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How would you play this? JJ Button 1st Hand, high implied odds, low standard game


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Re: How would you play this? JJ UTG 1st Hand, high implied odds, low standard game

I'm surprised how many (erm...everyone so far) would risk their tournament calling with an underpair to the board against 2/3 opponents..... at this stage, for me, it's an easy lay down (a tough position I got into because I played the earlier parts of he hand so poorly)..
I agree with you on the river: I'd fold like a shot. People have made the point that in a poor standard tournament, players are more likely to overplay mediocre hands, which is no doubt true. But a point that hasn't been made yet is that the fact that the standard is poor also means that your tournament life is more valuable, as you're more likely to get opportunities to rebuild your stack.
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Re: How would you play this? JJ UTG 1st Hand, high implied odds, low standard game

Why does it say UTG in the title? I raise pre, raise flop, check fold turn/river btw
I could swear I was under the gun :unsure But looks like I have the button..... No excuse for not having raised pre flop then....
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