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What Is Your Limit ?


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The moderators work hard to find us the best value games out there, some Freerolls, some you have to pay. The PLOPS is a great idea and gives us PL's an exclusive game to play in, it is the first time it has been run and mistakes can only be learnt from that. The Heads Up game has had a mixed response, so the next time round things can be learnt from it. Myself think that the blind structure is all wrong 16000 chips...10/20 blinds plus what alot of people have pointed out is the waiting between games. Maybe the next PLOPS should be NL only, so we can get a better showing and value from the sites that gives us these exclusives. I personally am always trying to improve on myself and learn from others. A comment Avongirl made last night "I don't mind a regular $5 buy-in, but I still struggle to come to terms with $10" But what would you feel an appropriate amount to pay ? I'm happy to the value of $20 or 20 euros, but what do you guys think ?

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Re: What Is Your Limit ? Used to be $10, but I haven't moved up to €10 since the changeover. :unsure Play a lot of €3 and €5 STT, but clicked on the wrong line recently and found myself playing a €20 STT by mistake. I was almost :cry when I noticed. Needless to say I didn't cash. :lol In summary my limit would be €5 :ok (I am a tight Scotsman after all ;))

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Re: What Is Your Limit ? I am quite happy to play at $20 STTs and MTTs in general. However...when we have PL only games I find them much more difficult to play in. So I would shy away from them at $20. Keep them low, say $10 or less, and we keep the fun in the game. Push it too high and people may become too serious about it all.

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Re: What Is Your Limit ? I'm a cheapskate and generally play "value" games - however I'm constantlly aware that I should really be spending more in the hope of making more. Sort of limit I tend to operate as a general maximum for non added value MTTs is $10 or €5, but for decent value added games I've been happy to go up to $25 for freezeout MTTs. Not too keen on rebuys though - too many nutters with too much money who try to buy their way into the prizes using very loose all-in play (although I suspect for a sane sensible player these should be a goldmine).

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Re: What Is Your Limit ? Have to say i'm hard pushed to part with much more than 10 euro for any thing that doesnt contain "added value". I am not a fan of Satellites as they are basically winner takes all, I mean would any one play a 10 seater STT if there was only a first place prize? I have been intending buying in for the main event as one of my occasional bigger buy in treats but I'm begining to think spending the dough in something like the boss 250,000 would be a better idea. I dont know how the funding works for freerolls but I would prefer the cash was used to make added value for buy in or even raked hands tourneys.

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Re: What Is Your Limit ? Good question RVRD... and one I assume that came out of the discussion in the PLOPS thread after the poor turn out the other night. Personally the only games I pay for at the 'moment' are the Punters Lounge competitions. I have paid for occassional other games and intend to move into this more as I do not believe I have improved in recent times (probably due to too many freerolls) but I don't much 'spare' cash at the moment so all my money comes from freerolls. Bit of a dilemma really. Need to build a bankroll to play with and try on one site to improve my game. As far as what would I pay... well that depends... for a one off game with extra value I would pay up $5... for league games it would be $3 as I would want to play as many as possible fo these. Therefore the type of game and who is playing does have some bearing. I enjoy the PL games and find them very tough but it is because of this that I play in order that I can improve. If they cost too much this takes me further out of my comfort zone, is distracting and my play becomes worse so no real point playing. Will this improve me as a player? Probably not. The other question that I think is important is the day of the games... I cannot play everyday so some games I miss out on because of that. On the day in question there were not many people who voted for the games so was the problem with the date, the format (HU) and the buy-in rather than just about the cost? Final comment - how many players play in the league games on a regular basis? Probably an average of 40 I would guess... OK remove freeroll/low stakes players such as myself and you're probably down to 30-35. How many of those enjoy heads-up poker or have a personal reason for wanting to play these games? Maybe half of those.... Can they play that evening? I would think you would end up with 11 players. Is this possibly why? Think somewhere in there I answered the original question. :$

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Re: What Is Your Limit ? its hard to warrant paying to much for sats against PLrs because its usually only the winner getting a seat due to low turn out.i like playing against you lot but you do need some good luck and cards to win it.from what ive seen since signing to the forum even $5 wouldnt get a good turn out, there seems to be a hard core few that try to join in with most things and treble the people waiting for the things that are free

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Re: What Is Your Limit ? depends on the game and the site most people on here should be able to play at $5 buyins but if you dont like the game or the site you will not play i know ive said it before but why not have a go at some differtent games h u was a good start but lets have some omaha , 7 card stud , 5 card draw and stud i will quite happily play these at $2 stt on laddies because they are enjoyable not for the winnings

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Re: What Is Your Limit ? I dont really play MTT's anymore but when I do I don't really have a higher limit but I do tend to have a lower limit. If I am going to be sat in a game for 4/5 hours it has got to have something at the end of it, so my lower limit is generally $10 but it has to be a big field to make the pot worthwhile. Otherwise I may as well sit on a cash table or a STT for an hour and earn a lot more in a quarter of the time with better ROI odds

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Re: What Is Your Limit ? Interesting thread :ok My thoughts at the moment are to have a PLOPS II in mid april ish. I will ditch the varieties/HU (from PLOPS II, not PLOPS I) - for the moment they just dont generate enough interest.Buy in will probably be smaller (€50+€5? maybe less :unsure) with €5+50c sats running every 6 days (or so) to get a range of dates .... Hopefully we can get enough runners for 2 seats on most games? The sats will be a standard structure, the final will be a deep stacked game. What's the purpose of PLOPS? Most of us play poker most nights !! I'm trying to get an occasional, but "special" game together that isn't just about the added value, but one that offers more than the cash prizes and isn't just part of the usual grind - I think I've tried to make it "special" though through a higher buy in than most of us would usually play for - this isn't to try and get people out of their comfort zone, it is to try and make it a "significant" game to play in.....one that people care about doing well in.... Maybe the virtual PLOPS bracelets will one day be like WSOP bracelets and those who start collecting them now will have a head start a la Phil Hellmuth.... :tongue2

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Re: What Is Your Limit ?

but I don't much 'spare' cash at the moment so all my money comes from freerolls. Bit of a dilemma really. Need to build a bankroll to play with and try on one site to improve my game.
I'm a firm believer that PL'rs dont need to put any of their own money into poker - if you're beating the game, you should be able to build your own bankroll online - if you're not, then you should probably stick mostly to freerolls anyway :unsure (Unless you're happy to spend money, and lose it as an "entertainment cost" - like going to the cinema for example - however, there is no reason for anyone to spend their own money) - so the PLOPS games should not for anyone be a question of having the cash available and spare from your wage packet - if you haven't got the money in Virgin (or a poker "wallet") then I'd probably advise people not to play... Hopefully the "Nothing to Something" thread has demonstrated that you dont need to invest your own money to build a bankroll.....
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Re: What Is Your Limit ? On any given evening I would happily enter a €3-5 tournament and occasionally a $10/€10 one where the value was there. For PL exclusive/league games, I would only rarely look to pay too much more than we currently pay. I love playing in those games, they are fun, the banter is great, but we are, as a group of players, significantly better than the average player in a $3 MTT, and as a consequence, from a fiscal perspective, paying €10 to play against you guys seems the least financially viable option. That last sentence was way too long, but hopefully you get my meaning!!

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Re: What Is Your Limit ? whatever your limit is, it's important to understand and acknowledge it. If you play outside it, you can end up with scared money at the table, that can destroy your game, you need to confidence to be able to make a play and sometimes lose without it being an issue

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Re: What Is Your Limit ? The limit doesn't matter to me, I view them as a bit of fun and have only the last couple of months made a concerted effort to play in PL games (mainly because I didn't have an account with paradise). I would prefer it like WASP said if the buyins meant that a tourny was worth winning with regards to the amount of time to finish an MTT.

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Re: What Is Your Limit ?

whatever your limit is, it's important to understand and acknowledge it. If you play outside it, you can end up with scared money at the table, that can destroy your game, you need to confidence to be able to make a play and sometimes lose without it being an issue
I would never want anyone to play outside their comfort zone. I first started of playing $3 STT games and slowly built a bankroll up, then i would move up a level to improve myself, if it wasnt working i would always step backdown again until my confidence was back up then move up again. I now play $20 STT games every night, are the players any better, well Yes and No, its amazing how many donks that you still get paying $20, so sometimes it is worth giving that ODD game just outside your comfort zone to improve on yourself, you may be suprised at how well you may do by going up a level or two. Remember you can always step back down. Poker is a great game, so enjoy yourselves :ok
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Re: What Is Your Limit ?

I dont really play MTT's anymore but when I do I don't really have a higher limit but I do tend to have a lower limit. If I am going to be sat in a game for 4/5 hours it has got to have something at the end of it, so my lower limit is generally $10 but it has to be a big field to make the pot worthwhile. Otherwise I may as well sit on a cash table or a STT for an hour and earn a lot more in a quarter of the time with better ROI odds
Think Brian has answered this perfectly for me, in the last few months Ive lost the will to sit in large tournaments for little gain, currently enjoying the turbo tourneys on betfair upto $109 cause they were over in an hour, or the shorthanded €20 games on boss cause you can get paid within 20 mins. Good Thread though.
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