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The Official: I'm an idiot thread


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Just need to get this off my chest as it's playing on my mind as it's the most i've ever lost in a hand - just a few hrs ago, but it's not in the strategy section as it's pretty obvious what i should have been doing, starting with not calling UTG pre flop! I'd like to induct myself into the Idiot Hall of Fame with this call... Firstly before you see the horror show, i'd like to point out that my initial thought was to instantaneously fold as it was so obvious that's why i said 'Sick'... Table #5171952 - Infinity Starting Hand #254588235 Last Hand #254587067 Game Type: Hold'em Limit Type: No Limit Table Type: Ring Money Type: REAL MONEY Blinds are now $0.50/$1 Button is at seat 10 Seat 1: Tiredman - $35.45 Seat 2: bobbyhotrocks - $73.45 Seat 3: Jack26Williams - $139.04 Seat 4: 27Nade - $149.60 Seat 5: Seylo - $160.37 Seat 6: Ambush - $36.80 Seat 7: PaTrickTonFion - $85.75 Seat 8: crapov - $103.50 Seat 9: Mykoz - $18.99 (away from table) Seat 10: sharkkiller1 - $104.75 Moving Button to seat 1 bobbyhotrocks posts small blind ($0.50) Jack26Williams posts big blind ($1) Shuffling Deck Dealing Cards Dealing [7c 7s] to 27Nade 27Nade calls $1 Seylo raises to $5 Ambush folds PaTrickTonFion folds crapov calls $5 sharkkiller1 folds Tiredman folds bobbyhotrocks folds Jack26Williams folds 27Nade calls $5 Dealing Flop [7h 9c Kh] 27Nade checks Seylo bets $4 crapov raises to $10 27Nade raises to $22 Seylo raises to $155.37 (all-in) crapov calls $98.50 (all-in) 27Nade can't believe it. 27Nade: sick 27Nade calls $144.60 (all-in) Returning $10.77 to Seylo uncalled 27Nade shows [7c 7s] Seylo shows [Kd Kc] crapov shows [Ac Ad] Dealing Turn [Ts] Dealing River [Td] Taking Rake of $3 from pot 1 Seylo has Full House, Kings over 10s Seylo wins $92.20 from side pot #1 with: Full House, Kings over 10s Seylo wins $309 with: Full House, Kings over 10s PaTrickTonFion chuckles. Seat 1: Tiredman - $35.45 Seat 2: bobbyhotrocks - $72.95 Seat 3: Jack26Williams - $138.04 Seat 4: 27Nade - $0 Seat 5: Seylo - $411.97 Seat 6: Ambush - $36.80 Seat 7: PaTrickTonFion - $85.75 Seat 8: crapov - $0 Seat 9: Mykoz - $18.99 Seat 10: sharkkiller1 - $104.75 End Of Hand #254588235 27Nade: wow Seylo: sry m8 bobbyhotrocks: sick absolutely sick However, as the timer ticked down to near time out i convinced myself Seylo had AA and the other person was donking with AK. It didn't leave me angry at any bad luck, this thread isn't a bad beat so doesn't fit in that thread, just need to get it in the open because i'm just bemused and for the first time in a long long while on the cash tables i felt like an uber donk :eyes. Means i'm back grinding the 10/25's lol, but ground my way from 80 to 800 within the last month barely playing so no worries on that really. Bankroll management comes into this as well, tbh i had been bored grinding all the time and was comfortable not playing within sound bankroll mangement after i'd withdrawn 600 a couple of days ago meant i was playing half my roll on the site at the table. :lol Enjoy

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Re: The Official: I'm an idiot thread Cheers :cheers Glad i shared that hand as crushed the 10/25 in about 1 and half hour made over $100. Doing that stint on the 10/25 reminded me of the 'old days' when me and Crouch Potato (whatever happened to him :unsure) crushed it constantly and the level higher, great thread by Crouch on one of the first few pages of poker strategy if anyone hasn't seen it, it's a good laugh!

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Re: The Official: I'm an idiot thread

I think your being a little hard on yourself Nade - Nothing wrong with the call, and you got pretty much a dream flop, only 2 hands are beating you. It must be gutting to lose that amount but, hey ask Mole if he could have got away from it :)
I don't know it was just screaming cold deck all over and i knew it and still called :eyes but cheers for the words, and scary to think if that happened at Mole's level :loon
Oh come on lads wade in! :spank:spank:spank ;) (unlucky nade)
:rollin TBF people have been kind on me, what a great bunch you are! (so far) ;)
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Re: The Official: I'm an idiot thread

The main idiot is the AA is guy for cold calling preflop. If this hand was played 'properly' you get away losing just $1' date=' and AA man moans about how sick it was. UL Nade I call here everytime, just get properly rolled![/quote'] I think crapovs call of the KK raise to $5 is not that bad - from his perspective someones doing the work of getting money in the pot for him. I'm not so sure of his all-in after the flop because he so many indications that people are on trips or even two pair - mind you they'd have to be idiots to have stayred with K9 K7. I'd have probably done the same as you Nade (although it's more of a FR/ MTT play) and felt sick about going all in after the reraise of my raise after the flop especially if I had Seylo and or crapov down as sensible players. Middle pairs, as was pointed out by a recent article in one the mags are a bitch to play. So (maybe) an idiot play ... but I think a lot of us would be in the same asylum ward as you :lol. Its the sort of hand that they show on TV with the commentor (knowing the cards) saying "the correct play is to lay-down the 77, but its a hard thing to do".
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Re: The Official: I'm an idiot thread You are being way too hard on yourself Nade! To lose your buy-in chasing a straight or over-valueing TPTK is an idiotic move. (I should know, I'm bound to have done it;)) If I had kept records, I think it would show me that on the occasions (thankfully infrequent) I have lost my buy-in it has been either set over set, 2nd nut flush vs nut flush, or full house over full house. When that occurs, you just have to put it down to one of those things. On your hand above, take the guy with KK out of the equation and your flopped set vs AA would have made you a mint. Count how many times you've done that, and i bet it is more times than you've lost your buy-in:ok.

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Re: The Official: I'm an idiot thread

The main idiot is the AA is guy for cold calling preflop. If this hand was played 'properly' you get away losing just $1' date=' and AA man moans about how sick it was. UL Nade I call here everytime, just get properly rolled![/quote'] This was one of my initial thoughts, technically they played their hand well, it was very well disguised no way did i put them on AA :loon and if they had re-raised to say $10 there's no way i call and so as you say only lose $1 so it was a bugger for me them flat calling. I asked Mole my question after the hand happened ;)
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Re: The Official: I'm an idiot thread

I think your being a little hard on yourself Nade - Nothing wrong with the call, and you got pretty much a dream flop, only 2 hands are beating you. It must be gutting to lose that amount but, hey ask Mole if he could have got away from it :)
No way , you just got to pay the man, played it spot on in my eyes.You sometimes get sick set ups but not a lot you can do.
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Re: The Official: I'm an idiot thread

Doyle Brunson says in Super System that if you have set-under-set and don't lose all your money, then you probably played it wrong. If it's good enough for Doyle............
Agree with others here Nade. It's very unlucky, but you called the raise, hoping to catch a set, and did exactly that. Only other way to limit your exposure is to play with less money at the table .... but that limits your winnings on those other occasions when you flop a set and get paid out. Pick yourself, dust yourself down, and start all over again - which you've already done anyway. :hope
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Re: The Official: I'm an idiot thread

I'm surprised by how many people think AA played it well. I mean we know AA vs KK it's all going in sooner or later 90% of the time (unless you bet/raise and reraise in the dark like HSP!). But if your on AA there why do you want to play it multiway? Why let people draw on you for free? Playing mostly ABC will win like everyone always says here, so why cold call with AA there. Sometimes it might make you a bit when they c-bet, but quite often they call your reraise anyway. And in this hand at least he would have got it in as fav.

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Re: The Official: I'm an idiot thread This was a 10/20 euro game last night, i knew he was drawing for the flush but you just got to stick em in with a set ( after all thats why you play the mid = low pairs).....nice river though :) ***** Hand 852138120 ***** 10.00/20.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 03 December 2007 22:35:09 Table TH 60 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: Domce (383.08) Seat 2: Alusch54 (3540.00) Seat 3: thecortstr (6422.44) Seat 4: the_mole (3173.00) Seat 5: Mr.chill. (5023.00) Domce post SB 10.00 Alusch54 post BB 20.00 ** Deal ** Domce [N/A, N/A] Alusch54 [N/A, N/A] thecortstr [N/A, N/A] the_mole [8s, 8h] Mr.chill. [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** thecortstr Raise to 80.00 the_mole Call 80.00 Mr.chill. Fold Domce Fold Alusch54 Fold *** Flop(Board): *** : [8c, 9s, 2s] *** Bet Round 2 *** thecortstr Bet 140.00 the_mole Raise to 340.00 thecortstr All-in 6342.44 the_mole All-in 3093.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [8c, 9s, 2s, As] *** River(Board): *** : [8c, 9s, 2s, As, 9d] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 3.00 Total Pot: 6373.00 Domce Fold Win: 0.00 Alusch54 Fold Win: 0.00 thecortstr [Js, Ks] Ace high flush Win: 0.00 the_mole [8s, 8h] Full house Win: 6373.00 Mr.chill. Fold Win: 0.00

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