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PL Exclusive Cashback Tourney with $1000 Gtd at 32Red


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Re: PL Exclusive Cashback Tourney with $1000 Gtd at 32Red

I have regged for this too.:cow
Armed with the password from GaF, I looked for this tourney, under scheduled / regular, but no sign of it for me :sad Is it still there? EDIT - found it by clicking on "Hide Empty Tables" and "Hide Registration Closed"
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Re: PL Exclusive Cashback Tourney with $1000 Gtd at 32Red hoping to be in this tomorrow night - gonna put a tick in the box for the password. wont actually sign in until just before cos if i dont get any sleep again tonight iaint gonna play poker! how long before the tourney before you cannot register anymore? 90% certain will be playing though - will be good to actually join in on one of these for a change

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Re: PL Exclusive Cashback Tourney with $1000 Gtd at 32Red

hoping to be in this tomorrow night - gonna put a tick in the box for the password. wont actually sign in until just before cos if i dont get any sleep again tonight iaint gonna play poker! how long before the tourney before you cannot register anymore? 90% certain will be playing though - will be good to actually join in on one of these for a change
You can register until the last second for this one!:ok TQM
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Re: PL Exclusive Cashback Tourney with $1000 Gtd at 32Red Hope to make this, can I have the password sent please, as looked into tomorrows poll and it does not show for for pass been sent. I am at work but will hopefully still be in when i leave to get home.:hope

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Re: PL Exclusive Cashback Tourney with $1000 Gtd at 32Red My Mam arrived yesterday for the holidays so things will be all topsy turvy for the next two weeks...as my daughter is coming over tonight I won't be playing this one...bloody Christmas visitors!

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Re: PL Exclusive Cashback Tourney with $1000 Gtd at 32Red

how do you mean judge it? do all members not get the password mate?
"This tournament is only open to established PL'rs at the time the tournament was announced." I would wait and see dico - you have currently 13 posts, of which 4 are from today and directly related to getting the password I would wait for when a moderator gets here and reads the thread:ok genreally PL want to encourage as many forum members as possible to get involved and play, however there are some special tounry's that do not allow all members to enter. PL is a community and by particpating fully within the community, members are more likely to get passwords for the special tounry's - so keep posting and getting involved and see what happens my friend! Damo (who has slightly more posts than you and hasn't had the password either)
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Re: PL Exclusive Cashback Tourney with $1000 Gtd at 32Red

how do you mean judge it? do all members not get the password mate?
In the past when exclusive tourny's have been run on this site we usually get hordes of people trying to enter these. In the past these have usually been freerolls and on the last occassion someone let the password out onto the net and it was invaded by people who had never even heard of PuntersLounge. The problem with this one is that you do have to invest to start with so on that basis it's up to a mod to judge wether your allowed to play. Though if you are then it's gonna be impossible to give you the password as you need 50 post's at least to recieve Private messages and you have no e-mail contact address for any of the mods to get in touch with you. Have a little bit of patience as the tourny doesn't start till 9 and there will be a mod along shortly(amazingly enough some of them actually work for a living) and everything will be sorted out.:ok
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Re: PL Exclusive Cashback Tourney with $1000 Gtd at 32Red

Never a truer word spoken' date='I was obviously the first to receive it of course:dude[/quote'] Due to the complaints last time about sexy members getting the password first,they decided to reverse this decision due to the ugly members being left out. Therefore give a big round of applause to John "Strider" Merrick :clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap ;)
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