on PL - if you're playing something different, worth checking out the stickies on 2plus2 for your game....
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Re: 6 Seat MicroLimit NLHE Tutorial Videos and Strategy Articles as a general point - i seem to do better on 6 seater micro games (like prima) than 5 seater games on Boss. Not sure why? perhaps because I actually get to fold a hand or two being UTG/UTG+1 and not in a position to 'steal' - where as at a 5 seater the blinds come round so quick that you generally are always in a position to play? hmmm maybe its a psychological thing? maybe I think I need to play more at a 5 seater than I actually do? (probably due to me playing STT's for so long, I guess my mind clicks into STT mode?). Anyhoo I have been reading through the links slowly and carefully and I must say it has helped my SSNL game! :ok I just need to read through again and again and again to grasp the concepts. On another nore has anyone got Ed Miller's book on SSNL? is it a good read and will it add something to my (rather) basic game? or is everything i need to know contained in the threads posted above? Thanks Damo

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