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Heads-up Rounders Challenge


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I want a challenge, too! And I got bored with my "Chris Ferguson" challenge on UltimateBet. I'm having a go at the heads-up Rounders tournaments on Microgaming (Prima). I need some practice playing heads-up, anyway. There are seven levels. At level 1 you buy in for $10+1 (cash), and at each level, if you win, you get enough "tokens" to play the next level, until you get to level 7, when the buy in is $640+64 or 704 tokens, and the winner gets $1280, which is my target. I'll allow myself up to $110 in buy-ins (10 buy-ins at level 1), and to begin with I'll try to build up tokens at level 2 and I'll think about how many tokens I want to get before stepping up a level. If all goes well, I might get away with only one buy-in. A big advantage of playing with tokens to win tokens is that you're not paying any rake while you do this. So far I've won a level 1 (for $11) and used the tokens to play a level 2 (which I also won against a really, really, really bad opponent ... almost from the beginning, he was going all-in about every other hand, but folding almost every hand I raised before he could go all-in, so I just waited to take his chips). So currently: Level 1: 1/1 Level 2: 1/1 Tokens (-buyins): 44 (-$11).

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Re: Heads-up Rounders Challenge

And I got bored with my "Chris Ferguson" challenge on UltimateBet.
You're such a defeatist :eyes :tongue2 Good luck mate :ok Just one thought - what's the liquidity like at the top level? Can you get a game? And who's generally sitting down at that buy in? Pro's? (I presume you can buy in for cash or tokens) :loon
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Re: Heads-up Rounders Challenge

Just one thought - what's the liquidity like at the top level? Can you get a game?
I'm not sure, to be honest. There's currently a level 5 with a player waiting to play, but nobody playing or waiting to play at a higher level than that. Liquidity in general is not great, to be honest, but at least I'm only going to be waiting for one opponent at a time.
And who's generally sitting down at that buy in? Pro's? (I presume you can buy in for cash or tokens) :loon
Yes, you can buy-in for cash. I don't know who generally plays at that level. But even if I'm totally outclassed, anybody has a chance heads-up, and even if I only had, say, $300 equity in a level 7 game, that just means that the tokens are worth less than face value to me, which isn't fatal if most of the time I'm playing with tokens to win tokens. Anyway, time will tell.
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Re: Heads-up Rounders Challenge Played another four at level 2 and won two of them. Level 1: 1/1 Level 2: 8/11 Tokens (-buyins): 132 (-$11). My provisional plan is to step up a level if that leaves me enough tokens to play ten times at the previous level (so, for example, I'll need 264 tokens to play at level 3 -- a 44 token buy in for level 3 plus ten 22 token buy ins for level 2) , and will drop back down if my tokens drop below that level. But I'll reconsider depending on my perception of the standard at the higher levels.

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Re: Heads-up Rounders Challenge I probably should have known to stop earlier tonight, as I was in a bit of an undisciplined mood. At this level, I seem to be doing well on the small pots, and more often than not I build up a useful lead early on, but I have a tendency to give it all back in one big pot. In one of the games I won, against a player I hadn't come across before, I raised to 40 as the big blind with 99 (blinds are 10/20, starting stacks 1500, and 10 minute blind levels). My opponent reraised all-in. Maybe it was stupid, but I reasoned that I've come across a few all-in nutters playing this, and with no knowledge of my opponent I thought I was ahead against the average hand of an average player who's going to go all-in on the first hand. They had 22, and my 9s stood up, so that was a quick victory.

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Re: Heads-up Rounders Challenge Ouch :sad Any thoughts on where it changed so dramatically? Are you confident you were playing the same in the last 7 or 8 games as the first 7 or 8 games? Was your frame of mind any different? Environment any different? Other things/games you were doing at the same time? Same opponents who have clocked your style? Seems quite a dramatic turnaround.... would be good if you could identify what changed (if anything)

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Re: Heads-up Rounders Challenge

Ouch :sad Any thoughts on where it changed so dramatically? Are you confident you were playing the same in the last 7 or 8 games as the first 7 or 8 games? Was your frame of mind any different? Environment any different? Other things/games you were doing at the same time? Same opponents who have clocked your style? Seems quite a dramatic turnaround.... would be good if you could identify what changed (if anything)
I think (hope) it was because I was just too impatient today, and played big pots that I'd have avoided before. Several times I got about a 2-1 chip lead and then threw it away in one hand. (The impatience probably applies to the 99 v 22 game, even though I won that one: if somebody's going all-in on the first hand with a hand I should call with 99, then I ought to be able to beat them even if I let them steal my 40 chips.) It may also be that after my good start, I just got over-confident. There have been quite a few different players. I think there's one I've played three times, and three I've played twice. I don't think "clocking my style" is a factor yet. I think I've done better against the ones I've played more than once, in fact. I really ought to be taking notes, though. May be a bad idea, but I'm going to try another level 1 now, to try to prove to myself that I can curb my impatience if I make a conscious effort. I think that in future I'll take a break if I lose two in a row until I've thought about what (if anything) I've been doing wrong.
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Re: Heads-up Rounders Challenge

May be a bad idea, but I'm going to try another level 1 now, to try to prove to myself that I can curb my impatience if I make a conscious effort.
:ok Level 1: 2/2 Level 2: 10/21 Tokens (-buyins): 22 (-$22). A quick win, but I'm not exactly sure I curbed my impatience. :lol
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Re: Heads-up Rounders Challenge Haven't really managed to get started since last time: Level 2: lost. Level 1: won. Level 2: lost. Level 1: lost. Level 1: 3/4 Level 2: 10/23 Tokens (-buyins): 0 (-$44). Oh well, I still have six of the ten buy-ins I was allowing myself.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Heads-up Rounders Challenge I just started this again after a break for Christmas and won a level 1. I'm particularly pleased with that, as early on I lost an all-in confrontation on the river to drop to 110 chips (so about a 26-1 chip deficit) but didn't give up and turned it around. Level 1: 4/5 Level 2: 10/23 Tokens (-buyins): 22 (-$55).

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Re: Heads-up Rounders Challenge Went downhill after that. I lost a level 2, and then bought into another level 1 and lost that. I've decided I'll quit for the day if I lose two, so that's it until tomorrow. I only have four of the ten buyins I allowed myself left, so I'm going to have to put a winning run together soon. Level 1: 4/6 Level 2: 10/24 Tokens (-buyins): 0 (-$66).

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