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inspired by the mole

the croc

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Guest gazza271

Re: inspired by the mole Well after posting the above thought I would sit down for an hour or so, bought in for $100 but found couldnt concentrate as a couple of them kept going on sit out (5 seater) so cashed out after 20 minutes with $136 odd :ok

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Re: inspired by the mole Well, yes I did doubt I could beat the 5c/10c short handed cash tables - read my intro to Challenge 2!!! I've never really beat it before (though not tried consistently and methodically) - indeed I've struggled - I'm NOT a good cash player!! My confidence is on the up now though :ok I'm looking forward to getting my Bankroll to $250 and trying the next level already ;) I dont think I'm playing with any fear - mainly because I've nothing to lose, as it's not my money and I am playing within my bankroll and I'm not trying to play out of my depth - if I cant beat level X, I'd NEVER play level x + 1.....

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Re: inspired by the mole

Why did you give up? You had one bad session/day and are now back with the rest of us trying to make $5.75 an hour grinding at micro stakes.
gave it up at that level as the loss plus a £500 withdrawal that had gone through left me without the bankroll to play that level. must admit i'm finding the low level boring and frustrating but no intention of depositing again,moved up to 12/25c tonight because of boredem and enjoyed it a lot more have to say
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Guest gazza271

Re: inspired by the mole

Do you honestly need reasuring that you can beat 0.05/0.10 nl cash tables. Believe me you can, and when you cant I'll go and get a job because it must mean some one has developed and sold software that plays perfect poker. Your in the same boat as The Croc and its the one I put forward in my first post on this thread. The possibility of losing makes you feel uncomortable even if the losses would be coming out of previous winnings. Apart from being a very good poker player the reason the mole is were he is today is that he doesnt share that fear. All the best Gazza, its great fun isn it!
I totally agree with this post :ok I know for a fact that there are plenty of better players on here than me but as glceud says, it is coming down to the fear factor. It wouldnt be true to say I fear losing loads but I'm not to bothered at losing money because a) its not mine and b) I will get it back long term. I think the players on here playing the low stakes are doing themselves an injustice, kin hell if I can make money then you guys certainly can :ok. I thought I would be "punching above my weight" (take note ricky H):lol:lol:lol but I'm not. Having said all that I've already admitted to having no bankroll knowledge :\:lol but what the hell, I'm loving it again, poker,opera and a couple (not pi$$ed) of beers. I'm enjoying the ride (wait for the thread in a month entitled "help,im broke:lol:lol:lol:lol)
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Re: inspired by the mole

I dont think I'm playing with any fear - mainly because I've nothing to lose, as it's not my money and I am playing within my bankroll and I'm not trying to play out of my depth - if I cant beat level X, I'd NEVER play level x + 1.....
A side point in my short adventure at higher for me stakes, poker tracker has me as follows NL 0.10 2711 hands +38.89 NL 0.50 2383 hands -431.48 NL 1.00 3598 hands +571.94 NL 2.00 52 hands +22.05 Not a massive sample but I beat level x, lost at x+1 and won at x+2 and X+3. Have often heard of people saying they cant beat a certain level despite being able to play at higher ones. Lifes too short guys get some money in your accounts and go play with the mole!
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Guest gazza271

Re: inspired by the mole Dont think I've ever played Prima network for cash, just sat down for a quick 15 min session before bed. .25/.50 $ table, bought in for maximum $50 and left 15 mins later with $73.60. Seemed pretty weak, will give it a proper go tomorrow night :ok

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Re: inspired by the mole Played for 2 hours this morning and ended $25 up. At one point though I nearly threw the towel in after being outdrawn a few times in succession. However I stuck at it and quad 9's certainly cheered my mood. :loon Then it was cat and mouse for a little while longer, a few dollars won here, a few lost there and then boom - My FH beats a lower FH and 3 hands later trips bust a lower pair and it looks like a good session. It's a funny old game. Dec 14th +$25 Overall +$97

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Re: inspired by the mole

A side point in my short adventure at higher for me stakes, poker tracker has me as follows NL 0.10 2711 hands +38.89 NL 0.50 2383 hands -431.48 NL 1.00 3598 hands +571.94 NL 2.00 52 hands +22.05 Not a massive sample but I beat level x, lost at x+1 and won at x+2 and X+3. Have often heard of people saying they cant beat a certain level despite being able to play at higher ones. Lifes too short guys get some money in your accounts and go play with the mole!
Interesting point that GLC, I believe that a certain type of poker player will find it more profitable at higher levels than they're currently playing at.
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Re: inspired by the mole If it is representative (2000 hands isn't many, but lets assume it's enough), then I read that as meaning that there is a flaw in your game, which the style of play at that level is exploiting - if you can "fix" that flaw, then you know your poker understanding has gone up, and that you should be more profitable at higher levels ..... that's a significant reason why I feel I need to be able to beat each and every level before moving up.....

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Re: inspired by the mole I think the flaw might be that I was multi-tabling 0.50/ 1.00 and 0.25/0.50 at the same time and was calling $4.00 at the lower level like it was a small bet which it is at the higher level if you get my drift. A "flaw" in my game, cant have that, I wont sleep at nights.

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Re: inspired by the mole 19 DEC-$167+ ($689+) target reached,1hr 10 mins. bad hand at the start,ace on the flop had me worried but why the guy kept going to the river is beyond me. ***** Hand 873359144 ***** 0.50/1.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 19 December 2007 17:42:42 Table TH 34 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: joschi bia (108.80) Seat 2: Kalkkuna69 (142.63) Seat 3: the croc p (100.40) Seat 4: mattia86 (26.24) Seat 5: geceyolcu (106.97) Kalkkuna69 post SB 0.50 the croc p post BB 1.00 ** Deal ** joschi bia [N/A, N/A] Kalkkuna69 [N/A, N/A] the croc p [Ks, Kd] geceyolcu [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** geceyolcu Call 1.00 joschi bia Fold Kalkkuna69 Fold the croc p Raise to 4.00 geceyolcu Raise to 7.00 the croc p Raise to 15.00 geceyolcu Call 15.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [Jh, 9h, Ad] *** Bet Round 2 *** the croc p Bet 10.00 geceyolcu Call 10.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [Jh, 9h, Ad, 7h] *** Bet Round 3 *** the croc p Check geceyolcu Check *** River(Board): *** : [Jh, 9h, Ad, 7h, 2s] *** Bet Round 4 *** the croc p Check geceyolcu Bet 10.00 the croc p Call 10.00 *** Showdown *** : Rake: 3.00 Total Pot: 67.50 joschi bia Fold Win: 0.00 Kalkkuna69 Fold Win: 0.00 the croc p Fold Win: 0.00 mattia86 [N/A, N/A] Highest card jack Win: 0.00 geceyolcu [Jd, 2d] Two pair jacks and deuces Win: 67.50 i stayed on the table watching mattia86 playing very loose and buying pot after pot with big bets on turn or river,he made the mistake of showing most of his bluffs,so just waited for my chance.he duly obliged :lol ***** Hand 873460242 ***** 0.50/1.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 19 December 2007 18:45:56 Table TH 34 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: jorge001 (53.02) Seat 2: Kalkkuna69 (59.65) Seat 3: the croc p (174.37) Seat 4: mattia86 (153.56) Seat 5: goudvis (111.95) Kalkkuna69 post SB 0.50 the croc p post BB 1.00 ** Deal ** jorge001 [N/A, N/A] Kalkkuna69 [N/A, N/A] the croc p [Qh, Qs] mattia86 [N/A, N/A] goudvis [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** mattia86 Call 1.00 goudvis Fold jorge001 Fold Kalkkuna69 Call 1.00 the croc p Raise to 6.00 mattia86 Call 6.00 Kalkkuna69 Fold *** Flop(Board): *** : [5h, 4c, 8d] *** Bet Round 2 *** the croc p Bet 5.00 mattia86 Call 5.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [5h, 4c, 8d, 9c] *** Bet Round 3 *** the croc p Bet 5.00 mattia86 Raise to 25.00 the croc p Call 25.00 *** River(Board): *** : [5h, 4c, 8d, 9c, 3s] *** Bet Round 4 *** the croc p Check mattia86 All-in 117.56 the croc p Call 117.56 *** Showdown *** : Rake: 3.00 Total Pot: 305.12 jorge001 Fold Win: 0.00 Kalkkuna69 Fold Win: 0.00 the croc p [Qh, Qs] Pair of queens Win: 305.12 mattia86 [Js, 9s] Pair of nines Win: 0.00 goudvis Fold Win: 0.00

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Re: inspired by the mole Dec 20th +$7 Overall +$111 Tried to bring some changes into my game tonight after reading some of the stuff Gaf posted. Seemed to work quite well. I had said to myself if I could make $200 in December I would then have a crack at the next level up. But must admit I am tempted to give the 0.25/0.50c a go next time out. :unsure

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Re: inspired by the mole Stayed at the lower level tonight. Played just under an hour for $2. Not worth it you might think. However, after 10 minutes this happened and I was $25 down: ** Game ID 1778288898 starting - 2007-12-21 23:59:39 ** Putney [Hold 'em] (0.10|0.20 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - sasag sitting in seat 1 with $22.85 - Sleekshot sitting in seat 2 with $22.50 - Mongomannen sitting in seat 3 with $13.78 [Dealer] - BigPike_1 sitting in seat 4 with $19.50 - clubbz sitting in seat 5 with $9.52 - theinternet sitting in seat 6 with $20.00 [sitting out] BigPike_1 posted the small blind - $0.10 clubbz posted the big blind - $0.20 ** Dealing card to Sleekshot: Ace of Spades, Ace of Diamonds sasag called - $0.20 Sleekshot raised - $0.80 Mongomannen folded BigPike_1 folded clubbz folded sasag called - $0.80 ** Dealing the flop: 2 of Clubs, 6 of Clubs, 10 of Diamonds sasag checked Sleekshot bet - $0.95 sasag called - $0.95 ** Dealing the turn: Ace of Clubs sasag checked Sleekshot bet - $3.80 sasag raised - $7.60 Sleekshot went all-in - $16.95 sasag called - $20.75 ** Dealing the river: 8 of Diamonds Sleekshot shows: Ace of Spades, Ace of Diamonds sasag shows: 8 of Clubs, 7 of Clubs sasag wins $43.04 from the main pot End of game 1778288898 No complaints. Looking back I guess the min raise says flush but it was a loose, fast paced table and I thought even if he had it I had outs. Anyway, I launched a squash ball accross the room (:lol), sat out for 5 hands to compose myself then reloaded with $20 and left 45 mins later with $47. So the way I look at it is 2 sessions with the second one yielding $27 in 45 mins which I'm rather pleased with. :) Dec 21st +$2 Overall +$113

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Guest gazza271

Re: inspired by the mole Just spent an hour on the cash tables at virgin, .50/1 $ tables. Bought in for the maximum on each table ($100) and left with $135 and $171 :ok my cash table play is massively different now from my tourny play, will post up a couple of hands for thoughts :ok

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Guest gazza271

Re: inspired by the mole ok first one, this hand got me a tough chat time...... ***** Hand 877662922 ***** 0.50/1.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 22 December 2007 21:14:14 Table TH 799 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: movistar. (132.15) Seat 2: camodan (56.47) Seat 3: Big Mac. (81.20) Seat 4: katamax (119.75) Seat 5: PLgazza (91.50) movistar. post SB 0.50 camodan post BB 1.00 ** Deal ** movistar. [N/A, N/A] camodan [N/A, N/A] Big Mac. [N/A, N/A] katamax [N/A, N/A] PLgazza [Ah, 7h] *** Bet Round 1 *** Big Mac. Fold katamax Fold PLgazza Call 1.00 movistar. Raise to 4.00 camodan Call 4.00 PLgazza Call 4.00 ok my thoughts on this, flush draw so called the 4 x BB raise. *** Flop(Board): *** : [6d, 9h, 8s] *** Bet Round 2 *** movistar. Check camodan Bet 3.00 PLgazza Call 3.00 movistar. Call 3.00 so I hav'nt hit the flush but a straight draw so any bet up to about $4 I'm going to call. *** Turn(Board): *** : [6d, 9h, 8s, 3c] *** Bet Round 3 *** movistar. Check camodan Bet 4.00 PLgazza Call 4.00 movistar. Raise to 8.00 camodan Call 8.00 PLgazza Call 8.00 Flush draw has gone here but still on the straight draw, was multitabling and looking at it now I probably should have dropped this hand at this point :\ but for some reason have called. *** River(Board): *** : [6d, 9h, 8s, 3c, 5s] *** Bet Round 4 *** movistar. Check camodan Check PLgazza Bet 16.00 movistar. Call 16.00 camodan Fold *** Showdown *** : Rake: 3.00 Total Pot: 74.00 movistar. Fold Win: 0.00 camodan Fold Win: 0.00 Big Mac. Fold Win: 0.00 katamax Fold Win: 0.00 PLgazza [Ah, 7h] Straight to the nine Win: 74.00 Get lucky and hit the straight, $48 in the pot and bet $16, to little ? I now think so and after reading Steph's post's I should have bet harder and maximised the money at this stage (despite should not really be in the hand at this stage). Turns out the other guy had 88 and flopped trips. I think this hand was bad play myself and I should have been out of the hand but got lucky :\ Thoughts ?

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Re: inspired by the mole

Bought in for the maximum on each table ($100) and left with $135 and $171 :ok
Nice results gazza. :ok Re that hand - I'm not sure I would be calling the raise. :unsure Once you have done though, nothing wrong with calling the flop bet with your straight draw. And the turn, once you've called the initial $4 bet you may as well call the small min raise of another $4. Once you make your straight, I would bet the pot on the river. This is only after reading mole's posts though - previously I would have bet small to get paid. Now I just whack it in and more often than not the bigger bets do get called too.
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Re: inspired by the mole I just played another hour too. Similar to last night in that after 5 minutes I had lost a buy-in when my PP was beaten by a higher PP on a 7 high flop. Recently I've been playing more aggressively but I think I need to temper it a little bit! :\:lol Anyhow, reloaded again and left with $50. So again it's 2 sessions - 1 of -$20 and 1 of +$30. Now if I can just stop losing a buy-in to start with.... :loon Dec 22nd +$10 Overall +$123

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Guest gazza271

Re: inspired by the mole

fcuk' date=' just won a massive pot[/quote'] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 3.00 Total Pot: 258.50 Dr.Action Fold Win: 0.00 PLgazza [Ah, Ks] Three of a kind, kings , ace kicker Win: 258.50 katamax Fold Win: 0.00 MyFTR Fold Win: 0.00 Dali255 [Qh, Kd] Three of a kind, kings Win: 0.00
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Guest gazza271

Re: inspired by the mole fooking hell, just had 10 minutes at the $2/$4 level, bought in with maximum $400 and left with $501 :ok Left with a profit but fooking hell, scary amounts being bet :lol:lol:lol:lol, think I've a while yet before I sit down at that level :lol:lol:lol:lol

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Re: inspired by the mole Half hour sesh this morning. The bad news - only lost half a buy-in in the first 5 mins this time (poor play from me). :spank The good news - 25 mins later had got it back and then some. :D Dec 23rd +$8 Overall +$131 I'm feeling more confident and the temptation to go to 0.25/0.50c is now more than ever. Will deffo do it from Jan 1st, if not before.

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