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Someone typing ' i will call him' while others still to act


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Just busted out of a 20 dollar freezeout on Bluesquare. My M was quite low so had to make a move. I pushed all in from early position with A4 and the big blind types ' i will call him' . The problem with this that there was still about four people to act before it came to him. Everybody else folded and I failed to improve against his 99 and busted out. I reported the guy to the site, but doubt anything will get done. I have asked them to email me to tell me what they are doing about it. Anyone come across lameness like this before? Was anything done about it? I would have busted out even if he had kept his gob shut, but still annoying the way it happened.

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Re: Someone typing ' i will call him' while others still to act On Poker Stars all chat is disabled whilst a player is all in. I like this feature. Has the guy done anything really that wrong ? Not sure, it's just like in a live game him counting his chips to match your stack. Bit of Poker pyschology really, just wants to deter other people from calling. If I'm online in the game you describe, I'd be more inclined to push agaisnt him, his comments in chat are a sign of weakness.

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Re: Someone typing ' i will call him' while others still to act

Don't really see what your pissed off about! By him typing this it had no effect on other peoples actions.
It might have done, there are plenty of times when I'd consider taking out a short stack with a marginal hand, like low pockets, putting him on a draw. I'm happy to invest a third of my stack for this kind of bet. But I want to know it's going to be heads up. What I don't want is someone coming in behind and reraising me for all my stack, or flat calling and then raising at the river. In this situation in middle postion with the guy on the BB stating he's going to call, it might induce a fold from me. Not quite sure what the orginal callers problem is, I think it's that he didn't get multiple callers with his Ace rag push. To me thats a good thing, you want to go heads up against something like JJ here.
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Re: Someone typing ' i will call him' while others still to act

Not quite sure what the orginal callers problem is, I think it's that he didn't get multiple callers with his Ace rag push. To me thats a good thing, you want to go heads up against something like JJ here.
The original caller's problem is that somebody cheated against him! He said that he'd have been busted anyway: he's not claiming that the cheating damaged him on this occasion. Actually, it's at least conceivable that it did damage him. Maybe without the comment one of the other players would have shoved. Maybe the player who made the comment wouldn't have called to a big raise. Maybe the A4 would have beaten the other hand.
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Re: Someone typing ' i will call him' while others still to act

and if your aunt had balls she'd be your uncle. Still don't see it
I only said it was conceivable, not that it was likely. Is my scenario inconceivable? In any case, the original poster explicitly said that he wasn't complaining because he'd been damaged. He was complaining because another player was cheating.
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Re: Someone typing ' i will call him' while others still to act No of course your scenario isn't impossible, although I struggle to envision a hand that someone would call with that'd fail to beat an unimproved A4. is saying "I will call" cheating ?? I don't really know the answer to that. I know it's bad etiquette in a card room, but cheating ? If it was cheating, then all companies would do what stars do and block chat during an all-in

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Re: Someone typing ' i will call him' while others still to act

No of course your scenario isn't impossible, although I struggle to envision a hand that someone would call with that'd fail to beat an unimproved A4. is saying "I will call" cheating ?? I don't really know the answer to that. I know it's bad etiquette in a card room, but cheating ? If it was cheating, then all companies would do what stars do and block chat during an all-in
It is cheating, the caller is trying to ensure he keeps the pot heads up as another caller in front of him would reduce his chances of winning, regardless of what the original shover is holding. He's essentially jumping the queue and acting out of position.
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Re: Someone typing ' i will call him' while others still to act It's against the rules in live games to act out of turn deliberately. This is the online equivalent. Also chat that's intended to influence another player's action (at least in a multi-player pot ... rules vary in a heads-up pot) is against the rules.

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Re: Someone typing ' i will call him' while others still to act

is it or would it just be classed as a call? depends what the blinds are and how much you have left b4 i would do it but im sure it would be classed as a call
Acting out of turn is an automatic check isn't it?
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Re: Someone typing ' i will call him' while others still to act

No of course your scenario isn't impossible' date=' [b']although I struggle to envision a hand that someone would call with that'd fail to beat an unimproved A4. is saying "I will call" cheating ?? I don't really know the answer to that. I know it's bad etiquette in a card room, but cheating ? If it was cheating, then all companies would do what stars do and block chat during an all-in
There's plenty of hands that people will call a small stack shove with - KQ, KJ, JQ, suited connectors, another ace rag which could split the pot. Regarding the original complaint I agree that the guy is out of order by announcing he will call but I somehow doubt that anything will be done against him.
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Re: Someone typing ' i will call him' while others still to act Got an email back from Bluesquare. Kinda as expected: "Many thanks for your recent complaint regarding player mastino123. I can confirm that mastino123 has now been issued a warning about their conduct and further misuse will result in a loss of their chat facility altogether. We here take chat complaints very seriously and hope that this incident has not spoilt your poker experience. Thank you for notifying us. Moving forward, should you require any assistance now or in the future then please do not hesitate to contact us. Thanks for choosing Blue Sq. Vanessa Customer Service Team Bluesq.com" Some good points made here. Probably wouldnt call it 'cheating', just very bad etiquette that could have had an influence in the final outcome. Hodgey mentioned some of the types of hands I wouldnt mind have being up against, but the mid/late postition players would have been reluctant to calll/raise with someone behind them clearly wanting to be involved. What was even more annoying was when I had pocket queens in the same game and hit trips on the flop. Getting all excited as the play moved aroumd to me.... the player before me seemed to be taking a long time to act. Patiently I wait, then before you know it it says I have timed out. Grrr:\. I would have tripled up as well as an ace was on the board as well and two people moved all in. Not the first time it has happened to me on this site. That was even more annoying than mastino typing what he did!

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Re: Someone typing ' i will call him' while others still to act Plastikman when I see the table freeze on any i-poker site like Blue Square I always pre-select my action even if it isn't ideal. I'd rather make a min raise but still be involved in a hand rtaher than waiting for my turn.

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Re: Someone typing ' i will call him' while others still to act

Plastikman when I see the table freeze on any i-poker site like Blue Square I always pre-select my action even if it isn't ideal. I'd rather make a min raise but still be involved in a hand rather than waiting for my turn.
Thats a good shout. I will keep that in mind.
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