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Classy plays - Using position


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Are you particularly proud of the way you played a hand? Is it a text book example to others of how to use position? Then post the hand history and thoughts and let us see :ok We dont care about results - whether you win or lose the hand is of no significance, whether you make money/chips or lose, makes no difference to the strength of your play - we dont want your bad beats here ;) Note: By posting your hand here you are inviting feedback, analysis and comment from others

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Re: Classy plays - Using position Thought I'd kick this thread off here with a kinda standard-ish floaty micro hand. The "Villain" here is quite a good, aggressive player, he knows I can be raising in position when folded to with crap. He therefore reraises from the blinds quite often and after doing this will c-bet any flop. AJo might look a loose call to a reraise, but I know here he can be reraising with broadway cards, suited aces and medium pocket pairs possibly even air obviously he can have me crushed but I have position and can fold an A high flop if I feel I'm behind. So I decide to take a flop in position. To illustrate how I know this he folds his BB to steals 58.25% of the time and his vpip is 25.07% and preflop raise is 19.84. Therefore most pots he's involved in he is raising, and isn't folding his BB too often, therefore is reraising from BB a lot vs a steal. He bets the flop as I know he will and its a kind of scary flop as I know it can hit his range quite easily, but equally it can easily hit my range. I decide to float the flop here as if I am calling with a flush draw or straight draw. A scarecard comes on the turn and he checks it to me, I don't see this as a check of strength, because if he hits his flush here he bets again with a disguised hand. The range of hands he checks to me here include any pocket pair that hasn't hit a set, possibly even AK. Now here I also now have a nut flush draw to semi bluff with which is very useful and my A may be good too. So I basically virtually pot bet, to make it clear I'm not folding and he has to have a hand to call, any underpair he will obviously fold, KQ and below I think he folds, he may even fold AK. If he has a set or flush I have a few outs. But in the end no worries he folds, I take down a nice size pot. - Villain sitting in seat 2 with $19.70 - Farorm sitting in seat 3 with $28.19 - Ravageur sitting in seat 4 with $21.56 - Hero sitting in seat 5 with $20.23 [Dealer] Villain posted the small blind - $0.10 Farorm posted the big blind - $0.20 ** Dealing card to Hero: Ace of Diamonds, Jack of Clubs Ravageur folded Hero raised - $0.80 Villain raised - $2.70 Farorm folded Hero called - $2.70 ** Dealing the flop: 6 of Diamonds, King of Diamonds, 8 of Spades Villain bet - $3.20 Hero called - $3.20 ** Dealing the turn: 7 of Diamonds Villain checked Hero bet - $12.00 Villain folded Hero mucks: Hero wins $22.40 from the main pot I could probably just raise his flop bet here, but on a drawy board I would rather represent the scarecard when it comes. And I know he isn't double barrelling with air often. Also I probably should bet less on the turn as if I did hit the flush I wouldn't bet this much more like $8 or $9. But a bigger bet gives me more fold equity and theres no point folding a none diamond river with $4 or whatever left. Looking forward to others, and/or criticism. Thanks, Rob

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