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PL Exclusive Cashback Tourney with $1000 Gtd at 32Red


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Re: PL Exclusive Cashback Tourney with $1000 Gtd at 32Red Any chance I could join in this?? I know I've not been around for a long while - Steve and I are both working in the UK for the moment, but without proper internet access, and we've just had so little time at home on the weekend that poker has taken a bit of a back seat for a while. :sad I'm now back home until the New Year (but Steve is still working this week:lol) so plenty more time over the next few weeks to play a bit of poker :nana:nana If I'm not OK to join in this one, then fine, I'll hopefully see you all at the tables anyway over the next few weeks.

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Re: PL Exclusive Cashback Tourney with $1000 Gtd at 32Red

Due to the complaints last time about sexy members getting the password first,they decided to reverse this decision due to the ugly members being left out. Therefore give a big round of applause to John "Strider" Merrick :clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap ;)
Wow thanks mate Uncle John was always considered the looker of the family,i was going to be named after him but mum and dad didnt think i'd turn out handsome enough:sad Master Merrick
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Re: PL Exclusive Cashback Tourney with $1000 Gtd at 32Red

Wow thanks mate Uncle John was always considered the looker of the family,i was going to be named after him but mum and dad didnt think i'd turn out handsome enough:sad Master Merrick
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Re: PL Exclusive Cashback Tourney with $1000 Gtd at 32Red Where's the correct place to register for this on this site please? I've voted for it in the Daily thread, but whilst I see 31 others have, there are 39 already regged on 32red. Just wanna make sure I'm casting my vote in the right place for the password. Thanks.

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Re: PL Exclusive Cashback Tourney with $1000 Gtd at 32Red

Where's the correct place to register for this on this site please? I've voted for it in the Daily thread, but whilst I see 31 others have, there are 39 already regged on 32red. Just wanna make sure I'm casting my vote in the right place for the password. Thanks.
There's been an opportunity to request the password in the daily thread for the past week (at least) hence why some people already have the password and have registered.:ok:ok I'm sure the mods will sort out those awaiting the password well in advance of the start.
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Re: PL Exclusive Cashback Tourney with $1000 Gtd at 32Red Eh - where have all these stragglers come from? Everyone who requested the password should already have it..... I could understand a few latecomers from non poker regulars after my mailing last night, but most of the late ones seem to be regulars of the Poker forum :loon Will get up to date with the forum, then work through the late requests - if you're lucky you might have it by the start :tongue2 (lucky it's a 9pm start!!)

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Re: PL Exclusive Cashback Tourney with $1000 Gtd at 32Red

Eh - where have all these stragglers come from? Everyone who requested the password should already have it..... I could understand a few latecomers from non poker regulars after my mailing last night, but most of the late ones seem to be regulars of the Poker forum :loon
Sorry to cause any hassle. Like a few others I couldn't play originally, and so put the whole thing out of my mind. My plans changed but I'd forgotten about the tournie until your message last night.
Will get up to date with the forum, then work through the late requests - if you're lucky you might have it by the start :tongue2 (lucky it's a 9pm start!!)
Best you get a wriggle on then ;) Just cause we're useless, doesn't mean we expect our Mods to be useless also :spank :rollin
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Re: PL Exclusive Cashback Tourney with $1000 Gtd at 32Red Everyone in the daily poll )and requested here)has been PM'd the password (sorry for those of you for whom it is a duplicate) - the mods are just making a decision on catafrunza, tava and dico - I wont be checking the poll any more - anyone else will need to PM a poker mod for consideration.....

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Guest gazza271

Re: PL Exclusive Cashback Tourney with $1000 Gtd at 32Red Can't make tonights game :sad GL to all in what is another fantastic PL exclusive :ok:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap

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