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Hornet's Strategy Question: Part 2


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This one is taken from last night's Ladbrokes Deep Stack tournament. Of the original 320 players about 45 are left. I am in about 15th, top 30 get paid. 7 players on my table, blinds are 800/1600. UTG and UTG+1 fold, short stack on table goes all-in for 11525. I am next to act. I have 25974 chips. I have pocket 10's. Should I fold, call, or raise? Cheers Steve

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Re: Hornet's Strategy Question: Part 2 I raise all in - happy to isolate - happy to get my chips in (even as a call) when I'm only behind to 3 hands. The short stack has quite a wide range - 3 hands you're behind to, a number of hands you're racing with (but slightly ahead), and you're quite a way ahead of other hands....

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Re: Hornet's Strategy Question: Part 2

I raise all in - happy to isolate - happy to get my chips in (even as a call) when I'm only behind to 3 hands. The short stack has quite a wide range - 3 hands you're behind to, a number of hands you're racing with (but slightly ahead), and you're quite a way ahead of other hands....
its 4 hands AA-JJ :) tricky one this - any more info on the shover? has he/she been doing this alot? have they just had a bad beat etc? Cheers Damo
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Re: Hornet's Strategy Question: Part 2 Depends if you wanna race for nearly 50% of your stack, most likely they're pusing with AK-KJ. Either push or fold here. Think i fold. Would be more confident going all in with AK than 1010 here.

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Re: Hornet's Strategy Question: Part 2

They were fairly new to the table' date=' and had been doing nothing of note up to this point.[/quote'] still don't know:unsure - there is no calling, if you do play you must shove to isolate (and to create a side pot if you get called behind). do you think that if you fold you can take advantage of others and keep taking the blinds? if the others are weak passive then I might fold and wait for a better spot and pick up some blinds to keep me going. excellent question! :ok Damo
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Re: Hornet's Strategy Question: Part 2 Personally wouldnt push here, but I would flat call. Think the 11000 bet would stop any one from calling without at least as good a hand as pkt 10's so why put your tourney on the line by reraising all in? Think any one playing the hand after you would be happy enough to call and win a 33,000 pot no matter how good their hand was preflop. If you get reraised all in you have a problem, but not as big a one as you would have if you pushed and got called.

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Re: Hornet's Strategy Question: Part 2 i think both the above posts make a lot of sense. as damo said it makes more sense to fold on a tighter table, so that would swing my judgement more to folding in that situation. i also think that glceuds comment is very valid but i think stack sizes after me would dictate my play regarding this. if there were a couple of big stacks after me then calling could be the right option especially if there is a mega stack,your call does signal strength and i wouldn't expect a reraise without at least qs. like you say a reraise makes your 10s look a little weak and you still have a reasonable stack if you fold. if there were stacks up to the 18000 area then i would push. you would be pretty much forced to call another 6k in a 33k pot anyway and the raise may push out some pretty good hands that might call. good question hornet:okas it seems to be one with no answer but loads more questions .a bit like a episode of lost;) i now think 33%fold 33%call 33%raise and the other 1%undecided the general table situation would dictate my play but even then it only sways it more one way rather than another

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Re: Hornet's Strategy Question: Part 2 Thanks for all your ideas guys:ok. It was interesting to see all 3 options have their backers. I actually called the raise. I was confident that the three players to act wouldn't come over the top (unless they had AA/KK etc), and they wouldn't just call as they had between 15-25K and would be pot-committed. They duly folded. No happy ending here (Is there ever??:sad) as he turned over AJs. All went well until the river when he spiked his third spade for the flush.:@

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Re: Hornet's Strategy Question: Part 2

Personally wouldnt push here' date=' but I would flat call. Think the 11000 bet would stop any one from calling without at least as good a hand as pkt 10's so why put your tourney on the line by reraising all in? Think any one playing the hand after you would be happy enough to call and win a 33,000 pot no matter how good their hand was preflop. If you get reraised all in you have a problem, but not as big a one as you would have if you pushed and got called.[/quote'] Calling for 30-40% of your stack and then folding PF to a shove is a much worse play IMHO than shoving or folding. lets make an assumption - the big stack on the button with 60K in chips has 33-55, A6-A10s, KQ/KJ/K10 - if you shove your 30K, its an instant muck as its 50% of his stack - if you call, he sees the chance to call for only 1/6th of his stack and hope to hit. You do not want anyone else in the hand at all, by shoving you are demonstrating that, by calling you are encouraging someone with a bigger stack to call with position with a marginal hand and hope to hit If you shove and run into AA-QQ then your are unlucky, but you have outs and have created a side pot, by just calling and checking a flop of Q85, you are giving the big stack caller behind you a chance to bet 6K into the pot and get you to fold the (probable) better hand, hoping that the AI player has missed. Just my thoughts Damo
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