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Live final, slow blinds, deep stack


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I've been playing in a poker league for a while now, it's the grand final on Saturday. There are 5 venues, they each put their top ten players into the final. Winner takes a prize valued at $5k, there is no second place prize. I'm not that stressed about the standard, I know I'm one of the better players there, I was the top money winner at my venue. What I'm wondering about is how do I adapt my game to the different structure. We normally start with 1500 chips and 25/50 blinds, blinds double every 20 mins. You normally get about one lap of the table on each blind, with a full table. In the final we're starting off with 5000 chips and 40 minute blind levels. I'm not that sure how to adapt my game to this; in the normal games, you need to play fairly quickly, certainly you need to win a decent pot in the first three levels or you're down over a third of your stack in blinds alone. If you play a big hand and lose, you're in trouble. In online terms it's closer to a turbo. For the live game, I'm picking that people will be really tight at the start, no one will want to go out first, it's taken 16 weeks to make the final. I was thinking about setting a quarter of my chips aside at the start, and use them as a stick and play super agressive, first level or two and try and chip build. Advice please

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Re: Live final, slow blinds, deep stack I would see how other people are playing. You may find that because they're used to the turbo format they'll keep playing that way in which case the best option would be patience during the first few levels, only playing big hands or limping with drawing hands, then change gears to take advantage of your tight image. IMO it's always a good plan to take advantage of a deep structure by playing tight to start with and gather info on your opponents.

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Re: Live final, slow blinds, deep stack

Winner takes a prize valued at $5k, there is no second place prize. I was thinking about setting a quarter of my chips aside at the start, and use them as a stick and play super agressive, first level or two and try and chip build. Advice please
Winner takes all makes it a whole new ball game from normal deep stacked poker and I have a sneaky feeling loose ultra aggressive might be the answer. One thing sure though you have to gamble as others will and if you dont accumulate chips you will need to get real lucky with getting cards preflop and them holding up later in tourney. Having said that tight early and then hoping to get lucky mid to late is my normal syle and I do O.K, but I dont think it is best if your only aim is to win the tourney.
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Re: Live final, slow blinds, deep stack Went out somewhere in the middle, finished about 20th. Was doing well after a shocking start where I lost 90% of my chips with a dumb play, I doubled up a few times, then quadrupled up on one hand with quad tens on the river. Three hours in, i'm chip leader and get moved from my table where I know most people and am comfortable to another table full of noisy maoris where I know no one. three players smoking at the table which annoys me (we were playing outside in the courtyard). I find myself sitting further and further back in my chair, I just hate the table and don't want to be there. 20 mins later I'm out when my nut flush draw loses to trip queens. Pretty pissed off at myself, the game was there for the taking and I let the situation and my dislike for the people influence my game. Lesson there for me.

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Re: Live final, slow blinds, deep stack Its not really relevant in advance but its worth while mentioning that when you don't like how things are going then the beauty of live play is being able to sit out, take a break and regroup without it costing you a ridiculous number of missed hands. I don't know if thats something you do but I know when I first started going to the casino I was glued to my seat for fear of missing any hand. Nowadays I'll take a break and not worry whats dealt in my absence. Unlucky mate but if its something learned then its not been completely wasted. :ok

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