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inspired by the mole

the croc

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Re: inspired by the mole Well I couldn't resist and have had my first taste of 0.25/0.50c. :loon I tried to play exactly as I had been at 0.10/0.20c and to start with I think I did but then I felt myself tightening up too much. Still I came through unscathed and with a profit of $6 into the bargain. Happy with that although after my first hand I was $14 up! Was good though and I will deffo go in there again and hopefully stick at this level for a while. Dec 23rd part deux +$6 Overall +$138

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Re: inspired by the mole Hmm I'm getting slightly addicted again...! :loon:lol After being cruelly bad beat in the mansion game (I know I know yawn :zzz:lol) I decided to have another go on the cash table. Man it's more exciting at these levels! I think it will take me a while to get used to the sizes of the pots and bets I'm playing with now but hopefully that will come with time. My stack was going up and down all over the place - at one stage I was $35 up, then I lost about $65 in one hand :cry. Topped up and stuck with it and ended up walking away with $61 profit after 40 roller-coaster minutes! :nana Dec 23rd part trois +$61 :dude Overall +$199

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Re: inspired by the mole

finished the months experiment up $822 and in profit 25 out of 31 days' date='so next year will be spending much more time playing cash.[/quote'] Nice one mate. :ok I've just finished my last session for this year. A nightmare start when my Trip J's were beat my Trip Q's on my 3rd hand - so one buy-in gone. Then lost another $25 after some poor play. And then grinded my way all the way back to $5 down only for Trip J's to be busted again by the same player with a straight! :cry Anyway, an hour more grind and I've finished $43 down for the day. Not bad considering the above 2 hands. Dec 31st -$43 Overall +$252 I'll settle for that for my first month's cash play. :) I played 20 days in the month and had profit on 18 of those so like the croc I want to play more of this next year.
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Re: inspired by the mole new year,new start.:hope table-25/50c $62.21+(target achieved-1 day) bad start when my qq bumped into aa losing me $22. 30 mins later qq again beaten by aa losing $16.turning point came when GreekRoyal arrived at the table,betting,raising and losing most hands,he reloaded twice before i managed action with him ;) ***** Hand 890068246 ***** 0.25/0.50 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 01 January 2008 18:39:33 Table TH 436 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: _SRD_ (41.21) Seat 2: GreekRoyal (61.42) Seat 3: thecrocpl (65.52) Seat 4: Mr_Kruz (69.76) Seat 5: Kappana (24.94) _SRD_ post SB 0.25 GreekRoyal post BB 0.50 ** Deal ** _SRD_ [N/A, N/A] GreekRoyal [N/A, N/A] thecrocpl [Qc, 8c] Mr_Kruz [N/A, N/A] Kappana [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** thecrocpl Call 0.50 Mr_Kruz Fold Kappana Fold _SRD_ Fold GreekRoyal Check *** Flop(Board): *** : [Kc, Ac, 6s] *** Bet Round 2 *** GreekRoyal Check thecrocpl Check *** Turn(Board): *** : [Kc, Ac, 6s, 7c] *** Bet Round 3 *** GreekRoyal Bet 4.00 thecrocpl Call 4.00 *** River(Board): *** : [Kc, Ac, 6s, 7c, 5c] *** Bet Round 4 *** GreekRoyal Bet 16.00 thecrocpl Raise to 38.00 GreekRoyal Call 38.00 *** Showdown *** : Rake: 3.00 Total Pot: 82.25 _SRD_ Fold Win: 0.00 GreekRoyal Fold Win: 0.00 thecrocpl [Qc, 8c] Ace high flush Win: 82.25 Mr_Kruz Fold Win: 0.00 Kappana Fold Win: 0.00 when he re raised pre flop i just felt he was trying it on again ***** Hand 890078511 ***** 0.25/0.50 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 01 January 2008 18:46:15 Table TH 436 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: _SRD_ (53.21) Seat 2: GreekRoyal (39.44) Seat 3: thecrocpl (103.02) Seat 4: Mr_Kruz (68.26) Seat 5: Kappana (2.82) Kappana post SB 0.25 _SRD_ post BB 0.50 ** Deal ** _SRD_ [N/A, N/A] GreekRoyal [N/A, N/A] thecrocpl [8h, 8s] Mr_Kruz [N/A, N/A] Kappana [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** GreekRoyal Call 0.50 thecrocpl Raise to 2.00 Mr_Kruz Fold Kappana Fold _SRD_ Call 2.00 GreekRoyal Raise to 19.00 thecrocpl Raise to 38.50 _SRD_ Fold GreekRoyal Call 38.50 *** Flop(Board): *** : [5d, 3d, 5s] *** Bet Round 2 *** GreekRoyal Check thecrocpl Bet 1.00 GreekRoyal All-in 0.94 *** Turn(Board): *** : [5d, 3d, 5s, 9c] *** River(Board): *** : [5d, 3d, 5s, 9c, 6c] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 3.00 Total Pot: 78.13 _SRD_ Fold Win: 0.00 GreekRoyal Fold Win: 0.00 thecrocpl [8h, 8s] Two pair eights and fives Win: 78.13 Mr_Kruz Fold Win: 0.00 Kappana Fold Win: 0.00

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Guest gazza271

Re: inspired by the mole Have made withdrawals from both Paradise and Virgin today and left 100 euro's in each. Going to just play cash games on Paradise and mix cash/mtt/stt on Virgin. Going to try and keep track of the balances after each session as Hodgey has been doing :ok

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Re: inspired by the mole 2 JAN 08 25/50C TABLE 43 MIN PLAY +$69.60 +$131.81 TOTAL(2 DAYS) TARGET ACHIEVED(2 DAYS) reached my target in quick time,cards very kind tonight ***** Hand 891745765 ***** 0.25/0.50 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 02 January 2008 21:16:49 Table TH 930 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: hilarity (46.75) Seat 2: thecrocpl (43.00) Seat 3: Bhoy1888 (41.47) Seat 4: efbwin (53.57) Seat 5: H.LECTER (46.78) Bhoy1888 post SB 0.25 efbwin post BB 0.50 ** Deal ** hilarity [N/A, N/A] thecrocpl [2d, 2h] Bhoy1888 [N/A, N/A] efbwin [N/A, N/A] H.LECTER [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** H.LECTER Fold hilarity Call 0.50 thecrocpl Call 0.50 Bhoy1888 Raise to 1.50 efbwin Fold hilarity Call 1.50 thecrocpl Call 1.50 *** Flop(Board): *** : [7s, Ac, 2s] *** Bet Round 2 *** Bhoy1888 Bet 1.50 hilarity Raise to 6.50 thecrocpl Raise to 11.50 Bhoy1888 Fold hilarity Call 11.50 *** Turn(Board): *** : [7s, Ac, 2s, 10s] *** Bet Round 3 *** hilarity Bet 15.00 thecrocpl Call 15.00 *** River(Board): *** : [7s, Ac, 2s, 10s, Jh] *** Bet Round 4 *** hilarity Check thecrocpl All-in 15.00 hilarity Call 15.00 *** Showdown *** : Rake: 3.00 Total Pot: 86.50 hilarity Fold Win: 0.00 thecrocpl [2d, 2h] Three of a kind, deuces Win: 86.50 Bhoy1888 Fold Win: 0.00 efbwin Fold Win: 0.00 H.LECTER Fold Win: 0.00 could have taken more on this one but for some reason i decided he had possibly hit his straight so checked the river :wall ***** Hand 891793787 ***** 0.25/0.50 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 02 January 2008 21:42:06 Table TH 930 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: travel84 (55.45) Seat 2: thecrocpl (91.55) Seat 3: Bhoy1888 (29.05) Seat 4: efbwin (57.90) Seat 5: jips007 (16.21) efbwin post SB 0.25 jips007 post BB 0.50 ** Deal ** travel84 [N/A, N/A] thecrocpl [6h, 6s] Bhoy1888 [N/A, N/A] efbwin [N/A, N/A] jips007 [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** travel84 Call 0.50 thecrocpl Raise to 2.00 Bhoy1888 Fold efbwin Fold jips007 Call 2.00 travel84 Call 2.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [6c, Jh, 9d] *** Bet Round 2 *** jips007 Check travel84 Check thecrocpl Bet 6.00 jips007 Call 6.00 travel84 Call 6.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [6c, Jh, 9d, 4h] *** Bet Round 3 *** jips007 Check travel84 Check thecrocpl Bet 15.00 jips007 Fold travel84 Call 15.00 *** River(Board): *** : [6c, Jh, 9d, 4h, 10s] *** Bet Round 4 *** travel84 Check thecrocpl Check *** Showdown *** : Rake: 2.70 Total Pot: 51.55 travel84 [Qd, 10h] Pair of tens Win: 0.00 thecrocpl [6h, 6s] Three of a kind, sixes Win: 51.55 Bhoy1888 Fold Win: 0.00 efbwin Fold Win: 0.00 jips007 Fold Win: 0.00

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Re: inspired by the mole

Nice one mate. :ok I only played for 5 minutes earlier, but came up with $19 profit. Have spent the rest of the evening in the Mansion $20080 game... :hope Jan 2nd +$19 Overall +$285
lmao think i played the mansion game for 5 mins or so :$
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Guest gazza271

Re: inspired by the mole Half hour session on Paradise, .50/1 tables Start balance 100 euro's End session 120.82 euro's :ok Did play the .25/.50 tables this afternoon for half hour but finished exactly with what I started with :lol. Must admit find the play at .50/1 a better table. seem to make slow steady progress there but struggle on the .25/.50 tables :unsure

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Re: inspired by the mole

Half hour session on Paradise, .50/1 tables Start balance 100 euro's End session 120.82 euro's :ok Did play the .25/.50 tables this afternoon for half hour but finished exactly with what I started with :lol. Must admit find the play at .50/1 a better table. seem to make slow steady progress there but struggle on the .25/.50 tables :unsure
Funny I find boss exactly the same
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Guest gazza271

Re: inspired by the mole Another short session on the .50/1 tables, about half hour again :ok Original balance 100 euro's Start session balance 120.82 euro's End session balance 178.55 euro's That will probably be it for a few days as tomorrow start the long stint at work :(

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Re: inspired by the mole Nice one you two. :ok

lmao think i played the mansion game for 5 mins or so :$
I ended up playing it for 7 hours! :eek Was worth it though. :D Haven't managed any cash play tonight - been in the SJ freeroll and am in the money again..... :)
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Re: inspired by the mole 4 JAN 08 25/50C TABLE 2hr 03 MIN PLAY +$50.72 +$233.21 TOTAL(4 DAYS) TARGET ACHIEVED(4 DAYS) fairly uneventfull session,best pot posted below.ended up lucky he never had a heart. ***** Hand 894872417 ***** 0.25/0.50 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 04 January 2008 21:44:37 Table TH 877 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: crazy74 (25.99) Seat 2: býdýk (20.65) Seat 3: bastouni1 (25.58) Seat 4: thecrocpl (60.85) Seat 5: pecis (118.75) pecis post SB 0.25 crazy74 post BB 0.50 ** Deal ** crazy74 [N/A, N/A] býdýk [N/A, N/A] bastouni1 [N/A, N/A] thecrocpl [3d, 3s] pecis [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** býdýk Fold bastouni1 Raise to 2.50 thecrocpl Call 2.50 pecis Call 2.50 crazy74 Fold *** Flop(Board): *** : [10h, 3h, Jd] *** Bet Round 2 *** pecis Check bastouni1 Bet 7.50 thecrocpl Raise to 20.00 pecis Fold bastouni1 All-in 23.08 thecrocpl Call 23.08 *** Turn(Board): *** : [10h, 3h, Jd, 5h] *** River(Board): *** : [10h, 3h, Jd, 5h, 2h] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 2.70 Total Pot: 51.46 crazy74 Fold Win: 0.00 býdýk Fold Win: 0.00 bastouni1 [Js, Kd] Pair of jacks Win: 0.00 thecrocpl [3d, 3s] Three of a kind, threes Win: 51.46 pecis Fold Win: 0.00

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Guest gazza271

Re: inspired by the mole Strange night for me last night :\ Had a few beers which I really should'nt have as had to be up for 5am, decided to play a few cash hands on Paradise so went to the usual .50/1 tables with a $100 (max) buy in. Well I couldnt hit a fcuking thing and was getting outdrawn on every hand, could'nt bluff to save my life and was getting more and more frustrated :@:@:@, Cashed out of that table when my buy in was down to $30 :sad Now I think this is really the first time I have ever really gone on tilt, usually shout fcuk off you **** at the monitor and thats it,done and forgotten with but last night I was steaming and one of Bri's quotes about Morls sprung to mind about having to play at higher levels than you should be to prove yourself :\, my Virgin withdrawel hasnt for some reason gone through so a fair bit in there so decided to hit the $1/$2 tables :loon After half hour I was $200 up when the others all left the table one by one, by then my tilt had eased and I went off to bed a happy bunny :ok I had had a couple of beers, was not pi$$ed, bit tipsey :ok and now think maybe it was a foolish thing to do going on to that level with a beer inside me, BUT, at no stage did I feel uncomftable on the table despite some of the bets being far above what you usually get on the .50/1 tables. So a couple of things, Tilt - can positives be taken from it ? Bri's quote - "to improve you need to play above your level" or something similar along those lines (think it is in oscars thread where he nominate's Morls). Thoughts on this ? I think I will have a look at the $1/$2 tables again but will be interesting to see if my play differs from the drink/tilt style.

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Re: inspired by the mole I didn't actually mean it in that context, I meant you always set yourself targets to move up to the next level and maybe occasionally take a shot to test the water. What you shouldn't do is end the year playing the same level you started. Any money made should be put into your bankroll to aid this not withdrawn and blown on material things. Where morls has been remarkable (and I hope he doesn't mind me mentioning this) is that he is on a low salary and he has been using his poker winning to subsidise his lavish lifestyle, so his bankroll suffers. But he realises his level is above what his bankroll suggests so he plays outside his bankroll which does take balls. Last night for you Gazza goes back to the debate with Gaf playing micro stakes. If you have the BR and talent to start at 1/2 then why not start there. If you dont have the BR just take a shot now and then and see how you get on. What I don't recommend is playing a level above without 100% concentration on what you are doing. I would never have a beer and play cash and when on a new level I only play one table until I am comfortable in what I am doing. Last night may have been a fluke (variance) or you may be more comfortable with the play at that level, you cannot tell in such a short amount of time. If you have the roll ($4000) go for it, if you dont just try it now and then :ok

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Guest gazza271

Re: inspired by the mole

I didn't actually mean it in that context, I meant you always set yourself targets to move up to the next level and maybe occasionally take a shot to test the water. What you shouldn't do is end the year playing the same level you started. Any money made should be put into your bankroll to aid this not withdrawn and blown on material things. Where morls has been remarkable (and I hope he doesn't mind me mentioning this) is that he is on a low salary and he has been using his poker winning to subsidise his lavish lifestyle, so his bankroll suffers. But he realises his level is above what his bankroll suggests so he plays outside his bankroll which does take balls. Last night for you Gazza goes back to the debate with Gaf playing micro stakes. If you have the BR and talent to start at 1/2 then why not start there. If you dont have the BR just take a shot now and then and see how you get on. What I don't recommend is playing a level above without 100% concentration on what you are doing. I would never have a beer and play cash and when on a new level I only play one table until I am comfortable in what I am doing. Last night may have been a fluke (variance) or you may be more comfortable with the play at that level, you cannot tell in such a short amount of time. If you have the roll ($4000) go for it, if you dont just try it now and then :ok
excellent post Bri and points taken on board :ok sober tonight and decided on another dabble on the $1/$2 tables, bought in for maximum $200, was a bit hit and miss to start with and after an hour found myself down to $150 then a player joined the table and got lucky a few times against people and you know when you get that feeling "bingo, I'm going to take all your money son", well it happended and after an hour and half I had his money and my buy in was here....... screenshot009bv0.png Well pleased with that and again felt comftable at that level :ok but also sensible to know my bankroll does not allow me to carry on playing at that level and will be back to the .50/1 tables with the odd visit back here :ok
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Re: inspired by the mole 5 JAN 08 25/50C TABLE 4hr 12 MIN PLAY +$75.64 +$308.05 TOTAL(5 DAYS) TARGET ACHIEVED(5 DAYS) in a way my most pleasing(and longest)session this year.3rd hand in found kk in sb,raised 6x bb,bb called,flop 469 rainbow he went all in ($42) i called,he had 46 os,barmy call from him pre flop but fair play to him he made it pay.so 3 hands and i have $5 i can lose then i have to stop playing :loon grind grind grind,turned it around and got back in profit until my aa(all in pf)got cracked by 22 taking me back to -$32,2 hours more grinding and turned it into a decent day.pleased with my focus and play,hopefully 5 more days i can move up levels if the target is achieved :hope

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Re: inspired by the mole Nice results you two. :clap

so 3 hands and i have $5 i can lose then i have to stop playing :loon
Croc - I see why you do this - the most you can lose is $50 a day, is that right? However what happens if next hand you get AA (or any hand) that you end up all in with and win the pot - you will only win back $5 whereas if you reload to $50 again you stand the chance of doubling back up straight away with your good hands. Just a thought...
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Re: inspired by the mole

Nice results you two. :clap Croc - I see why you do this - the most you can lose is $50 a day, is that right? However what happens if next hand you get AA (or any hand) that you end up all in with and win the pot - you will only win back $5 whereas if you reload to $50 again you stand the chance of doubling back up straight away with your good hands. Just a thought...
i reload to the $50 so in theory i can lose more than my $50 depending what happens next,i dont leave it so i have $5 on the table it will always be the maximum,same as the winning if i am $49 up the last pot could take my winnings to $98 instead of the target $50
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