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GBPT Grand Final


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Guest gazza271

Re: GBPT Grand Final

Good luck mate :ok You seen your mention in the latest Poker Player mag? (for your blog)
saw that mention as well :ok:ok:ok GL mate, will check the updates :ok
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Re: GBPT Grand Final Passantino gets paid 9 minutes ago by Reporter Benedetto Passantino flops a set of jacks and with no real scare cards for his opponent Marcus Farthing’s pocket kings, Passantino gets plenty of value from his set. Passantino up to around 24,000. FArthing in bad shape on about 2,400. :ok

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Re: GBPT Grand Final Gold out Thu, Nov 8th 2007, 17:46 by Reporter Blinds are now 100/200. Jamie Gold says he is raising but only puts 250 in the middle so it goes as a call. Joe Beevers makes it 1300 and Gold moves all in for a total of 6300 then stands up and puts his coat on. Joe says there is too much in the middle for him not to make the call, but he needed have worried about pot odds as he’s miles ahead with Aspades.gif Qdiamonds.gif versus Gold’s 5clubs.gif 7hearts.gif The board safely falls kclubs.gif 3diamonds.gif Jspades.gif Kspades.gif 3. clubs. and Joe eliminates Mr Gold.

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Re: GBPT Grand Final good luck mo :hope Table 1: Andrew Mitson -- 10,200 Omar Ghandur -- 27,000 Marcus Farthing -- 16,150 Pete Singleton -- 36,000 Xanthos Charalambos -- 26,300 -- Empty Seat -- Benedetto Passantino -- 19,300 Roland De Wolfe -- 25,000 Richard Haile -- 17,900 Table 2: Mark Stewart -- 36,000 -- Empty Seat -- Fiachra Meere -- 10,125 Ian Woodley -- 24,500 Barny Boatman -- 16,700 Pat Donegan -- 43,000 Eddie Gaines -- 8,325 Jitesh Thakker -- 20,900 John Tabatabai -- 2,725 Table 3: Alex Torrance -- 23,000 Bobby Rach -- 21,000 Andrew Feenan -- 11,550 Mika Ollila -- 27,200 Peter Cockayne -- 10,350 William Haughney -- 18,500 Paul Hardwidge -- 18,450 Andrew Flemming -- 14,400 Richard Ashby -- 5,850 Table 4 -- Empy Seat -- Mark Seagal -- 11,500 (see below) Rob Akery -- 32,050 John Bousfield -- 5,025 Rob Sherwood -- 13,250 Chris Royle -- 24,800 Joe Beevers -- 33,875 Ben Blackmore -- 17,800 Guiseppe Pillitteri -- 11,525

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Re: GBPT Grand Final Whilst floppy soaks up the action occurring like a sponge, all the action seems to die whenever I join a table. I'd like to think that the players all tighten up their game in front of me, keen not to make an error and appear foolish, although this is highly unlikely to be the reason... Whatever, in 10 minutes of walking round the tables, the best hand I could find to comment on involved Pete Singleton limping under the gun. Joe Beevers, DaMatrix, and Roland De Wolfe also limped before the small blind completed and big blind checked. "What have i started!" asks Pete exasperatedly at the limpathon occurring behind him. The flop of As 7s.png8d.png is checked around to Roland, who picks up 2 yellow chips and 2 100 chips and spins the 2,200 bet out fluidly. Everyone folds to his wolfish aggression and he shows the table 8s.png5s.png for a flopped pair and flush draw...

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Re: GBPT Grand Final Table consolidation Thu, Nov 8th 2007, 21:12 by Reporter Play has now been reduced to three tables. Joe Beevers has been moved to table 1 along with Roland de Wolfe and Pete Singleton. He’s once again been placed to the left of a dead stack, and with rock-like Singleton to his right he will probably be hoping for more free chips.

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Re: GBPT Grand Final Benedetto Passantino's Chip Counts

8th Nov 2007, 2:30PM15,000
8th Nov 2007, 3:10PM13,000
8th Nov 2007, 4:50PM15,500
8th Nov 2007, 5:32PM24,000
8th Nov 2007, 5:47PM24,000
8th Nov 2007, 7:05PM20,400
8th Nov 2007, 8:38PM18,200
8th Nov 2007, 9:39PM12,000
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Re: GBPT Grand Final End of day chip counts from another forum doing live updates. I see aswell as Ben, Mark Stuart from Poker Plaer Mag is still in, as is a player who didnt turn up; Omar Ghandur -- 19,050 Marcus Farthing -- 27,800 Pete Singleton -- 12,775 Joe Beevers -- 54,950 Benedetto Passantino -- 21,425 Roland De Wolfe -- 29,950 Richard Haile -- 20,950 Alex Torrance -- 13,825 Bobby Rach -- 12,975 Andrew Mitson -- 20,650 Mika Ollila -- 42,850 Peter Cockayne -- 28,875 Andrew Flemming -- 35,200 Rob Akery -- 72,325 Mark Stuart -- 55,225 Mark Segal (the Dead Stack) -- 1,000 Ian Woodley -- 34,775 Barny Boatman -- 36,500 Bambos -- 36,800 Jitesh Thakker -- 36,625 Chris Royle -- 33,475

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Re: GBPT Grand Final Da Matrix not the One 39 minutes ago by Reporter BenedettoPassantinoGBPT.jpg Benedetto Passantino moved all-in on a jack-high flop with pocket kings and was called by Matt Tyler with ace-jack. Tyler spiked an ace on the turn to eliminate the unfortunate Passantino. Well done to get that far mate :clap :clap

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Re: GBPT Grand Final From earlier Joe backs down then doubles up Da Matrix Sat, Nov 10th 2007, 15:53 by Robert JoeBeeversFocussed.jpg Joe Beevers makes it 3600 from the button with short stack Omar Gandhur in the big blind. Omar reraises all-in, a further 16,000 for Joe to call. He dwells for 3-4 minutes with the TV cameras rolling before laying it down. Shortly afterwards Joe raises Benedetto Passantino’s big blind and once again the big blind comes back over the top. It’s another 14,000 of so for Joe to call I was told and he does so holding 10s against Ben’s AQ. Ben flops the ace and by the river has an ace high flush to take the pot. Joe down to 38,000.

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