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Classy Plays - Great Lay Downs


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Are you particularly proud of the way you played a hand? Is it a text book example to others of how to make a Great Lay Down? Then post the hand history and thoughts and let us see :ok We dont care about results - whether you win or lose the hand is of no significance, whether you make money/chips or lose, makes no difference to the strength of your play - we dont want your bad beats here ;) Note: By posting your hand here you are inviting feedback, analysis and comment from others

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Re: Classy Plays - Great Lay Downs BossMedia Game #748444149: Table TH Mini 63 - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - - 2007/09/10

Seat 1: uhl15 ($9.90)

Seat 2: Nanacuebal ($23.61)

Seat 3: Snuwerd ($9.85)

Seat 4: ROMIR777 ($9.90)

Seat 5: KrisztianF ($10.00)

Seat 6: Hedonists ($9.84)

Seat 7: stealthy ($9.37)

Seat 8: fazio ($10.00)

Seat 9: katena40 ($5.00)

Seat 10: Strašidlo ($14.98)

Strašidlo posts the small blind of $0.05

Nanacuebal posts the big blind of $0.10

stealthy is the button

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Hedonists [Ad Ah]

Snuwerd folds

ROMIR777 folds

KrisztianF folds

Hedonists raises $0.40

stealthy calls $0.40

Strašidlo calls $0.40

Nanacuebal folds

*** FLOP *** [Ts As Jd]

Strašidlo checks

Hedonists bets $1.00

stealthy calls $1.00

Strašidlo calls $1.00

*** TURN *** [Ts As Jd] [9s]

Strašidlo checks

Hedonists bets $2.00

stealthy calls $2.00

Strašidlo raises $4.00

Hedonists calls $4.00

stealthy calls $4.00

*** RIVER *** [Ts As Jd 9s] [3d]

Strašidlo goes all-in with $9.58

Hedonists folds

stealthy goes all-in with $3.97

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $23.03 | Rake $1.21

Board: [Ts As Jd 9s 3d]

Hedonists won ($0.00), mucks

stealthy won ($0.00), showed [Tc Td]

Strašidlo won ($23.03), showed [Qs 5s]

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Re: Classy Plays - Great Lay Downs

nice laydown tom:ok out of intrest would you have done the same vs 1 player tho.i think vs 2 players that board is looking very scary but against 1 i think i may well have called.
Good question. I *think* I probably would have on that hand, mainly because he seemed a fairly solid player. If it was 1 v 1 and I'd seen him bluff at a few pots, I'd have been much more inclined to call. As soon as he bet the 9s, I put him on the flush, rather than a straight. I thought if he had KQ, he would have bet the flop harder and it seemed unlikely he 78. I decided to see the river anyway, as I had upto 12 outs for a full house and 1 out for quads.
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