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Challenge 2: GaFs €50 to Something on Cash Tables - Challenge Failed


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My first "challenge" has finished - I got to €1,007 from nothing :ok Full story here - http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=55065 So challenge 2 - and I view this one as a lot harder - I've never really "cracked" cash games, but am going to give it my best shot now..... I'm going to start with €50 and see how far I can go on the cash tables. I will always sit down with the maximum, on 5 Seat NLHE tables. The site is Virgin, so username pl---GaF. I will play at the highest stakes my Bankroll allows. I will sit down with a maximum of 10% of my Bankroll (Except at 5c/10c where I will allow myself a larger percentage if necessary). So for example, I can only move up to 12c/25c when my bankroll reaches 25c * 100 * 10 = €250 Huge success I would view as hitting the 50c/$1 tables (which would mean bankroll is €1 * 100 * €1 = €1000) - If I'm honest I dont really expect to get there.... My aim is to play one table at a time and to CONCENTRATE!!!! However at the lower levels, I will allow myself to multitable... Whilst the focus is cash tables, I only have one Virgin account, so will allow myself to play requirements to meet promotion targets - e.g. 15xSTT this week. I will do this for smallest stakes possible to minimise impact on the challenge. I've just made a withdrawal which brings me to an exact starting balance of €49.97. virgingn4.jpg

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Re: Challenge 2: GaFs €50 to Something (that isn't nothing) on Cash Tables Session 1 not going well :sad I've turned the football on too :sad Am about €12 down at the moment :sad Well I did say this would be harder :sad Can't get my game right - I don't seem to have any fold equity, so have turned into a passive calling station - so it's no surprise I'm losing on 5 seaters!! :sad Will post the worst of my hands later :sad

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Re: Challenge 2: GaFs €50 to Something on Cash Tables - Current Bank €55.77 Recovered my losses and a bit :ok Bank now up to €55.77 :ok Going to post my worst hands - I know they were bad - not looking for feedback :$ trying to embarass myself into better discipline next time :$ BossMedia Game #862985416: Table Turbo TH 83 - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:05:04 - 2007/12/11 Seat 1: marcellusw ($16.60) Seat 2: Davidjan1 ($18.53) Seat 3: pl---GaF ($9.08) Seat 5: noksu83 ($9.00) pl---GaF posts the small blind of $0.05 noksu83 posts the big blind of $0.10 Davidjan1 is the button *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to pl---GaF [Qd Qh] marcellusw folds Davidjan1 calls $0.10 pl---GaF raises $0.50 noksu83 calls $0.50 Davidjan1 calls $0.50 *** FLOP *** [Kc 2s Js] pl---GaF bets $1.00 noksu83 calls $1.00 Davidjan1 folds *** TURN *** [Kc 2s Js] [As] pl---GaF bets $1.70 noksu83 calls $1.70 *** RIVER *** [Kc 2s Js As] [6s] pl---GaF goes all-in with $5.88 noksu83 goes all-in with $5.80 *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $17.58 | Rake $0.92 Board: [Kc 2s Js As 6s] marcellusw won ($0.00), mucks Davidjan1 won ($0.00), mucks pl---GaF won ($0.00), showed [Qd Qh] noksu83 won ($17.58), showed [Ks Qs] BossMedia Game #862934860: Table Turbo TH 83 - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 20:34:11 - 2007/12/11 Seat 1: marcellusw ($11.19) Seat 2: Davidjan1 ($21.18) Seat 3: pl---GaF ($10.94) Seat 4: doctordick ($11.78) Seat 5: noksu83 ($10.49) doctordick posts the big blind of $0.10 pl---GaF posts the small blind of $0.05 marcellusw is the button *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to pl---GaF [9d Tc] noksu83 calls $0.10 marcellusw calls $0.10 pl---GaF calls $0.10 doctordick checks *** FLOP *** [Th Ad 7c] pl---GaF checks doctordick checks noksu83 bets $0.10 marcellusw calls $0.10 pl---GaF calls $0.10 doctordick folds *** TURN *** [Th Ad 7c] [Td] pl---GaF checks noksu83 bets $0.10 marcellusw raises $0.50 pl---GaF calls $0.50 noksu83 calls $0.50 *** RIVER *** [Th Ad 7c Td] [Jh] pl---GaF checks noksu83 bets $0.40 marcellusw raises $3.00 pl---GaF calls $3.00 noksu83 folds *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $8.17 | Rake $0.43 Board: [Th Ad 7c Td Jh] pl---GaF won ($0.00), mucks marcellusw won ($8.17), showed [7h 7d] Davidjan1 won ($0.00), showed [ER ER] doctordick won ($0.00), mucks noksu83 won ($0.00), mucks BossMedia Game #863064967: Table Turbo TH 83 - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:52:27 - 2007/12/11 Seat 1: cigolè ($7.41) Seat 2: -WaGer666- ($3.20) Seat 3: pl---GaF ($11.17) Seat 4: david92130 ($3.81) Seat 5: kenza069 ($1.11) pl---GaF posts the small blind of $0.05 david92130 posts the big blind of $0.10 -WaGer666- is the button *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to pl---GaF [Ts Td] kenza069 calls $0.10 cigolè calls $0.10 -WaGer666- raises $0.50 pl---GaF raises $2.60 david92130 folds kenza069 goes all-in with $1.11 cigolè folds -WaGer666- goes all-in with $3.20 pl---GaF calls $3.20 *** FLOP *** [8h Jh 5s] *** TURN *** [8h Jh 5s] [4c] *** RIVER *** [8h Jh 5s 4c] [9s] *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $7.33 | Rake $0.38 Board: [8h Jh 5s 4c 9s] pl---GaF won ($0.00), mucks cigolè won ($0.00), mucks -WaGer666- won ($7.33), showed [Qh Qs] david92130 won ($0.00), mucks kenza069 won ($0.00), mucks

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Re: Challenge 2: GaFs €50 to Something on Cash Tables - Current Bank €55.77 Hope you turn the bad run round Gaf but it's been a surprisingly good night for me on the Boss $0.05/$0.10 5 seaters. $19 profit for 30BB/100 over 600 hands 4 tabling. May be tempted to start a new challenge here myself. Didn't realise GT+ works on Boss, so will get that going tomorrow. FBF

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Re: Challenge 2: GaFs €50 to Something on Cash Tables - Current Bank €55.77

Didn't realise GT+ works on Boss, so will get that going tomorrow.
It's fed from the PT Database, so anywhere that PT works with, then GT+ should work too :ok
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Re: Challenge 2: GaFs €50 to Something on Cash Tables - Current Bank €55.77

Some Stats Hands Played: 200 VP$IP 27.5% PF Raise 16.5% Table Minutes: 150 True Minute: 120 $Won: $8.51 BB/100: 21.27 BB/Hr: 17.02
All 5 handed ?? Surely that VP$IP can't be for a 5 handed table ?? :unsure BTW - The article on Low Limit Cash Games in the latest Poker Player is quite good - I know theres a lot of basic stuff in there, but you may find a few nuggets to work with :)
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Re: Challenge 2: GaFs €50 to Something on Cash Tables - Current Bank €55.77

Surely that VP$IP can't be for a 5 handed table ?? :unsure
I presume you're saying it's too tight? What do you think it should be? To be honest, the post flop aggression factor (which I forgot to add there - will dig it out tonight) is my main concern at the moment (it was less than 1.00)
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Re: Challenge 2: GaFs €50 to Something on Cash Tables - Current Bank €55.77

To be honest, the post flop aggression factor (which I forgot to add there - will dig it out tonight) is my main concern at the moment (it was less than 1.00)
My aggression factor on the flop improved a bit - 1.44 :) Just sat down at 2 tables :ok (Also spent €5.50 on tonights PLOPS)
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Re: Challenge 2: GaFs €50 to Something on Cash Tables - Current Bank €55.77

I presume you're saying it's too tight? What do you think it should be?
I'm not certain TBH - I play mostly 6 handed on Betfair, so i've no Poker Tracker stats. It just seems low to say that your in the Blinds 2 Hands in every 5, and I would imagine at these levels a lot of pre-flop limps are the order of the day ?? So I would be expecting you re-raising the limpers a lot of the time, or failing that you should be playing a fair bit post flop, if your checking them down preflop. Position is important, but I think aggression is slightly more important. And together theyre a winning combination.:)
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Re: Challenge 2: GaFs €50 to Something on Cash Tables - Current Bank €85.17

Had AA 7 times now (from 601 hands) - and they've all held up :dude Made $19.64 just from aces :loon
Ive got 35,000+ hands on poker tracker and the odds on getting Ace Ace appear to be about 170/1, thought it was supposed to be 220/1 Guess I,m just lucky, I mean they wouldnt fix online poker to deal pocket aces more often then they should just to keep us coming back would they? 170/1 would be about right for 5 aces in the pack I think, maybe thats it.
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Re: Challenge 2: GaFs €50 to Something on Cash Tables - Current Bank €85.17 Seems pretty incredible to be that far out over 35,000 hands!! Which network? I'm sorry to be such a doubting thomas, but are you sure you're not misreading/filtering in some way?

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Re: Challenge 2: GaFs €50 to Something on Cash Tables - Current Bank €85.17

forgive me if I'm dumb, but aren't there 169 starting hands in hold 'em ?? Your 170/1 seems to be exactly where it should be.
No Ak or any 2 un paired cards for example has more variations that could happen preflop Youve got PT, what are your stats like for aces compared with other pairs? Aces are top of mine by a good bit every were except Crypto
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Re: Challenge 2: GaFs €50 to Something on Cash Tables - Current Bank €85.17

24,665 on Prima Aces 139 times 9,996 on Boss Aces 58 times 34,661 hands total about 175/1
They're both out by similar proportions (1 in 177 and 1 in 172) - sorry - I just dont believe it :unsure You have some kind of filter in place.......
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